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Black Sails Mafia (S1): Day 5


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8 minutes ago, Forge said:

@JoshstraDaymus I figured you were scum after the first flip. Randall is part of the mutiny. 

So it didn't matter between you and ksj. Ultimately, decided on you in case ksj godfather mechanic was weird and had to be all green and red scum or something. I was also hoping greens kills were the delayed ones

I’m honestly just happy that KSJ didn’t win because I didn’t feel he deserved it and I’m not sorry for that comment.

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So, who killed Squire, and why? I don't get it. Pretty soon my material that's hilarious to myself and now apparently others is going to be completely useless and I'm going to have to circle back to yelling at SwAg and Matts like a madman, borderline incoherently, and then completely messing up in lylo.

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1 minute ago, MWil23 said:

So, who killed Squire, and why? I don't get it. Pretty soon my material that's hilarious to myself and now apparently others is going to be completely useless and I'm going to have to circle back to yelling at SwAg and Matts like a madman, borderline incoherently, and then completely messing up in lylo.

my guess is bcb

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24 minutes ago, Blue said:

Poor Matts.

You pardoning Daniel...LOL.

Highlights of this game for me:

Day Killing @rackcs to complete SwAg's mafia circle that started with him killing me...and I was also trying to see if you guys had a convert so that I would be converted, but alas, that didn't happen.

Intentionally not submitting kills on two nights, which made SwAg incredulous to the point of berating me via PM.

Drawing a Town role...FINALLY.

Playing by Forge's rules, and encouraging at least 2 others to do the same...I think we almost talked @Daniel into doing it too, so that's a win.

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2 hours ago, MWil23 said:

You pardoning Daniel...LOL.


Playing by Forge's rules, and encouraging at least 2 others to do the same...I think we almost talked @Daniel into doing it too, so that's a win.

To be fair, I knew Blue was Indy at the time, and I was telling the truth about my information specifically to appeal to him.  Since I knew he likely knew he was the only Indy, and therefore that I was telling the truth about my ability.  Which I was.  In fact, the only things I lied about the whole time was the number of scummies I found (which is a blunder I'll explain in more detail later) and my alignment.  Literally everything else I told yall was true.

Bold: Nah, bro.  I only play by my own rules.


Edited by Daniel
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Just now, Daniel said:

To be fair, I knew Blue was Indy at the time, and I was telling the truth about my information specifically to appeal to him.  Since I knew he likely knew he was the only Indy, and therefore that I was telling the truth about my ability.  Which I was.  In fact, the only things I lied about the whole time was the number of scummies I found (which is a blunder I'll explain in more detail later) and my alignment.  Literally everything else I told yall was true.

I had my own theories about Blue, but I was too preoccupied with the redirect out there N1. I knew that I had to come out with the information and hard claim ASAP, which I absolutely hated, but I couldn't afford to have scum use me with that ability the rest of the game.

Sidenote, my story about the ratio and faking a censor thing was 100% spot on. I faked an invest N1, got three people voted out (all Town, LOL), claimed a failed gambit with an apology D5, survived, and then finally was voted out D6. Literally a 5 day headstart. LOL

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1 minute ago, MWil23 said:

I had my own theories about Blue, but I was too preoccupied with the redirect out there N1. I knew that I had to come out with the information and hard claim ASAP, which I absolutely hated, but I couldn't afford to have scum use me with that ability the rest of the game.

Sidenote, my story about the ratio and faking a censor thing was 100% spot on. I faked an invest N1, got three people voted out (all Town, LOL), claimed a failed gambit with an apology D5, survived, and then finally was voted out D6. Literally a 5 day headstart. LOL

You played well.  But yeah, we didn't need to theorize about Blue, since we had an investigation from Night 1 that he was Indy.  We knew who the other scum faction was almost immediately too.

Townies really, really, really shouldn't claim abilities early in the game, by the way.  It just helps us scummies coordinate our efforts.

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