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Playoffs! Rd. 1 -Green Bay at Dallas- House Money Game


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How much cover 2 does Barry run?  Isn't that the scheme that the Mac/Rodgers Packers never really solved?

Regardless, I'd think Dak would be much more willing to take the easy stuff than Rodgers was.  GB also probably doesn't run the scheme nearly as well as the teams that were slowing Rodgers down.

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4 minutes ago, Old Guy said:

What about next week's game? 

I think our offense - if fully healthy (read: Watson led WR crew and AJ as lead back)  - can hang with the Dallas D. I've serious reservations about our D doing the same....but I'll hope for the best.

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2 hours ago, Old Guy said:

Almost everyone here hopes for the same, except the few Rodgers sycophants who are vested in his failure. 

ban those *******, lol I guess I havn't heard much from those people lately, Love is to hot to be cold about.

Edited by turf toe
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3 hours ago, packfanfb said:

Not that my opinion matters, but I'll say it again...if Jaire sits out over a "rolled ankle" from a walk through that happened 4 days ago, I can honestly say that will be the first time in my life ever hearing of a player missing a game because of that. 

I think @Packerraymondmentioned it before, I've seen HS players roll an ankle, tape it up and play on the same day. It's absolutely crazy to think that could keep an NFL player out of a playoff game four days after it happened, even with our overly conservative medical staff. 

It's gonna be Jaire's decision.

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