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Yellowstone Mafia - Town wins!


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4 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:

1. I'm not scum

2. you implied you were a PR already so if you have info to share it's beneficial to town.

1. I have a power, yes

2. I have more power in Yellowstone than you claim, yes.  

3. I have nothing to share

4. What you got for us since you claim to be the head ranch hand. 

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1 minute ago, Pickle Rick said:

1. I have a power, yes

2. I have more power in Yellowstone than you claim, yes.  

3. I have nothing to share

4. What you got for us since you claim to be the head ranch hand. 

thanks for nothing then.

I'm the elder ranch hand actually, and I too have nothing to share.

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26 minutes ago, TL-TwoWinsAway said:

No, I think you're missing the point: I have laid out that argument, in detail, on numerous occasions. If you haven't read those arguments, you clearly have no interest in following this thread. Don't act as if I haven't put the work out there.

Ok....I went back and looked at some post of yours


On 8/11/2021 at 11:14 AM, TL-TwoWinsAway said:

I don't think you would, assuming you're town. I also don't see how Scoundrel is that read. The closer you tie yourself to him after he tried repeatedly to save Josh just makes you look more and more questionable.

I also think Josh's last actions were telling: he did what he could to try and go after you. It seems clear to me that it was a way of distancing you from the rest of them.

I think you are looking at things from a shortsighted view.   Scum will very rarely go to such lengths to defend a teammate early in the game.   Even if it works then, it will almost certainly come back to get them.   Those strong scum defending scum interactions are really rare and almost non-existent.  Thus, I think Scoundrel is more town than Scum


What josh did in voting nacho at the end of D1 is a WIFOM situation

1.  is he voting his teammate so that people will not pressure that player

2.  is he voting town in the idea that in hopes that some might think it is more about #1 above.  

Scum can do either, so keeping both as viable options is the best line of thinking vs going all in on #1 or #2

On 8/11/2021 at 11:49 AM, TL-TwoWinsAway said:

But why is it easy? Because he didn't just question the Josh votes, but fought hard to keep people from voting for him, who was discovered to be scum? I mean, if it's easy, it's easy for a reason.

Josh voted for Nacho. Nacho voted for Josh, then moved his vote off of Josh at the last second. Nacho has then tried (hard) to pull the heat off of Scoundrel.

See the point above.  Scum rarely defends a teammate that strongly early in the game.   The risk and attention is just not worth it

On 8/11/2021 at 12:35 PM, TL-TwoWinsAway said:

Very interesting.

And, so far, I have gotten the exact same vibes on Nacho: Josh voted Nacho early, then Nacho switched his vote off of Josh late. When Josh was the likely D1 vote, he suggested that everyone switch to Nacho. Seems like a deliberate attempt to shift attention away from Nacho.

see the point above.   WIFOM

23 hours ago, TL-TwoWinsAway said:

One thing I always find interesting is when one person (or two persons) seem to be clear scum, yet the group is persuaded to shift away from those persons and onto someone new.

I'm not suggesting that those aren't valid reads. Just making an observation.


23 hours ago, TL-TwoWinsAway said:

I understand Scoundrel wanting to defend Josh, as Josh is a friend, but it's the way he defended him... calling votes against him "wasted" and the such. I understand the friendship angle, but why wouldn't he understand that 1) this is a game, and 2) Josh could actually be scum?

fair thought, but some will vote/not vote specific players early for personal reasons.  

23 hours ago, TL-TwoWinsAway said:

Very interesting. Thanks for that.

What do you make of Josh voting Nacho early, Nacho voting Josh early, Nacho switching off of Josh at the end and Josh suggesting a Nacho run before he was voted? Doesn't that all scream "Once I flip scum, you'll think Nacho is in the clear because scum went after him"?


22 hours ago, TL-TwoWinsAway said:

So, if we were to assume that Scoundrel's extremely suspicious and inexplicably forced scum behavior during D1 was him being town (... somehow...)... how would Nacho still not be the vote here? If town are trying to find scum, I'd say you just vote this guy now and see how the rest shakes out overnight.

that narrow view of looking at things does not really help.  It allows other players to just coast along and escape any interest...which is what scum wants to do most often

21 hours ago, TL-TwoWinsAway said:

See, I'm all for flushing people out from hiding, but man... isn't this such a scummy play? Nacho's interactions with Josh yesterday were just super "I'm not scummy if scum comes after me, right?" scummy. So, of course, he's now throwing it to someone else.

If you're town, and you don't have a quality reason not to pursue Nacho (and I'd love to hear some), don't get distracted by the noise.

I think @Tk3 posted about it.  Town often make mistakes.   they are playing with limited information and will make far more mistakes than scum.  If Nacho was scum, he likely would have known the VC and if Josh was saveable or not.  if not, he would have kept his vote there.  

20 hours ago, TL-TwoWinsAway said:

God you're so good at this. If you survive another night, I think you need to be crowned. It's impressive work.

Being new, it seemed odd to me that so many were all over Josh. Seemed like it could've been a scum line. I even asked why Josh was the target, and got the answer I expected: day 1 vote, no real reason. To avoid contributing to that, I went with someone that was 1) largely inactive, and 2) placed the second vote on someone right away before going inactive. Thought it was odd at best.

It just so happens that Josh was scum and bucsfan was town and killed overnight.

An important question: why did scum take out bucsfan? Really, what was he doing? His inactivity is largely why I targeted him anyway. Why was he their target?

Interesting answer: could killing bucsfan, someone I voted for, have been done to make me look guilty? "We can't kill him outright or those that he accused will seem guilty, but what if we kill the town guy that he voted for? He'll look bad because the guy he settled on was town!"

It's possible, or it's completely off. I'm not quite sure.

so your asking of why josh was the vote on D1 speaks to how a teammate might try to defend or save a teammate.   you got no real answers which can be frustrating and that frustration is carrying through for multiple days.   You also said it was a blindly successful vote, which implies that you know the voters on that line and their alignment

18 hours ago, TL-TwoWinsAway said:

Which, really, is only a good point in hindsight... which is exactly the point that scum would try to make here.

No one knew that Josh was scum. It was a question I asked repeatedly, and received the same answers each time: they didn't really have anything on him. Others, including myself, placed their votes elsewhere for different reasons, and most of those reasons were inactivity.

It's not "who lynched Josh", but "who interacted strangely with Josh". You and Josh voted each other immediately, you switched off of Josh at the end, and, when it was clear that he was going to be the vote, Josh suggested a vote train onto you. You weren't even the second-highest vote getter at that time. Those aren't the actions of a man trying to save his own life... those are the actions of a man trying to throw the trail off of someone else. "If Josh wanted me dead instead, and he was scum, clearly I'm not." But that's too easy.

So, of course, scum kills bucsfan at night, who was largely inactive, to frame others (me) by the same "look who voted for known town at the end of D1". The more I push onto you, the more you'll just push that same argument against me. The difference: my vote was a typical D1 shot-in-the-dark vote. Your voting actions with Josh were deliberate and intentional.

so more posts about how you were looking for why Josh was the vote.....subtle defending of your teammate perhaps

5 hours ago, TL-TwoWinsAway said:

I'll likely be working at noon, so I shouldn't be posting much before then.

It's entertaining how these massive brainstorming sessions occur directly before a vote, and almost always go against town. What do we have so far? D1 and D2 interactions, D1 and D2 votes, Josh (scum) dead and bucs (town) killed during N1. The rest of it, to include vague roles being claimed, is pure speculation. Things stood out rather vividly during D1, and ignoring those things to change baseless accusations when the structure of the game isn't even known is foolish. (Yet, somehow, always what town seems to do.)


2 hours ago, TL-TwoWinsAway said:

I'm certain that I'm not "good" at this. I'm at peace with that. (Although I think playing less, not more, is the solution.)

Getting lucky by blindly lynching scum D1 and flipping votes to lynch town in D2, with more information and better leads, isn't anything to brag about. Those that talked a big game about you for the entirety of D2 just to flip off you in the end are obvious targets and should be high on the vote list.

But, of course, it won't happen. A town will be killed tonight and a scum group will continue to control the narrative.

more of the blindly voting out scum on D1....feels like some frustration and anger at that result vs being happy if you are town???

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