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Maximum Carnage Mafia (Legacy) - GAME OVER Bcb wins and everyone else loses, lol


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I’m shocked the Goff trade conversation didn’t get more traction after their GM’s comments last week. “Right now Jared is a Ram and we’ll see what the future holds.” Imagine that in any other relationship. “Right now we are dating, and we will see about the future...”

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2 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Thankfully, it would just be a stop gap. I think they walk away with their QB in the draft. 

Yep. Eat his salary for a year, dump him, and use those high picks to rebuild. I love Stafford, but this is good for everyone I think.

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Night 4

Enraged, a red and black amorphous figure darts about the streets, looking for his next victim. Suddenly, he spots him, and a grotesque smile spreads across an already-grinning face. The scythed hands slice and dice his victim, and this time, no guardian angel arrives to save Malfatron, who bleeds out in the streets.

Malfatron is dead. He was Hawkeye, One-Shot Reviver, Thunderbolts.


Elsewhere, TheNachoKiller wanders about, looking for answers in this steel and concrete jungle. His shuffling movements are less than stealthy, and it is because of this that his foe crashes down on him with surprising ease.

“Leave me for dead, will you? Hah! I don’t go down so easy.”

The enormous monster pounds away at his victim, knocking him unconscious before ripping his robotic limbs off and beating him to death with them. The angry red attacker leaves the parts in the street as a warning to others.

Nacho is dead. He was Deathlok, 3-shot Indecisive Alignment Cop/Vigilante, Thunderbolts.


In one of the few remaining sanctuaries left in the city, a comatose being suddenly jerks awake. Tk3 can’t believe it—how did he survive? It seems as though someone has given him a second chance to make a difference.

@Tk3 is alive!

It is now Day 5.

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