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Yellowstone Mafia - Town wins!


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3 minutes ago, squire12 said:

@Scoundrel  I think this VC here sums up the lines pretty well.  Raves pulled his vote off someone (pickle I think) and never made another 1.   Not sure where dome and the other player is


Pickle - 5 - Nacho, Tk3, swoosh, Scoundrel, squire12
Nacho - 4 - TL, Hokie, Pickle, Orca
Orca- 1 - ET
squire12 - 1 - Dome

So I guess I need to stick to my side

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5 hours ago, Tk3 said:

myself, Squire, Nacho

then you

all the others are suspect to me.. I'd still say the twins, tl, and hokie are my biggest scum reads


On 8/13/2021 at 11:54 AM, Tk3 said:

or 3) capable of re-evaluating my opinion based on continued playing of the game

I said Nacho was scummy as a snap reaction to his end of D1 decisions.. I thought about them more, I looked at his incentive structures, and decided that those incentives, frankly do not line up with what I would expect from him as scum. I then looked at how people tried to use him as an easy scapegoat, in order to avoid doing actual scum hunting during the day. I think looked at the people who continually are tunneling him, and gauging my level of trust of THOSE people.

That is the exact chronological calculus to how I went from "Nacho is scum" to "Nacho is probably town"


All you keep landing on is "Nacho tried to save Josh" - which I actually think is inaccurate, and just a bad fall out of choosing wrong D1, which is something you elected to not even try... and "Swoosh and TK saved Nacho" - which is failing to recognize that we are trying to play the game critically and game solve.. and what I saw in front of me was that Nacho felt like his was being railroaded, not that he was scum trying to save Josh


On 8/12/2021 at 3:49 PM, Tk3 said:

For me, the problem with a Nacho vote is the mismatch of information

Nacho did something D1 that made very little sense to do as town, and absolutely ZERO sense to do as scum. Although as town, Nacho might have just not followed the VC correctly, as scum, Nacho is the type to buss and stay on the player, unless it was dire that he save the guy. Nacho (as scum) isn't going to put a target on himself 1 minute to deadline, on a move that had 0% chance of saving the scummate, when the alternative is having a narrative that he "successfully led a scum vote"

Even with WIFOM being a thing.. I just cannot see that being a calculus he would go with. If it is, Kudos, and it still might cost him.. but I just don't see it

On top of that, I see other people using that as an EASY scapegoat for an easy day. I think you're probably not scum.. I think you're probably just a civ tunneling. I think the twins are setting off my radars more (particularly Pickle, whose D2 reactions I did not like), and people who refuse to take a stance on the votes, like Hokie

Personally, most of my civ reads were on the matts line, so if I'm wrong and Nacho is scum, then I'm the Scoundrel of last game... but my money is on the guess that both options were town, and scum truly didn't care who was voted last night. One or two hid so as to not face the Jason type of pressure of a town vote flip

Pickle, Hokie, (maybe Scoundrel, who isn't playing at all like his prior game as town) are top of mind.

It could be Nacho, and I'm not going to blindly assume Nacho is town the whole game.. I'll keep reassessing.. but right now, those are my reads


20 hours ago, Tk3 said:

I'm not - what I'm saying is the faction that's is controlling the hits chose to make a hit such that nacho is going to be easier to be voted out

Someone who voted for Nacho hit Swoosh, knowing that it would give that bloc (the pickle, orca, hokie, tl bloc) more relative voting power

Scum is definitely on that voting line


On 8/13/2021 at 12:38 PM, Tk3 said:

"Nacho as scum in another group" looks the exact same as "Nacho is town" as far as actual D1 decision making goes.

I'd actually go as far as to say "Nacho is scum in another group" would actually ALSO have stayed put so as to not risk this exact thing happening


21 hours ago, Tk3 said:

come on ppl.. you really think Nacho is scum and out here killing Swoosh? One of the people responsible for keeping him alive (and now proven town)?

and now nacho still has the 4 tunnelers on him

that group reeks


On 8/13/2021 at 1:19 PM, Tk3 said:

might have been.. afaik the 4 on nacho have been consistent, and there's been a bit of fluidity between pickle and et.. raves and nacho have been on pickle, swoosh and scoundrel on et, and squire and tk have been bouncing around the two

But I don't believe either pickle or et have gone beyond 4 votes


On 8/12/2021 at 1:57 PM, Tk3 said:

Nacho's behavior was SOO bad at the end of D1 (given the flip) that I mostly cannot believe he would actually do that as scum

It feels too much like a false flag where everything went too conveniently for scum to not try to push it the next day

It's either 1-2 scum on the Nacho line and Nacho is town OR Nacho just yolo'ed D1, in an attempt to lolclear, and I just don't see him making a move like that, knowing that he was already losing a partner


19 hours ago, Tk3 said:

I feel like @TheKillerNacho presence is leaving us all with nowhere to actually go, because people are so fixated

@TL-TwoWinsAway let's pretend we vote out Nacho tonight..

If he's town - where do you look next?

If he's scum - where do you look next?


On 8/13/2021 at 12:41 PM, Tk3 said:



Actually.. I'll redact my post, and agree more with Pickle's here

But even so, why are we all trying to peg Nacho as 2nd scum group? It's pigeonholing to get to the outcome you want to happen


On 8/13/2021 at 11:36 AM, Tk3 said:

Literally, my 4 biggest scum reads are all voting Nacho


On 8/12/2021 at 1:52 PM, Tk3 said:

TL was a lot better when he came in D5 with 4 days of flips to help sort things out

assuming he solved the entire scumteam D2, after misvoting D1

He's actually making me want to vote for Nacho even less


On 8/12/2021 at 11:52 AM, Tk3 said:

you keep saying things like this.. and it makes me trust you less



On 8/11/2021 at 12:53 PM, Tk3 said:

Generally speaking... generally speaking this early in the game, scum isn't going to give their game away by all protecting one another. You're never going to "solve the game" by connecting all the D1 dots

There will be things here and there, some of them will be real catches, some of them will be nothings

Scum usually votes one another early, as a misdirect.. which is why all my spidey senses went off regarding Nacho


On 8/11/2021 at 12:50 PM, Tk3 said:

I think we're ALL over thinking that..

My whole point was that Nacho's argument isn't a good one IMO

I think Josh just moved around looking for something to stick. When there was an exodus off Raves, he went too


On 8/10/2021 at 10:17 PM, Tk3 said:


Nacho was the first to vote Josh. We all followed suit, and then he jumped off at the last minute. It wouldn't be surprising for him to do a mini-buss, not expecting it to rally the way it did. It DOES surprise me that he jumped off at the end. @TheKillerNacho you say you wouldn't do such a blatant thing as scum, but what is your reasoning as town? Even if you were going to jump off, the fact that you didn't go anywhere of consequence is a problem, and not getting back ONTO a place of consequence is a problem

@jasonwbantle liked my post about no-voting AND he interacted with several posts regarding Josh, while notably NOT voting Josh. Just caught my eye. Also ended up on a vote without consequence

Why did the "no vote" crew all disband to different places?

The vote was 5-2-2-1-1-1-1-1.. did you all just decide you'd rather vote random and hide as opposed to making a concerted effort to save Josh? Hoping others would flip and that you wouldn't have to involve yourselves?


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1 minute ago, Pickle Rick said:

I don't remember you giving reasons why you wont go nacho, I'm curious what's the reasoning there 

This cannot be possible

I'll refer you to the past 100 pages. your brother conveniently just quoted a couple times where I explained it

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2 hours ago, bcb1213 said:

Nacho - 3- pickle, orca, hokie

Squire - 3 - tl, et, Dome 

Dome - 1- Raves


Hokie--3-Scoundrel, tk3, nacho 

6 to eliminate. 


Day ends at 6


1 hour ago, Tk3 said:

I'd gladly go hokie or TL

I'd also gladly go Orca

I've been wavering all over the place on Pickle.. I could go Pickle, but there are a lot of others ahead of him

I could also be convinced to go ET, but my concern is that above 4 are going to be a bloc (and I think it's probably 2 scum, 2 town in that group), and if we vote someone outside it, and then scum again hits someone outside of that group, then that group is going to be dictating things, and that's a problem, because their agendas are wrong


16 minutes ago, Raves said:



8 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

I'd still rather vote hokie than TL



Nacho - 3- pickle, orca, hokie

Squire - 3 - tl, et, Dome 

Tl--2-squire, raves

Hokie--3-Scoundrel, tk3, nacho 

6 to eliminate. 

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3 minutes ago, TL-TwoWinsAway said:

I mean, I think I post too much. I've tried to remain active because I signed up to participate in this, and I want to put a fair effort out there, but, hey, if it's too much, I can scale it back.

I appreciate it tbh much better than the inactives even though I have lost interest for the most part it helps me stay somewhat engaged

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3 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

This cannot be possible

I'll refer you to the past 100 pages. your brother conveniently just quoted a couple times where I explained it

Pounding headache last night and today.  Trying to keep some things in order is difficult right now.  I'm reading through them, thanks 

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