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2022 Free agency thread


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3 hours ago, StLunatic88 said:

Why do you care about the QB rookie deal? It’s a myth and a crutch for bad front offices so they can mask all the other mistakes they make. If Field’s is the stud we need, I want the team to be built up for when he is entering his prime.

And guess what, if he’s not that guy, then you will have your “Rookie Contract QB” added to a much better situation 

It isn't for the Super Bowl window as much as setting him up for success imo. 

My big thing with the rookie cap deal is you get more swings. Think Hicks. He signed a 2 year $10mil deal and then got his big extension because he balled out. With Fields making pennies compared to what he will if he is a stud then you can get a dozen of those guys and maybe 3-4 are ones worth re-signing and building around. Those other 8-9 fill holes to let Poles get the best players possible in the draft. 

If he busts then you have the new rookie in a better spot to succeed (potentially). 

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5 minutes ago, beardown3231 said:


When did I do that? Seattle sucked when Wilson got there. They got that much better because they drafted well and signed some free agents. You can't just do one or the other

This is kinda proving my point. We haven't drafted well and made atrocious signings from a contractual standpoint leading up to this point. Seattle's roster was stacked defensively and was mediocre offensively. But Russ was "that dude." As I also said, if that is what Fields is than he will be that way regardless. That being said, our roster still is not comparable to that Seattle team. As a matter of fact, out of those SB teams that you bought up (and I am assuming the only reason that you bought them up was to compare them to the Bears), whose roster would you have rather had for any on those teams with those QBs going into year two? Ours or theirs? If you say theirs then that proves my point. If you say ours, then their really is no reason to complain about our situation at this point because that means we have plenty of time to progress.

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1 hour ago, Sugashane said:

It isn't for the Super Bowl window as much as setting him up for success imo. 

My big thing with the rookie cap deal is you get more swings. Think Hicks. He signed a 2 year $10mil deal and then got his big extension because he balled out. With Fields making pennies compared to what he will if he is a stud then you can get a dozen of those guys and maybe 3-4 are ones worth re-signing and building around. Those other 8-9 fill holes to let Poles get the best players possible in the draft. 

If he busts then you have the new rookie in a better spot to succeed (potentially). 

Pringle and Justin Jones are these kinds of deals IMO. Patrick less so because he’s already 29. I think we’ll have several of those deals… next year. This year we’re sitting with $50M+ in dead cap space because the last GM didn’t know very well what he was doing. Our options are limited for a lot of things this year unfortunately. We’re gonna have to rely more on youth and inexperience than anyone really wants. 

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29 minutes ago, AZBearsFan said:

Pringle and Justin Jones are these kinds of deals IMO. Patrick less so because he’s already 29. I think we’ll have several of those deals… next year. This year we’re sitting with $50M+ in dead cap space because the last GM didn’t know very well what he was doing. Our options are limited for a lot of things this year unfortunately. We’re gonna have to rely more on youth and inexperience than anyone really wants. 

They tried to sign a DT to a 13.5 million a year deal with almost 30 guaranteed. I am not sure they can claim poverty a month after trying to but a Ferrari.

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59 minutes ago, AZBearsFan said:

Pringle and Justin Jones are these kinds of deals IMO. Patrick less so because he’s already 29. I think we’ll have several of those deals… next year. This year we’re sitting with $50M+ in dead cap space because the last GM didn’t know very well what he was doing. Our options are limited for a lot of things this year unfortunately. We’re gonna have to rely more on youth and inexperience than anyone really wants. 

Agree for the most part but remember, Pace's only weakness was picking HCs. 😉 

 A lot of the cap was Poles' decision but I'd rather rip the band aid off now. Even with a spending frenzy we aren't contenders this year so now is the time to cut the fat. I was hoping for some signings on the OL too but we will see how things work out. As long as Fields isn't getting mauled like last year's incompetent staff allowed it will be a step forward. 


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7 hours ago, abstract_thought said:

8 of the last 10 Super Bowls have featured teams built around rookie-deal QBs.

If done right, the Bears could be a challenger in two years--but that, of course, requires a bit of luck.

But I think anyone focusing on Field's rookie deal as some sort of window needs to jettison that notion, and merely be glad that Fields is a Bear at all. 

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2 hours ago, WindyCity said:

They tried to sign a DT to a 13.5 million a year deal with almost 30 guaranteed. I am not sure they can claim poverty a month after trying to but a Ferrari.

They were paying Mack like $23 mil a year.

Not sure that "Ferrari" comparison holds up. 

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3 hours ago, WindyCity said:

They tried to sign a DT to a 13.5 million a year deal with almost 30 guaranteed. I am not sure they can claim poverty a month after trying to but a Ferrari.

What was the year 1 hit gonna be there? Damn sure not $13.5M. Your only problem with a 1-player investment at that level was that it wasn’t on the OL or at WR, even though DT was also a very large need. His guy wasn’t your guy, and it drives you crazy. 

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1 hour ago, beardown3231 said:

He's referring to Ogunjobi. Can't sign and then miss out on a DT for $30M and then cry poor when it comes to offense

Got that.

It's chicken feed compared to what Mack was owed.

But yeah...the cash needs to be spread about, Pace had it all slanted to defense because Mitch was gonna be our savior.

Edited by Heinz D.
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2 hours ago, AZBearsFan said:

What was the year 1 hit gonna be there? Damn sure not $13.5M. Your only problem with a 1-player investment at that level was that it wasn’t on the OL or at WR, even though DT was also a very large need. His guy wasn’t your guy, and it drives you crazy. 

Yes, DT isn’t as big a need as OL and WR. This team goes as far as Justin Fields takes them.


My biggest issue is with the twitter narrative that has been spun about Poles that he isn’t going to use free agency and that is the best way to build a team. “Building the right way”.

He literally tried to sign a guy to big money in the first 6 minutes of free agency, in the first year of a “rebuild”. It doesn’t get more aggressive wave 1 than that.

Edited by WindyCity
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2 hours ago, AZBearsFan said:

What was the year 1 hit gonna be there? Damn sure not $13.5M. Your only problem with a 1-player investment at that level was that it wasn’t on the OL or at WR, even though DT was also a very large need. His guy wasn’t your guy, and it drives you crazy. 

Any 1 player investment that size pretty much takes away your right to plead poverty. 26.5 million guaranteed to 1 player is not what a poor team does.

Even after signing Ogunjobi they were going to need to sign a ton of guys. It wasn’t going to be 1 big spend and done.

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3 hours ago, beardown3231 said:

He's referring to Ogunjobi. Can't sign and then miss out on a DT for $30M and then cry poor when it comes to offense

My thoughts exactly.

Poles has money. He is choosing not to spend it. We will see if they plan works out.

But let’s not act like he is taking an entirely measured and frugal approach to free agency.

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