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10 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

Ok, do you have a source that isn't a batschit crazy person who has been fired and sued by reputable medical professionals?

Ahhh so a doctor that doesn't agree with the narrative you like is just a crazy person that's bat**** crazy when he cited sources in the context of the symposium and the doctor he asked questions in Amarillo was the one giving him answers about 15% of HIS patients dying from covid after vaccination and were never given MCAB. 

he cites sources of studies and research but since they don't all align with everything they publish on Fox, CNN, and NBC, they're quickly dismissed. I'm skeptical about some of the things he says too like how there was a study about asymptomatic people not being able to transmit the virus the same way a "sick" person does. But before just googling the guys name and dismissing some of the reputable stuff he has to say, at least listen to it or read it. 

I can sit back and talk about all the eff ups Fauci has had in his career too, especially when it comes to the AIDS scare and how he changes his tune like you change your underwear and he's in charge of everything. Anyone that says anything even slightly against the grain of what mainstream media publishes will be come at with half truths like saying McColloughs is anti vax and he's not. Otherwise I wouldn't listen to what he said

Edited by BullsandBroncos
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I thought the name sounded familiar so I looked him up real quick. Yep, I remember him. Here's a copy and paste from Reddit regarding him that I'll source if requested:


Dr. Peter McCullough is a member of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons or AAPS for short. The name sounds innocent enough and even credible but is actually a conservative political advocacy group that promotes blatantly false information.

The associations journal: Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons (JP&S) have published the following articles/commentaries that claim:

  • That human activity has not contributed to climate change, and that global warming will be beneficial and thus is not a cause for concern.[83][84]

  • That HIV does not cause AIDS.[85]

  • That the "gay male lifestyle" shortens life expectancy by 20 years.[86]

  • That there is a link between abortion and the risk of breast cancer.[6]

  • That there are possible links between autism and vaccinations.[6]

  • That government efforts to encourage smoking cessation and emphasize the addictive nature of nicotine are misguided.[87]

Dr. Peter McCullough's membership within such a unscientific and blatantly political organization raises some troubling questions. If he's okay with being involved with an organization that makes the above listed claims what else is he okay with?


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2 hours ago, BullsandBroncos said:

Ahhh so a doctor that doesn't agree with the narrative you like is just a crazy person that's bat**** crazy

my "narrative" is that people who are batschit crazy should be condemned. So, naturally, I will not accept anything someone who is batschit crazy says as anything other than batschit craziness.

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1 hour ago, kingseanjohn said:

I thought the name sounded familiar so I looked him up real quick. Yep, I remember him. Here's a copy and paste from Reddit regarding him that I'll source if requested:


Also (not kidding here - someone is citing a prominent member of a group that did this): 

*Published (in their journal) an article about then-Presidential candidate Barack Obama was using hypnosis on his audiences

why do we give these idiots a platform

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1 hour ago, Deadpulse said:

he is literally a member or an organization that publishes articles completely debunked by actual science linking autism with vaccinations. 

I mean that's incredibly insane, stupid, and a laundry list of other things I can't repeat on the forum but he's been asked 100x about being anti vax and every time he says absolutely not he's very pro vax. 

but if you're a DOCTOR and you're affiliated with an organization that thinks vax' cause autism, and claim to be pro vax, you should either condemn that organization and no longer be a part of it or get checked mentally. 

but yes, quite a few interviews he's claimed that those calling him anti vax are false but when this is the case it looks really bad and makes him look stupid. 

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6 hours ago, BullsandBroncos said:

I mean that's incredibly insane, stupid, and a laundry list of other things I can't repeat on the forum but he's been asked 100x about being anti vax and every time he says absolutely not he's very pro vax. 

but if you're a DOCTOR and you're affiliated with an organization that thinks vax' cause autism, and claim to be pro vax, you should either condemn that organization and no longer be a part of it or get checked mentally. 

but yes, quite a few interviews he's claimed that those calling him anti vax are false but when this is the case it looks really bad and makes him look stupid. 

bottom line is he is apart of a politically motivated organization that peddles in blatantly false claims and misinformation to further a political agenda. His sources are unverified and not credible. I know you want to point to him and say he is still a doctor and just because he doesnt fit the narrative yada yada. There is an extremely good reason he doesn't fit the narrative and its because the rest of the medical community knows he's wrong. There is a reason he is discredited. There is a reason why people pushing the narrative never point to just ONE guy. Science is a community based activity proven off the backs of numerous experts coming to the same conclusion based on study and testing. What you are pointing to is one guy with an opinion and no facts. 

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Almost weekly one of my coworkers looks at me at lunch and says "I lost faith in humanity a long time ago" whenever the negative observations about humanity, COVID, or anything else is brought up. I'm doing my part to spread the word guys.

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2 hours ago, MWil23 said:

Almost weekly one of my coworkers looks at me at lunch and says "I lost faith in humanity a long time ago" whenever the negative observations about humanity, COVID, or anything else is brought up. I'm doing my part to spread the word guys.

Yeah it's frightening that people will follow someone(s) who legitimately think/claim Obama hypnotized people.

What a messed up world.

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Regeneron says its coronavirus antibody cocktail loses potency against omicron.

“While Regeneron’s currently authorized REGEN-COV antibodies have diminished potency against Omicron, they are active against Delta, which currently is the most prevalent variant in the U.S.,” the company said in a news release. Leonard Schleifer, Regeneron’s CEO, told CNBC that the company’s next-generation drugs being developed were more likely to work against omicron — and could be available next year.


U.S. CDC advisers to weigh limits on J&J vaccine due to blood clot issues.



Omicron multiplies 70 times faster within the human bronchus, which delivers oxygen to the lungs, than does the delta variant and the original virus that was first detected in China, according to a study released Wednesday by the University of Hong Kong.




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7 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I'm not sure what you're saying/mean here. (Genuinely)

That "doctor" (McCullough)'s group believe that Obama hypnotizes his audience and published papers about it in their "journal".

They are batschit crazy (or worse: evil and manipulative) and so is anyone who uses them (or him) to support their stance.

Edited by incognito_man
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5 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

That "doctor" (McCullough)'s group believe that Obama hypnotizes his audience and published papers about it in their "journal".

They are batschit crazy (or worse: evil and manipulative) and so is anyone who uses them (or him) to support their stance.

Oh, yeah, I mean that I have no faith in humanity in a completely over-arching blanket statement completely universally. But I'd imagine that's a good example.

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