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STAR WARS Mafia (Galactic Empire, Lando Calrissian wins!)

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It was obviously the Emperor who did it, and if the Emperor isn't Town, I don't know who is

Why they thought it was a great idea to not check whether my results were correct (they are), and leave us with no clarity on the list of players that contains at minimum two scum, in order to kill someone who is not a threat to Town, I don't ******* know.

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So just in case it was unclear, the third-party alignment I received from the Matts/Pickle/Glen/Tugboat group was Scoundrel. Hence my attempts to offer them mercy should they admit to their scurrilous ways.

Seeing Malf was a survivor role makes me feel good about my magnanimous offer, but the offensive play of the players in question makes me regret such kindness.

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