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Pro Day/ Combine testing times:


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8 hours ago, Forge said:

Reuben Foster. The 49ers staff felt lied to and betrayed, so to speak, by the alabama staff. Basically they accused Alabama of covering up Foster's issues and not being up front. We haven't drafted an Alabama player since then. There was a big article written by Matt Barrows on the the Athletic about it a year or two ago. 

On the flip side, we have an excellent relationship with Herm Edwards at Arizona state, and have an excellent relationship with Will Muschamp, though he's no longer at South Carolina (note that we were likely going to draft Harry 2 years ago before the Pats picked him, and we selected Aiyuk last year, both from Arizona State. Those same years we also drafted Kinlaw + Deebo from Muschamp's South Carolina program). 

The pro day doesn't mean much. Lynch wasn't at the pro day for either Solomon Thomas or Mike McGlinchey, I'm pretty sure. They were in Columbus by 4pm today. Just keeping up appearances. Whoever the pick is, I feel like it's already been decided and probably was right from jump. This is just mostly just playing the game. They are going to have Fields throw again which I believe has already been set up and trying to schedule a second throwing session for Lance. Just tryinng to keep everyone on their toes.  Doesn't mean that the pick is Fields; could be he, Lance or Mac, I have no idea (obviously my belief is that it's Fields with a decent shot at being Lance). I just think that none of this has anything to do with the pick and it's all for show. 

LIS, I don't think this means anything. If he's the pick, he's already the pick. If Fields is the pick, he's already the pick. I seriously doubt that they are allowing pro days to change their opinions. 

This was Shanny yesterday and it's just one of the reasons I slant heavily towards Fields / Lance. 

and then there was this from during the season: 

To me, he's not talking about Mac Jones. He's talking Fields / Lance. 

But maybe I'm wrong. I've said it quite a bit...I won't remove McCorkle from possibility because I know Shanny just goes and gets what he wants, logic be damned. But I just can't believe that Mac Jones is the plan here. It would be so weird. 

Wondering if this could be a possibility - the 49ers do know who they are going to select but are taking the opportunity to scout the other top prospects to evaluate the future competition while at the same time keeping a level of uncertainty so other teams don't have an exact read on what they are going to do. Maybe, just maybe they would rather feign interest in Jones with the idea that some team below them gets desperate and trades with the Jets or even with the 49ers to get a shot at Jones, then the 49ers draft their guy. It might be risky for them to trade day a spot or two and still hope Lance or Fields is still there.

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10 hours ago, AkronsWitness said:

Idk how, nearly every play he has made is coming up to defend the edges at OSU and overing guys in the flats. He always seemed to me like a smaller Tuff Borland.

It's also funny to me out of all the OSU defensive players, Pete Werner is getting the most pre draft love considering he was probably OSUs 5th or 6th best defender haha

I'm guessing you're also an Ohio State fan... who were the 4-5 defenders better than Werner on that (bad) defense? I can see arguments for Garrett and Togiai I suppose, and Browning maybe made more splash plays but was also more inconsistent. Proctor was fairly solid but he wasn't even a full time starter. 

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11 hours ago, AkronsWitness said:

Idk how, nearly every play he has made is coming up to defend the edges at OSU and overing guys in the flats. He always seemed to me like a smaller Tuff Borland.

It's also funny to me out of all the OSU defensive players, Pete Werner is getting the most pre draft love considering he was probably OSUs 5th or 6th best defender haha

Last year he was arguably their best defender in the back 7 (not that it's exactly saying much). His advanced coverage metrics are fantastic.

(@Scoundrel you know this already LOL)

I mean, Trevor Lawrence completed ZERO passes when throwing his way in the CFP Semi Final, and while he's not a great player in "man" situations, as a WLB or SLB, he will be predominantly playing zone anyway, especially if it's a Cover 3 or 4 scheme. He also does very well against TE:

and excels in crossing routes:

IMO, Werner is a very SAFE prospect, and yesterday a lot of you all saw that his measurables are extremely underrated as well.

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11 hours ago, jrry32 said:

I view Werner as an ILB. He's just perfect for me there. Does everything well. I've compared him to Chad Greenway and Sean Lee in the past.

I think Greenway is a very good comparison for him. I think he's a definite SAM backer at the next level, and I think that he's more of a natural fit in a 4-3 scheme, but I don't see him having trouble adjusting to a 3-4 scheme as an ILB either. He was rarely asked to be a blitzer at OSU, as they've always been a "get after them with 4" scheme and/or sending interior pressure from the MLB spot (see Baron Browning, Ryan Shazier, Malik Harrison) or off the EDGE with a Nickel CB/S (See Shaun Wade 2019), so it's yet to be determined whether or not he'll be good if utilized as a blitzer.

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13 hours ago, KingOfNewYork said:

He literally didn’t. Fields is a good prospect as is Wilson but there huge gaps between the two as passers. 

Wilson can win short, intermediate and deep. Fields cannot and it showed he has trouble with the timing and anticipation throws outside. Teams aren’t throwing 40+ yard throws all game.

He also needs to put everything into his deep throws. Wilson can literally flick his wrist and drive it the same distance. It’s levels between the two and it’s not even close. 

This is so false.....Its pretty clear you are creating false narratives to make you feel better about Wilson which is kinda wack. ANY type of extensive film study would disprove these faulty claims. Be better bro....

Like the mildest sort of film study will disprove your claim...

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