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29 minutes ago, ReadyToThump said:

So I was pretty hesitant to take this vaccine. Number of cases are almost non-exsistent in my surrounding area, but have slowly, recently been on the rise. Anyway, with the delta variant, etc. Making its way I finally decided to go get mine done. Went into Walgreens literally 45min after my decision and was able to get one (Moderna).

This was 3:45pm on Monday. No side effects what so ever the rest of the day. Day two, I go into work and started noticing something going on in my chest occasionally. Oh! I've felt these before, they're heart palpitations/flutters (I had them briefly before when I got diagnosed with Lyme disease last year, they were easily treated with an OTC magnesium supplement that my Dr. recommended). So I continue to work, write it off as something that'll just go away, but I kept feeling it throughout my shift, albeit not very often. Anyway I get home and look up Moderna vaccine + heart palpitations. Well it takes me to the CDC website: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/myocarditis.html

Now maybe the timing is just a coincidence, and I'm overreacting. I've monitored my blood pressure and heart rate (120s/70, 65bpm) so everything is seemingly checking out well in the ticker department. But I'm tempted to call off work today to go get checked out, just in case.

Did you have COVID previously? My wife had similar, but worse than yours, side effects after the first dose. Keep in mind that worrying/stressing about it will increase your blood pressure as well, so make sure you don't conflate general anxiety with physical heart problems.

As far as myocarditis is concerned, that is not something you get and exhibit symptoms of hours after getting a dose of the vaccine (correct me if I'm wrong, anyone who is smarter than me) so it isn't that. 

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5 minutes ago, minutemancl said:

Did you have COVID previously? My wife had similar, but worse than yours, side effects after the first dose. Keep in mind that worrying/stressing about it will increase your blood pressure as well, so make sure you don't conflate general anxiety with physical heart problems.

As far as myocarditis is concerned, that is not something you get and exhibit symptoms of hours after getting a dose of the vaccine (correct me if I'm wrong, anyone who is smarter than me) so it isn't that. 

I have not had covid (that I know of) I've been tested 3x in the last 9 or so months, all with negative results. I'm 29 and relatively healthy and in shape still. 

I guess I will just keep monitoring it, took a magnesium pill this morning to see if that fixes the palpitations I was getting. 

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47 minutes ago, ReadyToThump said:

I have not had covid (that I know of) I've been tested 3x in the last 9 or so months, all with negative results. I'm 29 and relatively healthy and in shape still. 

I guess I will just keep monitoring it, took a magnesium pill this morning to see if that fixes the palpitations I was getting. 

It sounds coincidental to me. But since I’m not a doctor, and if you’re that worried about it, then reach out to your PCP if it doesn’t go away. Unless it’s not financially viable, it probably never hurts to be safe.

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20 minutes ago, ReadyToThump said:

I have not had covid (that I know of) I've been tested 3x in the last 9 or so months, all with negative results. I'm 29 and relatively healthy and in shape still. 

I guess I will just keep monitoring it, took a magnesium pill this morning to see if that fixes the palpitations I was getting. 

Obviously take what a guy says on a football forum with a grain of salt, but I wouldn't worry about it. You should be completely fine in just a a few days at most. 

I'd prepare for the 2nd shot though. Anecdotal evidence tells me that if you get even mild side effects from your first dose, your 2nd dose will knock you out for a day. 

Hydration also plays a huge part. Drink lots of water! If you're a healthy, in shape 29 year old, you'll be fine.

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31 minutes ago, minutemancl said:

Did you have COVID previously? My wife had similar, but worse than yours, side effects after the first dose. Keep in mind that worrying/stressing about it will increase your blood pressure as well, so make sure you don't conflate general anxiety with physical heart problems.

As far as myocarditis is concerned, that is not something you get and exhibit symptoms of hours after getting a dose of the vaccine (correct me if I'm wrong, anyone who is smarter than me) so it isn't that. 

Getting myocarditis is rare in of itself. But based on the numbers, if it was going to happen, it typically happens after the second shot and usually days afterwards, not hours.

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33 minutes ago, ReadyToThump said:

I have not had covid (that I know of) I've been tested 3x in the last 9 or so months, all with negative results. I'm 29 and relatively healthy and in shape still. 

I guess I will just keep monitoring it, took a magnesium pill this morning to see if that fixes the palpitations I was getting. 

To me, this is the kind of thing tele-health was made for. Your heart is nothing to **** with my dude. I'd call your doctor. The $25 copay or whatever is worth the peace of mind IMO.

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1 hour ago, Xenos said:

No, it’s pretty clear Beasley’s an idiot. Maybe if he wasn’t so adamantly loud about his opinions online, you can maybe make the case. But sometimes you have to call a spade a spade.

Edit: and please don’t give me that nonsense about medical history. The guy had no problem getting shot up with a painkiller which is more detrimental to his health than a vaccine.

I don’t know get the confusion here. It’s not a maybe, or on the fence thing. You don’t know. Period, full stop, end of story. 

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1 minute ago, GSUeagles14 said:

I don’t know get the confusion here. It’s not a maybe, or on the fence thing. You don’t know. Period, full stop, end of story. 

Okay, let me clear up the confusion then since you seem to be confused yourself.  Beasley is wrong and represent the people that are holding us back from getting back to normal. No gray area here. It’s black and white with someone like him. And he deserves to be called out on it and condemned for not only choosing to be unvaccinated but also for the misinformation that he’s spreading.

And honestly, you had some good points going until you chose to defend someone like Beasley. That’s a silly molehill to die on.

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26 minutes ago, TVScout said:

In one Missouri county, coroner excludes COVID from death certificates if family asks.


But I thought that they were deliberately over counting the deaths and it’s all a conspiracy by all the hospitals in the US and the world…….

New Girl Facepalm GIF by HULU

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On 8/3/2021 at 10:06 AM, ramssuperbowl99 said:

How much more babysitting, and handholding, and coddling do these idiotic entitled crybabies possibly need? I understand what you're getting at, but come on man.

We cured a pandemic. 2 shots. 30 minutes total, go live your life. 3 billion shots. 3 deaths, none confirmed from the vaccine. And these idiots not only don't like it, when we ask why they answer "general anti-vaccinate sentiment". They can't even tell us why they don't want to take it, and IT'S ON US TO BEND OVER MORE?

Lock them out of hospitals and let them die in the street.

South Africa Fighting GIF by Don Madge

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43 minutes ago, Xenos said:

Okay, let me clear up the confusion then since you seem to be confused yourself.  Beasley is wrong and represent the people that are holding us back from getting back to normal. No gray area here. It’s black and white with someone like him. And he deserves to be called out on it and condemned for not only choosing to be unvaccinated but also for the misinformation that he’s spreading.

And honestly, you had some good points going until you chose to defend someone like Beasley. That’s a silly molehill to die on.

So you agree there’s reasons for someone to not get vaccinated (right now). There’s literally no way you can know if Beasley falls under one of those categories. None. 

I don’t care about Beasley, I’m just pointing out you can’t judge anyone unless you know the facts, and you simply don’t. We can agree he specifically should delete his Twitter app (as should everyone to be honest) but it’s possible that there’s a real reason he’s not getting vaccinated. Even if it’s unlikely, neither of us can say it’s not the case.

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58 minutes ago, Xenos said:

But I thought that they were deliberately over counting the deaths and it’s all a conspiracy by all the hospitals in the US and the world…….

New Girl Facepalm GIF by HULU

It’s a fact that hospitals were incentivized to list COVID as cause of death. Everyone should have  still realized how real COVID was. But no, we don’t get to dismiss reality. 

but I guess one rural county where 15k people live really tips the scales for you though, huh?

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