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John Dorsey named GM


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Ok so you people that can’t stand sashi. You realize we’re a QB, RB and WR away from being 8-8?  We can get a qb this year. Deep at rb so we can get one this year. Wr is a bit weak but maybe we can get one thru FA. We built up the defense last year. I believe in sashis plan that we were going offense this year. One side at a time, no? Holy overreactions Haslam. LeSigh. 

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2 minutes ago, H2ThaIzzo said:

Go back and read/listen to the reasons why. From most accounts making a trade agreement between teams isn't a complicated thing. Apparently when trying to trade with Sashi and the Browns though it was a long, drawn out exhausting process that turned teams off, including New England. They did the trade for Collins, but apparently after that one was finally completed they were pretty much done with wanting to deal with us. 


I'm not exactly certain there were any unbiased accounts of what was going on. Mike Silver and the like who had Huey pissing in their ear about how incompetent everyone else was. This doesn't even account for the Lombardi factor.

As exhaustive as it may have been, it didn't seem to stop anyone from actually working with them at a league leading clip.

Obviously it's possible, but the facts don't fit the narrative.


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6 minutes ago, Bonanza23 said:

Ok so you people that can’t stand sashi. You realize we’re a QB, RB and WR away from being 8-8?  We can get a qb this year. Deep at rb so we can get one this year. Wr is a bit weak but maybe we can get one thru FA. We built up the defense last year. I believe in sashis plan that we were going offense this year. One side at a time, no? Holy overreactions Haslam. LeSigh. 

Perhaps some professional schemes too.

The league has figured out the Hail Mary x 3 then punt routine as well as how to exploit a defense in a punt return formation.

Haslam is the effin plague and it's absolutely killing me. The utter incompetence and quick triggers just highlights the fact that he has truly no clue what he's doing nor is he learning.

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4 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Perhaps some professional schemes too.

The league has figured out the Hail Mary x 3 then punt routine as well as how to exploit a defense in a punt return formation.

Haslam is the effin plague and it's absolutely killing me. The utter incompetence and quick triggers just highlights the fact that he has truly no clue what he's doing nor is he learning.

Hue Jackson’s here baby!

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Dorsey already lost me.

Hue still being employed on January 2nd will end my 30 year tenure as Browns fan.

I have already chosen my new team.  Came into existence the same year I was born, switched from AFC to NFC just like I will, and owned by a billionaire who is the polar opposite of Jimmy Haslam.

Order saved to desktop, just waiting for confirmation.  Lord knows their forum could use some new blood (509 posts at this time).


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Meh, a dose of hard reality shouldn't make everyone squirt some.  The reality is this - we're a 1-28 football team.  Lots of picks & cap space (which was Sashi's strong suit, contracts  not personnel) have us in good shape in some respects.  But our roster as it is doesn't win football games, simple as that.  I mean of all the picks over the last two years, how many scream super star?  Garrett maybe, if he stays healthy.  Honestly, who else?  I know a lot of these picks are liked by fans and they play with heart, but they're still 1-28 as a team.  A lot of that has to do with QB play which I hope to God we FINALLY and DEFINITIVELY address this off season.  WR?  Another mess (although getting Josh back helps - IF he can keep his head on straight)  How about the three wideouts we drafted last year?  Any of them lighting up the league?  Nope.  Njoku shows promise but has drops at critical points ... hopefully he'll continue to improve.  Coleman?  He has moments but as of yet, can't stay on the field for more than 1/2 a season.  Time will tell.  I frankly never understood why someone with ZERO personnel experience was put in charge of personnel - baffling.  I think Sashi did his best and tried to find athletes via the metrics he was taught to use ....but he didn't find many good football players.  The new GM has a track record for doing that, so frankly as long as he continues that trend, I take what he says now with a grain of salt.  We need PLAYERS - find a few future all-pros to mix with the "core" of high effort guys and maybe we can get back to winning some damn football games.  As a life-long fan I'm tired of my Super Bowl being draft day and my season ending some time in October.  How about we see what the guy does come draft day before we judge ~ 

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53 minutes ago, StewieRules said:

Meh, a dose of hard reality shouldn't make everyone squirt some.  The reality is this - we're a 1-28 football team.  Lots of picks & cap space (which was Sashi's strong suit, contracts  not personnel) have us in good shape in some respects.  But our roster as it is doesn't win football games, simple as that.  I mean of all the picks over the last two years, how many scream super star?  Garrett maybe, if he stays healthy.  Honestly, who else?  I know a lot of these picks are liked by fans and they play with heart, but they're still 1-28 as a team.  A lot of that has to do with QB play which I hope to God we FINALLY and DEFINITIVELY address this off season.  WR?  Another mess (although getting Josh back helps - IF he can keep his head on straight)  How about the three wideouts we drafted last year?  Any of them lighting up the league?  Nope.  Njoku shows promise but has drops at critical points ... hopefully he'll continue to improve.  Coleman?  He has moments but as of yet, can't stay on the field for more than 1/2 a season.  Time will tell.  I frankly never understood why someone with ZERO personnel experience was put in charge of personnel - baffling.  I think Sashi did his best and tried to find athletes via the metrics he was taught to use ....but he didn't find many good football players.  The new GM has a track record for doing that, so frankly as long as he continues that trend, I take what he says now with a grain of salt.  We need PLAYERS - find a few future all-pros to mix with the "core" of high effort guys and maybe we can get back to winning some damn football games.  As a life-long fan I'm tired of my Super Bowl being draft day and my season ending some time in October.  How about we see what the guy does come draft day before we judge ~ 

I love how the 1-28 thing gets used against Sashi more than it does against Hue.

Your front office stood its ground and stuck to the plan and have been building a VERY young roster.

The head coach has been panicking and pulling QB's and throwing the front office under the bus, and throwing the team under the bus, calling them talent-less.

Meanwhile our defense is middle of the pack.  12th in total yards per game.  6th in rushing yards per game (1st in rushing yards per attempt).  but we are 29th in points per game, which has a lot to do with field position and turnovers considering the other stats.

On offense we are 23rd in yards per game, 17th in rushing yards per game, (7th in rushing yards per attempt) 23rd in passing yards per game, and 29th in passing yards per attempt.

Does this sound like a 1-28 team?  It sounds more like a team that has a poor scheme going into the game.  We are 7th in the NFL in rushing yards per attempt yet we are 24th in attempts.  We are putting the game in the hands of our rookie QB to win as opposed to letting the team grind it out on the ground, even when we were up against GB.

I know some people don't like sashi or what he did, but he have good pieces in place, we have talent on this team, Hue just can't do ANYTHING with it.

I just pray Dorsey doesn't come in and destroy what has been built...

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29 minutes ago, CBrownsman said:

I love how the 1-28 thing gets used against Sashi more than it does against Hue.

Your front office stood its ground and stuck to the plan and have been building a VERY young roster.

The head coach has been panicking and pulling QB's and throwing the front office under the bus, and throwing the team under the bus, calling them talent-less.

Meanwhile our defense is middle of the pack.  12th in total yards per game.  6th in rushing yards per game (1st in rushing yards per attempt).  but we are 29th in points per game, which has a lot to do with field position and turnovers considering the other stats.

On offense we are 23rd in yards per game, 17th in rushing yards per game, (7th in rushing yards per attempt) 23rd in passing yards per game, and 29th in passing yards per attempt.

Does this sound like a 1-28 team?  It sounds more like a team that has a poor scheme going into the game.  We are 7th in the NFL in rushing yards per attempt yet we are 24th in attempts.  We are putting the game in the hands of our rookie QB to win as opposed to letting the team grind it out on the ground, even when we were up against GB.

I know some people don't like sashi or what he did, but he have good pieces in place, we have talent on this team, Hue just can't do ANYTHING with it.

I just pray Dorsey doesn't come in and destroy what has been built...

I think most people ARE blaming Hue....and deservedly so.  Sashi doesn't get a pass for the garbage we have endured over the last 2 years.  Sorry

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1 hour ago, CBrownsman said:

I just pray Dorsey doesn't come in and destroy what has been built...

Sashi hasnt truly built any thing tho. He has done some great things and was on the verge of getting into the rebuild but he was still in demo mode. Sashi maybe had an outside wall or two up, nothing truly that special and nothing you would be upset about if they fell down and had to be redone.

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6 minutes ago, buno67 said:

Sashi hasnt truly built any thing tho. He has done some great things and was on the verge of getting into the rebuild but he was still in demo mode. Sashi maybe had an outside wall or two up, nothing truly that special and nothing you would be upset about if they fell down and had to be redone.

So you have no issues with cutting Collins, Ogbah, Garrett, Peppers, Shobert, Njoku, Tretter, Zeitler, Kizer, Nassib, DeValve, BBC, Taylor, McCourty, etc... and giving up the extra picks that we have this year from trades?

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1 hour ago, CBrownsman said:

I love how the 1-28 thing gets used against Sashi more than it does against Hue.

Your front office stood its ground and stuck to the plan and have been building a VERY young roster.

The head coach has been panicking and pulling QB's and throwing the front office under the bus, and throwing the team under the bus, calling them talent-less.

Meanwhile our defense is middle of the pack.  12th in total yards per game.  6th in rushing yards per game (1st in rushing yards per attempt).  but we are 29th in points per game, which has a lot to do with field position and turnovers considering the other stats.

On offense we are 23rd in yards per game, 17th in rushing yards per game, (7th in rushing yards per attempt) 23rd in passing yards per game, and 29th in passing yards per attempt.

Does this sound like a 1-28 team?  It sounds more like a team that has a poor scheme going into the game.  We are 7th in the NFL in rushing yards per attempt yet we are 24th in attempts.  We are putting the game in the hands of our rookie QB to win as opposed to letting the team grind it out on the ground, even when we were up against GB.

I know some people don't like sashi or what he did, but he have good pieces in place, we have talent on this team, Hue just can't do ANYTHING with it.

I just pray Dorsey doesn't come in and destroy what has been built...

What's there to destroy?  Everybody is 24 years old with like 2 years left on their deal.  They are gonna at least tryout for the team.  I feel like this is the best time to capitalize on our resources, trade up some instead of down in the draft, spend some money, and attempt to field a good team.  By virtue of current contracts, overall age our team, upcoming draft picks we will still be one of the youngest in the league.  It would be better to know who guys like Ogbah, Schobert, Shelton, BBC, Colemans, etc. are on a good football team instead of being a clown show for 3 years and losing intelligence on the youth we have because they could never "figure it out". 

I'm not saying that wasn't Sashi's plan.  But we know that being better was definitely a goal this year, something that shouldnt have been that hard since we had a ton of cap space and draft picks LAST off-season as well.  And honestly, we were 1-15, how the f do you manage to get worse than that?  If we fired Hue instead or as well I would be singing the same song.

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