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15 hours ago, Whicker said:

The metric system is inferior to the imperial system. Fight me. 


13 hours ago, MacReady said:

You’re in America when you post here. Watch your mouth.

Julie when I win my first HOH no need to wait for my noms, you can find then right here

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8 hours ago, Nazgul said:

Are we not gonna criticize Burge’s dumbass for constantly referring to the nomination ceremony as the veto ceremony?

constantly? I believe this might be my 2nd hoh ever

Edited by JBURGE
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Veto 3: Target Practice

Only these will play

Deadline is Saturday 6pm ct. You will be punished if you fail to submit moves. At minimum without thought, it would take 5 mins








The game

 In the backyard is a bunch of targets set up. You'll each be given a bow and arrow to shoot at them. Whoever gets the most points wins.

 Here is how it works:
 There will be 5 rounds. The max points of the targets changes every round. You can shoot an arrow on any number up to and including the target max.
 You will PM throws for all five rounds at once.
 After all arrows have been shot, I will tally the scores for each round.

If someone else shoots an arrow where you shot one, both arrows fall off, and score 0 points.
After that, any and all remaining arrows will get points equal to the score of your arrow MINUS the score of the arrow directly below it. If you shoot the lowest arrow,  you get that many points.


Round 1: The target has a max of 50. You get one arrow.

Round 2: The target has a max of 70. You get one arrow.

Round 3: The target has a max of 80. You may trade in your arrow for 11 points, if you wish to do that instead. Otherwise, you get one arrow.

Round 4: The target has a max of 30, and all scores are tripled. You can shoot either 1 or 2 arrows, but if any of your arrows gets knocked off the board(someone shoots the same number as you), both of your arrows will fall off of the board.

Round 5: The target has a max of 175, and you may shoot 0, 1, 2 or 3 arrows. Any arrow that gets hit (someone shoots the same number at you) stays on the board, but earns negative points (for that arrow only).


Again, I'll stress the 2 keys.

 1) dont pick a number that someone else picks.
 2) your points will be calculated by the difference of your arrow score and the score of arrow directly below you.

 If for example you throw a 23.

 and lets say the other dart throws are

 Result: for the throw you get 7 points.
 23 minus 16.

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32 minutes ago, Scoundrel said:

Big Mother ain’t reading all that

Just read this then


Round 1: The target has a max of 50. You get one arrow.

Round 2: The target has a max of 70. You get one arrow.

Round 3: The target has a max of 80. You may trade in your arrow for 11 points, if you wish to do that instead. Otherwise, you get one arrow.

Round 4: The target has a max of 30, and all scores are tripled. You can shoot either 1 or 2 arrows, but if any of your arrows gets knocked off the board(someone shoots the same number as you), both of your arrows will fall off of the board.

Round 5: The target has a max of 175, and you may shoot 0, 1, 2 or 3 arrows. Any arrow that gets hit (someone shoots the same number at you) stays on the board, but earns negative points (for that arrow only).


Again, I'll stress the 2 keys.

 1) dont pick a number that someone else picks.
 2) your points will be calculated by the difference of your arrow score and the score of arrow directly below you.

 If for example you throw a 23.

 and lets say the other dart throws are

 Result: for the throw you get 7 points.
 23 minus 16.

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