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The Binding of Isaac: Remafia (Delirium wins!)


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42 minutes ago, Daniel said:

We didn't, I did. I questioned squire on it a little yesterday.

Like rack, I have completely random abilities.

Really hard to use effectively, so I probably won't get any more invests, but in this case, it landed a scummy.

Oh you did.  That doesn’t sound convincing.

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this about right on the players with known or claimed investigation abilities.   Seems logical!!

nice work scum on framing me.  


alignment compare Forge
bible verse cop bcb
alignment cop KSJ
3 person player list PIckle
copy move ability Malf
3 player dream Orca (via Jason)
alignment cop swoosh
alignment cop ?? TL/Carl
invest ?? skywind/player B
investigation daniel
results reports TK3
JOAT w/invest rackcs
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7 minutes ago, Daniel said:

squire yesterday: pfft, that's not a lot of investigators.  It's a totally reasonable number for a game this size.

squire once redlettered: Now hold on there, that's way too many investigations!

my implication is that was and is a lot of investigators for them to all be Isaac aligned.  

Nice effort on spinning things.  

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