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BDL Discussion Thread 2022


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If I had a chance to do things over, I never would have gone to college. I just look back at it as a large waste of money and especially time. I had always hated school and only ended up going due to parents’ desire, societal pressure, and scholarship money 

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14 minutes ago, Whicker said:

If I had a chance to do things over, I never would have gone to college. I just look back at it as a large waste of money and especially time. I had always hated school and only ended up going due to parents’ desire, societal pressure, and scholarship money 

I'd have gone to law school straight out of undergrad.

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2 hours ago, Blue said:

To be fair, I did joke with Scoundrel about bringing up rumors about the who No. 1 pick is going to be. Guess I should know better than to joke about things in the super-serious Big D!cks League.

Oh ****, that's what it stands for. Guess I need to retire 

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2 hours ago, MWil23 said:

If I had to do life all over again, I’d probably have been a nurse instead of a teacher or honestly gotten a cushy government job on base working with spreadsheets. I love what I do in terms of working with kids but the time and emotional fallout makes me wish for an 8-12 hour job 3-5 days a week where I can either still help people but have 4 days off or just punch a card and collect a check while accumulating wealth over a 30 year period of time.

If I had to do life all over again, I would try harder to be good at more profitable things in life than education and theatre....lol

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