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4 hours ago, D82 said:

Why is anyone following Dave Ramsey?

He's gotten his stuff into Tennessee public schools.

2 hours ago, ReggieCamp said:

@MWil23 and @ramssuperbowl99,

You both nailed the Dave Ramsey thing, and I don't have much to add. The older I get, the less I agree with him (could never take him in large doses).

Anyway, a guy who was the real deal was a guy named Larry Burkett. He was much more down-to-earth, and he taught me a lot. He died 20 years ago, but I'll still re-read one of his books now and then.

The main reason I just don't like him is his contempt towards people in debt, or frankly just poor people in general. Separate entirely from his political/religious angle, the guy does a radio show for 15 hours a week where the guts of what he hears is people really struggling with money and in like 30 years of doing it he's never once encountered a set of circumstances where he might step back and think a little? No single moms with like a bazillion in back child support owed? No kids of immigrants wondering how their parents are gonna retire?

Not saying he needs to change his mind, it's more that he's talked to tens of thousands of people and learned nothing and developed no nuance. Bet he's boring as hell.

Edited by ramssuperbowl99
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21 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

He's gotten his stuff into Tennessee public schools.

Not just Tennessee either. Our old personal finance teacher was an absolute Ramsey bootlicker.

21 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

The main reason I just don't like him is his contempt towards people in debt, or frankly just poor people in general. Separate entirely from his political/religious angle, the guy does a radio show for 15 hours a week where the guts of what he hears is people really struggling with money and in like 30 years of doing it he's never once encountered a set of circumstances where he might step back and think a little? No single moms with like a bazillion in back child support owed? No kids of immigrants wondering how their parents are gonna retire?

Not saying he needs to change his mind, it's more that he's talked to tens of thousands of people and learned nothing and developed no nuance. Bet he's boring as hell.

I told my wife I wanted to call his show just to see what he’d tell me. I’d love to get raked over the coals for having a Netflix WITH ADS subscription for $6.99 a month and no debt outside my mortgage. I’d be legitimately curious.

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25 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Not saying he needs to change his mind, it's more that he's talked to tens of thousands of people and learned nothing and developed no nuance. Bet he's boring as hell.

Yeah, if he's open to learning, he's hiding it pretty well. No one likes an inflexible know-it-all, even if you feel like he/she is "saving" you (like an abrasive but brilliant surgeon).

Tough love has its place, but when you make your living dishing it out, you better make sure all your facts are straight. Like many before him, he started to believe his own press, and he's stretched the truth on many occasions.

But yes, you've articulated why he bugs me - he has lost his desire to learn. Once you do that in your work, it's time to do something else.


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Working for the government update:

I logged into work and opened my email to 80 emails in my inbox.

After scrolling to the bottom, someone hit “reply” to an org box.

This triggered “Reply All-gate 2.0” overnight. Due to my irritation and lack of amusement, I found the source email, hit ignore, and watched my inbox drop to below 20.

Thankfully, 13 other folks replied to the org box separately with different titles, bypassing my filter, stating things such as “unsubscribe” or posting “cease and desist” or asking why they were getting emails about this matter.

I assume people were helpful with replying all to the emails with how to unsubscribe or informing everyone else that they were also replying to tens of thousands of people.

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45 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Working for the government update:

I logged into work and opened my email to 80 emails in my inbox.

After scrolling to the bottom, someone hit “reply” to an org box.

This triggered “Reply All-gate 2.0” overnight. Due to my irritation and lack of amusement, I found the source email, hit ignore, and watched my inbox drop to below 20.

Thankfully, 13 other folks replied to the org box separately with different titles, bypassing my filter, stating things such as “unsubscribe” or posting “cease and desist” or asking why they were getting emails about this matter.

I assume people were helpful with replying all to the emails with how to unsubscribe or informing everyone else that they were also replying to tens of thousands of people.

Have to love technically challenged folks…

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3 minutes ago, D82 said:

Have to love technically challenged folks…

My favorite part was looking up their grade/rank/supervisor status. A lot of high profile people who are clearly not hired for their common sense.

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19 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

My favorite part was looking up their grade/rank/supervisor status. A lot of high profile people who are clearly not hired for their common sense.

I know exactly what you’re saying…it’s like “you really make more than me and can’t figure this out?” 😂

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On 7/29/2024 at 9:55 AM, ramssuperbowl99 said:

That's incredible bahahaha.

I'm picturing people confused lined up outside a boat with their envelopes.

I've got a friend who used Dave as an intro to financial literacy with his wife, and they did this exercise where they live (proper city of LA area), and for a family of 2 they'd need $500k/year income. Even adjusting for inflation, that's dumber than the $175k jobs thread.

You'd be shocked to learn that Ramsey Media Solutions isn't exactly cutting edge when it comes to HR practices either.

In order to work for Dave Ramsey, you not only need to do a regular job interview, your spouse needs to do one too. And every employee has to sign an NDA and Non-disparagement agreement.


He's a creep. I have no doubts. He's running that company like an abusive youth pastor.

Not going to lie, the building looks like it’s one of those mega-churches ran by a pastor who pays themselves entirely too much.  

They are 110% looking for a specific fit there, and not many people are that fit, and for good reason.  

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On 7/29/2024 at 2:04 PM, MWil23 said:


The number of fiscally illiterate people in this country parlayed by the enormous debt, student loans, flat wages, etc parlayed by the promise of getting out of it and being “financially independent” with millions of “success stories” and a “9 step plan” is how. On the surface it’s alluring, especially when you don’t know what you’re doing financially.

You (plural) would be stunned at how many folks leave an employer match on the table because they don’t know how retirement or compound interest works.

I see it all the time from the young adults (18 to even 30) who are working for us, and have had no one pull them aside to explain what it is to them. 

My boss, who owns the company, literally told us on the senior management team he wants to have more people on the 401k matching plan, and to go talk to everyone who was eligible but never responded or said no.  

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On 7/29/2024 at 2:04 PM, MWil23 said:


The number of fiscally illiterate people in this country parlayed by the enormous debt, student loans, flat wages, etc parlayed by the promise of getting out of it and being “financially independent” with millions of “success stories” and a “9 step plan” is how. On the surface it’s alluring, especially when you don’t know what you’re doing financially.

You (plural) would be stunned at how many folks leave an employer match on the table because they don’t know how retirement or compound interest works.

I will say, if even a third of the amount of financially illiterate people ever followed half of the Ramsey baby steps, the economy in this country would be hurting.  Everyone is laughing to the bank with people throwing stuff on credit cards, and eating out all of the time, and I’m in an industry that benefits from this.

I feel more in control budgeting now than I did just throwing everyone onto a card, and expecting that I’d be fine just making payments onto that card every month.  

Probably should have also put that in the first reply I did to you, so sorry for breaking it into two thoughts. 

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21 hours ago, MWil23 said:

Not just Tennessee either. Our old personal finance teacher was an absolute Ramsey bootlicker.

I told my wife I wanted to call his show just to see what he’d tell me. I’d love to get raked over the coals for having a Netflix WITH ADS subscription for $6.99 a month and no debt outside my mortgage. I’d be legitimately curious.

I think anything below 5% interest should be minimum monthly payments.  Completely understand throwing some extra money to your mortgage, and if you can, do 15 years, but it isn’t worth it when you can put that money to work for you right now.  

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42 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:

I feel more in control budgeting now than I did just throwing everyone onto a card, and expecting that I’d be fine just making payments onto that card every month.  

Probably should have also put that in the first reply I did to you, so sorry for breaking it into two thoughts. 

Not a bad thing at all. Like I said, he’s great for beginners or dealing with those who perhaps don’t at the time understand how catastrophic “bad debt” can be and that often it does take radical changes to accomplish the independence, but I take more issues with how he approaches long term financial outlooks or retirement plans. 

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I feel like you just look at the country in the aggregate, and it makes sense why Ramsey has the following he does.

I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to finance. Thanks Nikola. But even I will stop to ask for a 2nd or 3rd opinion on things. Guys like Ramsey just think they are the smartest people in the room.

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