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Week 10 General Discussion Thread


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2 minutes ago, mattyice0401 said:

Theres a YT video of someone breaking it all down really well that I cant find right now

Just God-given fast-twitch ability!!!


Just now, NeptunePenguins said:

Why does it look like Rodgers is either crying or high?

He hasn't been in Wisconsin long enough to adjust to the allergens... in November.

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There was more of a riot on the campus of UMass in 2017 (Feb 2018) than there was in Philly.

They took to the streets to celebrate in Philly and they climbed some polls and jumped up and down on an awning. Maybe they flipped a couple cars. There was almost more damage on the campus of UMass that night. You know, not winning your 3rd in 4 years is a good reason to destroy things and get violent.


GTFO with making wining a championship having any comparison with actual civil unrest.

Edited by SkippyX
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