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The Marvel Cinematic Universe- Robert Downey Jr. cast as Doctor Doom


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8 hours ago, D82 said:

Another one with Thanos…I wish they’d explore some other villains in these 

I think Thanos will appear in another episode this season, but today’s episode was supposed to be in the first season, but got delayed due to time.

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30 minutes ago, seminoles1 said:

I still don't get why this show (and the MCU overall since Endgame really) just tries to retroactively make Thanos look weaker and weaker.


This was kind of a disappointing season I thought. Not bad, but not what I was hoping for. Though I do like Kahhori.

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C+ for What If Season 2. I thought Season 1 was a B+. Really disappointed with the backpeddling on Supreme Strange. That seemed so random after what happened in Season 1. Feels like the finale was a build up to something interesting, but it ends up being another time/universe adventure with Captain Carter. I like Captain Carter fine, and I get the gist that she might have been arguably the most popular character the previous season, even if it wasn't the best episode. Atwell brings a lot of charisma to the role, and she would make sense to the be the "hero" if they wanted to have some consistency with a character. But at that point, it really isn't "What If" in the traditional sense that Marvel brought to the comics. One, and done narrative separate from their own. It's more akin to Peggy time/universe hopping a la Sliders, Exiles, or Quantum leap. Now I'm wondering if in season 3 it evolves into that. I'll still watch, because these productions aside from what the narratives may be, are dynamite. However, not sure if that's the best direction if it's indeed on the docket. We shall see. 

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I am going to disagree with the common sentiment. I liked this season better overall. I think that the standalone episodes were better, I really liked the Blade Runner Nebula one, 1602, Kahorri (spelled wrong), and most of the episodes better. I felt like the end was a big "bleh" but I didn't mind it. And the "power creep" in this one is basically Kahorri which, is she going to show up anywhere else, probably the comics at some point, but I wonder if she will in the live action MCU. With Strange Supreme and Captain Carter, sure power creep, kind of, but it's also an else world story that won't affect the main MCU, The Watcher might, but this Captain Carter, unlikely.

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