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Malfs Choose your Character/Role/Alignment Mafia game: Mafia and Shady win!


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9 hours ago, Malfatron said:

Daboyle - 4 (doom, orca, shady, dome

Daboyle has selfdestructed killing everyone on him with an unpreventable move, even the bulletproof SK dome and orca

Slappy is the remaining survivor.

Mafia wins!


@Slappy Mc

And his Converts

@Forge @Daboyle


Thanks for playing this foolish game all!

Edited by Malfatron
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Heres the remaining 6 flips

Daboyles original role was town

Forges original role was werewolf btw, but slappys conversion worked because all forges partners died


On 4/3/2022 at 11:16 AM, Malfatron said:

Final role daboyle

Welcome! You are a Town Florida Man, and aligned with The Town.

~ You will passively return the result of a Mafia Goon to any roles that investigate you.
~ Each day or night, you may submit any action you wish, as long as the I would explicitly deem it not-normal. You have a max of three modifiers for this action. If the I would deem your hypothetical role as normal, your action will fail.
~ The first time someone performs a kill against you, you will automatically survive.

Victory Condition:
~ You win when there are no longer any threats to the Town, and at least one Townie is still alive.


Heres a list of roles that i would consider normal, so you cant use any of these moves.

Your move has to be not normal



On 4/3/2022 at 11:19 AM, Malfatron said:

Final role dome

you are a very quiet day day vig SK

You can kill someone in both day and night phase

~ each day phase, you may attempt to kill someone.
~ each post you make must be 5 words or fewer because you must remain very quiet. Also, you may not make back to back posts in thread. if you fail this, you will die. you will be warned twice, before you die.
~ you will not show to visit anyone when you perform an action, because you are very quiet.

Factional Abilities:
~ You are bulletproof, and will passively survive any kills performed on you.
~ Each night, you may attempt to kill another player in the game.

Victory Condition:
~ You win if all threats to you are dead, and you are still alive, or were alive in the previous phase; in the event of all players are dead, regardless of when you died; or if either scenario is inevitable.



On 4/3/2022 at 10:52 AM, Malfatron said:

Final role orca

Welcome! You are a Chaos Elemental Serial Killer, and aligned with only yourself.

You can multitask and do one personal ability and your factional kill each night

~ Each night, you may choose one of the following:
~ Give a player a Rod of Dissonance, a 1-shot use of your power.
~ Use your Rod of Discord. During the night, visit target player. All actions that would affect them affect you instead, and all actions that affect you do not affect you. This does not redirect or roleblock any actions. If this would result in your death, target player receives this item.
~ If a player who possesses the Rod of Discord dies without a new owner, you will be revived and re-obtain your rod.

Factional Abilities:
~ You are bulletproof, and will passively survive any kills performed on you.
~ Each night, you may attempt to kill another player in the game.

Victory Condition:
~ You win if all threats to you are dead, and you are still alive, or were alive in the previous phase; in the event of all players are dead, regardless of when you died; or if either scenario is inevitable.


On 4/3/2022 at 11:21 AM, Malfatron said:

Final role shady

Unjester JOAT


~ You are a JOAT, and have the following 1-Shot abilities. You may only submit one per night.
~ Once per game, you may submit any action, provided I would deem it as a normal role.

The following is a list of normal roles


~ Once per game, you may roleblock someone. Your sanity is not guaranteed.
~ Once per game, you may roleblock someone. If you succeed in preventing an action, you will learn your target's alignment.
~ Once per game, you may target someone. You will attempt to learn if they are Not Mafia or Mafia.


Victory Condition:
~ You win if you are not eliminated by vote


On 4/3/2022 at 11:07 AM, Malfatron said:

Final role doom

Welcome! You are  Town Mega Gladiator, and aligned with The Town

~ At any point during the day, you may post Challenge: ALL. All votes will be reset, and the only two targets anyone may vote for is you, and "All." If "All" reaches majority, all players will be yeeted, except you.


Victory Condition:
~ You win when there are no longer any threats to the Town, and at least one Townie is still alive.



On 4/3/2022 at 11:01 AM, Malfatron said:

Final role slappy

Two-Lived Recruiting Mafioso

You can use an active ability and factional ability in the same night

~ Each night, you may attempt to recruit another player into your faction. No more than 5 players may be recruited.
~ The first two times you should die, you will instead survive.
~ On Day 5, all players in your faction will be able to commit twice as many actions as they normally can, and Town cannot perform actions on Odd-Numbered nights.

Factional Abilities:
~ You, or any of your partners, may perform the factional kill at night, and attempt to kill another player in the game.
~ You know that Nobody is also aligned with The Mafia yet.
~ You have a discord located here where you and the other Mafiosi may speak.


Victory Condition:
~ You win when all the threats to the Mafia are gone and at least one Mafioso is still alive, or when nothing can prevent this from occurring.





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18 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

Heres the remaining 6 flips

Daboyles original role was town

Forges original role was werewolf btw, but slappys conversion worked because all forges partners died








Who were the threats to me?

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