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17 hours ago, devils1854 said:

Yeah. If I see a super long run time I'm almost out. Having 2 young ones at home makes it hard for me to get through a 2.5-3 hour long movie. Took me probably 4 hours or so to finish the latest Transformers Sunday.

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On 10/25/2017 at 2:58 PM, Acgott said:


Im so very conflicted on this. I love Evans doing a Dethstroke film, and Magienallo is still the right guy to be Slade Wilson. But with the weird situation of the Matt Reeves Batman trilogy and all its rumors out there make me so confused on what is going on? Especially with WB now acting like their Films dont really need to connect now. 

I think if we could get Suicide Squad 2, Harley/Joker, Batgirl, Nightwing, Gotham City Sirens, and Dethstroke films all making up this Gotham-verse with Batfleck being the cohesive glue holding them all together and making cameos, it would be amazing. But I know thats unrealistic, and its going to be a bunch of unconnected films they try to pretend make sense together.

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15 hours ago, StLunatic88 said:

Im so very conflicted on this. I love Evans doing a Dethstroke film, and Magienallo is still the right guy to be Slade Wilson. But with the weird situation of the Matt Reeves Batman trilogy and all its rumors out there make me so confused on what is going on? Especially with WB now acting like their Films dont really need to connect now. 

I think if we could get Suicide Squad 2, Harley/Joker, Batgirl, Nightwing, Gotham City Sirens, and Dethstroke films all making up this Gotham-verse with Batfleck being the cohesive glue holding them all together and making cameos, it would be amazing. But I know thats unrealistic, and its going to be a bunch of unconnected films they try to pretend make sense together.

It's amazing at just how much WB has screwed the pooch on the DCEU.

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15 hours ago, StLunatic88 said:

Im so very conflicted on this. I love Evans doing a Dethstroke film, and Magienallo is still the right guy to be Slade Wilson. But with the weird situation of the Matt Reeves Batman trilogy and all its rumors out there make me so confused on what is going on? Especially with WB now acting like their Films dont really need to connect now. 

I think if we could get Suicide Squad 2, Harley/Joker, Batgirl, Nightwing, Gotham City Sirens, and Dethstroke films all making up this Gotham-verse with Batfleck being the cohesive glue holding them all together and making cameos, it would be amazing. But I know thats unrealistic, and its going to be a bunch of unconnected films they try to pretend make sense together.

Please quit pedaling this.    Geoff Johns has already shot this nonsense down.     That entire notion was built upon a few misinterpreted quotes and the suggestion that there might be a Joker film that is COMPLETELY separate from the DCEU, and that is just an idea at this point that may or may not ever go anywhere.

Here is one of the quotes that seem to be firing some people up....



“Our intention, certainly, moving forward, is using the continuity to help make sure nothing is diverging in a way that doesn’t make sense. But there’s no insistence upon an overall story line or interconnectivity in that universe,” DC Entertainment president Diane Nelson told Vulture. “There were little nods to Batman v Superman, but you don’t need to have seen it. It’s a great stand-alone,"

All that means is that the stories of the movies dont need to be heavily influenced by whatever else is going on in the universe.   How is that any different that what the MCU does, really?   Look at a movie like Captain America: Winter Soldier.     You can watch that without having watched any of the other MCU movies and understand whats going on.   Sure, there are pieces of the movie that connect it to the extended universe....but by and large, its a stand alone film.    Hell, look at Wonder Woman....same thing.   You didnt have to see any other movie in the DCEU to enjoy that movie by itself.    

People are making a big deal over nothing.  




Responding to a fan who was questioning the company’s choice to “pull the rug out” from under its cinematic universe, Johns revealed that the DC Extended universe is still “100%” connected.

It 100% is. pic.twitter.com/CIxSh59x1r

— Geoff Johns (@geoffjohns) October 1, 2017




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First of all Im going to say this, I have been one of the most staunch defenders of everything they have done in the DC Film Universe. That has been very evident in this thread. From MoS, to some great things done in BvS, and even things I actually liked in Suicide Squad, I have seen what they are trying to do, and I think there is still a good shot to get it done. But there are still issues, and they are starting to compound.

1 hour ago, FourThreeMafia said:

Please quit pedaling this.    Geoff Johns has already shot this nonsense down.     That entire notion was built upon a few misinterpreted quotes and the suggestion that there might be a Joker film that is COMPLETELY separate from the DCEU, and that is just an idea at this point that may or may not ever go anywhere.

I am not pedaling anything. This is a thing that happened. I have a ton of respect for Johns, I think he is the right guy to give this Universe direction, but the problem is he clearly doesnt have any control of the Zoo that is running wild on the WB side. GJ is the guy who walked into shop class, and was handed someone elses  project. They used so much really good wood and materials, but they are all loosely nailed together, with random holes drilled into them, and spray painted for no reason. Sure there is something there to salvage, but it needs alot of work, as well as everyone rowing in the same direction.

And that last part is the most important, and the reason there is still so many issues surrounding WB/DC. There are too many people leaking everything. If the Scorsese/Joker thing was just talked about, it shouold have been kept behind closed doors. And if Johns cant keep that under wraps, that means too many people are still pulling against him. Not only that one, but there are SOOO many things announced with no roadmap that people can see. There are no less than 15 movies announced in one form or another (not including a MoS sequel) with atleast 5 of those about characters that we havent even met yet...

The biggest hangup is around Reeves' proposed trilogy and Afflecks presence. Until that is resolved (Johns confirming Affleck is out or Reeves saying Affleck is his Batman) it has the whole universe hanging in limbo. And I know nothing is going to be said prior to Justice League, because they have finally quelled the controversy talk to a murmmer for now, but you cant just ignore it.


This master roadmap (ex. below) is what has really helped the MCU. Because when Age of Ultron is underwheming, we still know Civil War is just around the corner, and we stay excited. And when Captain Marvel gets pushed back, we are ok with it because we can still visually see the plan ahead. And even when something is a complete miss, like Inhumans. and is scrapped from the schedule, we just say "you know what, the schedue was too packed anyway, Im glad they pulled it, we have plenty to look forward to anyway. My point is we dont know what is coming for the DC Films. And sure we dont need to know eveything, but some idea of a plan would instill some real confidence in the fanbase. This aimless wondering around from movie to movie is a real problem, and honestly a bigger problem that the product that has been put out (because here is the secret, plenty of causuals really like what they have been getting, as every single one of the movies release has a positive viewer score)


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14 hours ago, StLunatic88 said:

First of all Im going to say this, I have been one of the most staunch defenders of everything they have done in the DC Film Universe. That has been very evident in this thread. From MoS, to some great things done in BvS, and even things I actually liked in Suicide Squad, I have seen what they are trying to do, and I think there is still a good shot to get it done. But there are still issues, and they are starting to compound.


I mean, I dont think anyone would deny there have been issues with the DCEU...but starting to compound?   I mean, if anything, its the exact opposite.   The issues that they were having are SEEMINGLY starting to be corrected.   Too soon to say for sure, but Wonder Woman was very good and if Justice League is even just a fun, coherent movie....I dont see how the issues are being 'compounded' when alot of it is being resolved.  But Ill see how you elaborate on this going forward...


I am not pedaling anything. This is a thing that happened.

What is?    You claimed that the universe isnt connected based on certain things that were said.    Matt Reeves and Geoff Johns have both clarified statements they made and confirmed that the movies are definitely connected within a shared universe.    Just because they are making movies that are going to focus on their own stories rather than the entire universe doesnt mean that aspects of those movies cant be implemented into the universe the same way Marvel has done it.   


I have a ton of respect for Johns, I think he is the right guy to give this Universe direction, but the problem is he clearly doesnt have any control of the Zoo that is running wild on the WB side.

You know this how, exactly?

Im not even necessarily saying you are completely wrong, and I do think the studio tends to get more involved than they need to be, but Im curious what you mean by this, especially when it looks like the DCEU is finally heading the right direction.   Obviously that could change, but alot of your comments seem to be based on hearsay and speculation about what might or might not be coming.


GJ is the guy who walked into shop class, and was handed someone elses  project. They used so much really good wood and materials, but they are all loosely nailed together, with random holes drilled into them, and spray painted for no reason. Sure there is something there to salvage, but it needs alot of work, as well as everyone rowing in the same direction.

Okay, I can agree with this, but I mean....Wonder Woman was great and I think Justice League looks good.   Obviously thats just two movies, but IIRC, Johns didnt take over until Suicide Squad was late in production and Wonder Woman was in pre production....which means the first movie he really had much influence on was Wonder Woman, and now Justice League.    So, with Wonder Woman being very good and if Justice League is good....he is batting 2 for 2.   Shouldnt we have a little faith until he lets us down?    


And that last part is the most important, and the reason there is still so many issues surrounding WB/DC. There are too many people leaking everything. If the Scorsese/Joker thing was just talked about, it shouold have been kept behind closed doors. And if Johns cant keep that under wraps, that means too many people are still pulling against him. Not only that one, but there are SOOO many things announced with no roadmap that people can see. There are no less than 15 movies announced in one form or another (not including a MoS sequel) with atleast 5 of those about characters that we havent even met yet...

Okay, I can see where youre going, and I dont even disagree.  In fact, I completely agree.   However, we dont know which of these movies will be definitely made, yet.    They are just throwing ideas around.    If I am correct, a Batman trilogy, Flash, Green Lantern Corp, Aquaman, Wonder Woman 2, Cyborg, Nightwing, Suicide Squad 2 and Shazam are the only movies that are 100% confirmed. with movies like Deathstroke and Gotham City Sirens in the infancy stages of development and ideas like Justice League Dark and the Joker spinoff being just mere ideas at this point.

Are they doing things the way I want to see them done?  No....but that doesnt mean they cant all be good.

We will see.


The biggest hangup is around Reeves' proposed trilogy and Afflecks presence. Until that is resolved (Johns confirming Affleck is out or Reeves saying Affleck is his Batman) it has the whole universe hanging in limbo. And I know nothing is going to be said prior to Justice League, because they have finally quelled the controversy talk to a murmmer for now, but you cant just ignore it.

I mean...how much of the Affleck talk revolved around the fact that many people werent enjoying the movies?    A positive response to Justice League could renew his vigor.

Maybe he is out, and if he is, my guess is it would be resolved via Flashpoint.....but honestly, Im not overly worried at this point.   As much as I like how Affleck has portrayed Batman, I wish they wouldve went 10 years younger.    By the time we got to Batman 3 and JL3, Affleck would be in his mid 50s.   


This master roadmap (ex. below) is what has really helped the MCU. Because when Age of Ultron is underwheming, we still know Civil War is just around the corner, and we stay excited. And when Captain Marvel gets pushed back, we are ok with it because we can still visually see the plan ahead. And even when something is a complete miss, like Inhumans. and is scrapped from the schedule, we just say "you know what, the schedue was too packed anyway, Im glad they pulled it, we have plenty to look forward to anyway. My point is we dont know what is coming for the DC Films. And sure we dont need to know eveything, but some idea of a plan would instill some real confidence in the fanbase. This aimless wondering around from movie to movie is a real problem, and honestly a bigger problem that the product that has been put out (because here is the secret, plenty of causuals really like what they have been getting, as every single one of the movies release has a positive viewer score)

Yes....Ive been saying for awhile the DCEU needed its Kevin Feige to steer the ship....and I think that guy is Geoff Johns.    Is it 100% clear what they are going to do?  No, but my guess is the success of Justice League will dictate where they go from here, so even though they have announced alot of future movies, that doesnt mean all of them will get made, at least not anytime soon.    I hope that after we see what happens with JL, they will start to plan out the future a little better, because I do agree that right now, its a little unclear.     

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1 hour ago, RuskieTitan said:


Its all you can really say for some of these decisions. I know they want to use Dwayne to his fullest media leverage, so use the Black Adam film first, but intro Shazam in that movie as his adversary. You wouldnt even have to show Billy Batson at that point if you dont want to.

And I like Zachary Levi, hope he does well as Shazam, but it just seems like a wasted opportunity not to get Cena vs Johnson, especially with a character that wont be on the screen for part of the time. 

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