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Jets 2022 OTAs and Training Camp


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2 hours ago, jetfuel34 said:

I think he is a bigger problem then you guys think. I like him as a person but his coaching and play calling need in imporve a lot. How many 4 or 5 win seasons is he going to get before we move on. He was suppose to be this big D guy and we had the worse D in Jets history and probably a top 10 worse D in NFL history. If we are on another 4-5 wins season I would like to see a new HC. 

Not disagreeing, but my point was about them drafting and bringing in talent. We had a really bad roster and injuries last season. I’ll wait for this season to judge him as a coach. 

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Its nice for the first time in a long time in joint practices being the clearly better team.  Reports are that the Jets OL and DL were better, the secondary was better, and the jets had the better playmakers. 

Joe Douglas has this team heading in the right direction, I think good things are coming. Positive vibes! 

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9 hours ago, jetfuel34 said:

I think he is a bigger problem then you guys think. I like him as a person but his coaching and play calling need in imporve a lot. How many 4 or 5 win seasons is he going to get before we move on. He was suppose to be this big D guy and we had the worse D in Jets history and probably a top 10 worse D in NFL history. If we are on another 4-5 wins season I would like to see a new HC. 

A bit harsh after just one season. Yes, he is supposed to be a D guru, but as HC he is not calling plays.  Even if he was, it is hard to trot out a good D with what was essentially rookies and backups. Aside from Lawson, who was gone for the year, who did we get on D last year that could be considered a starter?  You could even argue that last seasons secondary outplayed their expectations.

That said, I do expect big improvements on our D this year. But as far as W’s and L’s, we all know this team goes as the QB goes. If we have only 4-5 wins, it is most likely due to poor QB play.  If that is true, does Saleh and company get a pass?  Do we hunt for a new QB?

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I actually wanted to replace Ulbrich when the season ended. He had about 3 good games of play calling to me. Outside of that, his calls was worse than the talent on the field imo. He didn't bother adapting to the players he had like the offense did. No creativity in his defense. Saleh's last year in SF was amazing because what he was able to adapt to with the injuries. Ulbrich is not even close, but I hope he learns and prove me wrong. If the defense looks at least prepared in the first 9 games this season, I'll admit I was wrong. 

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13 hours ago, xrade said:

A bit harsh after just one season. Yes, he is supposed to be a D guru, but as HC he is not calling plays.  Even if he was, it is hard to trot out a good D with what was essentially rookies and backups. Aside from Lawson, who was gone for the year, who did we get on D last year that could be considered a starter?  You could even argue that last seasons secondary outplayed their expectations.

That said, I do expect big improvements on our D this year. But as far as W’s and L’s, we all know this team goes as the QB goes. If we have only 4-5 wins, it is most likely due to poor QB play.  If that is true, does Saleh and company get a pass?  Do we hunt for a new QB?

I think if Wilson tanks this year YES you go after a QB. I hate when teams hold on to a QB when it is clear they are not the future. You have WAY more QB bust than hits. Mariota and Winston where suppose to be the big studs just like Mayfield and Darnold. I personally wanted the jets to grab Baker to backup Wilson. If this rubs Wilson the wrong way I would just say then show me you are the QB of this team. I hate to say it but Baker Mayfield will probably be better than Wilson by the end of the season. 

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13 hours ago, rickyt31 said:

I actually wanted to replace Ulbrich when the season ended. He had about 3 good games of play calling to me. Outside of that, his calls was worse than the talent on the field imo. He didn't bother adapting to the players he had like the offense did. No creativity in his defense. Saleh's last year in SF was amazing because what he was able to adapt to with the injuries. Ulbrich is not even close, but I hope he learns and prove me wrong. If the defense looks at least prepared in the first 9 games this season, I'll admit I was wrong. 

Ya we didn't have much talent to give him to work with, so it's hard to tell. I think this year can be the real judge for him. On the other side of the ball... I think this might LaFleurs last year with us. And that's bc I think he gets picked up as a HC next offseason. I thought his play calling was awful to start the year last year. But man did he come around and call A LOT better games the last 2/3 of the season. Excited to see what he can draw up for us with skill now all over the place.

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24 minutes ago, Bobby816 said:

Ya we didn't have much talent to give him to work with, so it's hard to tell. I think this year can be the real judge for him. On the other side of the ball... I think this might LaFleurs last year with us. And that's bc I think he gets picked up as a HC next offseason. I thought his play calling was awful to start the year last year. But man did he come around and call A LOT better games the last 2/3 of the season. Excited to see what he can draw up for us with skill now all over the place.

Yeah Ulbrich just stuck to basic concepts last year and we really had next to no talent. 

If LaFleur gets picked up as a HC its because Zach has a terrific year so I am all about it. If Zach is just mediocre I highly doubt hes going anywhere. He needs more success as an OC. We were still bottom third in the league in offense last year. Unless we are close to top 10 he isn't going anywhere. 

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1 minute ago, ekill08x said:

Yeah Ulbrich just stuck to basic concepts last year and we really had next to no talent. 

If LaFleur gets picked up as a HC its because Zach has a terrific year so I am all about it. If Zach is just mediocre I highly doubt hes going anywhere. He needs more success as an OC. We were still bottom third in the league in offense last year. Unless we are close to top 10 he isn't going anywhere. 

Our defensive system, is based on a pass rush and when we lost Lawson... that hurt us big time. Add now that we've added 3 new DEs (JJ, Martin, Clemons) and get Lawson back, it's a totally different group than what we had last year. The whole secondary is revamped as well. If Ulbrich cant keep us in the top 1/2 of the league defensively this year, yes he needs to go.


Regarding LaFleur succeeding and maybe leaving. Calabrese is the in house replacement. So it's good that we have a guy in waiting already. 

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1 minute ago, Bobby816 said:

Our defensive system, is based on a pass rush and when we lost Lawson... that hurt us big time. Add now that we've added 3 new DEs (JJ, Martin, Clemons) and get Lawson back, it's a totally different group than what we had last year. The whole secondary is revamped as well. If Ulbrich cant keep us in the top 1/2 of the league defensively this year, yes he needs to go.


Regarding LaFleur succeeding and maybe leaving. Calabrese is the in house replacement. So it's good that we have a guy in waiting already. 

100% but we need to see Saleh get more involved too. He left a ton to be desired last year. Very little adjustments and novice game plans. Saleh's overall leadership should at least allow him to get another DC if this is an underachieving year but he wont survive another year if this is bad and next year isnt at least a playoff year. I think JD has done a terrific job of building this roster and he deserves another shot at a HC if Saleh fails. Can't keep firing GMs, especially one that appears to really know what hes doing. 

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7 minutes ago, ekill08x said:

but we need to see Saleh get more involved too

I hear what you're saying but more involved with what?  Calling plays?  It is already Saleh's D system we are running.  Saleh was hired to be a CEO HC, not a glorified coordinator that ignores the other side of the ball.  If ZW looks decent but the team ****s the bed or if the D gets totally manhandled, then JD should be thinking about what the future holds with Saleh.  He was a rookie HC with a rookie coaching staff on a team filled with young players and devoid of talent.  What more could he have done differently?  I certainly don't know.

I suspect that our D will take a leap this year similar to the way our O seemed to be better than the previous season.  In fact I think it will be better starting day 1.  Remember, our D was ignored last year by JD, except for Lawson.  All the high end draft talent went to the O.  This year more attention was paid in both the draft and FA on the D.  So I  believe we will see a better D with no rookie QB holding them back.

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6 hours ago, Bobby816 said:

Ya we didn't have much talent to give him to work with, so it's hard to tell. I think this year can be the real judge for him. On the other side of the ball... I think this might LaFleurs last year with us. And that's bc I think he gets picked up as a HC next offseason. I thought his play calling was awful to start the year last year. But man did he come around and call A LOT better games the last 2/3 of the season. Excited to see what he can draw up for us with skill now all over the place.

I agree. Once when he moved to the booth, the offense looked good. I think he'll get some interviews this season,  but I don't expect the offense to light it up enough to get the job unless a lot of jobs open up. If Wilson proves he's the franchise QB, then he may be gone. 


For Ulbrich, I'm giving him 9 weeks to prove me wrong. He did nothing to make me believe he would be great with more talent. 

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