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Best fan bases in the NFL?


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1 hour ago, .Buzz said:
1 hour ago, DontTazeMeBro said:

Well....Yeah. Probably. When I go to Virginia I don’t have any problem finding Redskins fans. Or Ravens fans in Maryland. Or Titans fans in Tennessee. Really any state (insert team) other than this one. But I could open my door and throw a rock and hit a Gators, Seminoles, or Hurricanes fan. I seriously think the Patriots might have the biggest fan base in this state outside of the actual cities the NFL teams play in 

This doesn't prove anything. Basically you're  argument is because you don't run into them wherever you live in Florida that means they are a bad fan base. That seems pretty narrow minded to me.

I live in Iowa and have met more Jaguars fans than you are saying you've met in Florida. I've run into about 8-10 of them in just my past few years here in college. There's Jaguars followings through the Bold City Brigade (a Jaguars fan group) in multiple locations all over the US and London. 

Trust me, there's a loyal following of Jaguars fans and it didn't JUST start this year.

Also live in Iowa. Also have met more Jags fans here than he is claiming to have met in Florida.

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6 hours ago, bigbadbuff23835 said:

Do your fans put each other through tables and are weekly features on Bar Stool Sports?

Would you light yourself on fire to bring recongnition to the team? 

How about brace a foot of snow to watch a slop fest against the Colts?

Would your fans write Brady’s name on a dong and throw it on the field, not once, but twice?

The Bills Mafia runs deep. The Bills mafia brought a flag to the Olympics, and to Afghanistan.

The Bills Mafia roots for the crappiest team in all of New York(;))

We May not always win the game (hardly ever really) but we’ve never lost a damn party. 

Having been to Iraq twice, you can pretty much find sports flags of any team with an actual following in a deployed zone as we wanted to bring a little piece of home with us and put them in our living areas.

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Lions fans, imo. Eleven winning seasons in the SB era? One playoff win over that span? Never been to the SB?

The legacy of masochism in Detroit is unparalleled in the NFL. If you are a Lions fan, you are the epitome of "die hard." You are also the epitome of "die miserable" and "die unfulfilled." 

I salute the hell out of you!


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38 minutes ago, Danger said:

It's always fun seeing Jerry World getting taken over by road fans like the Texans or Eagles.

Dallas, the city, is full of transplants (take the 2014 home opener as an example with all of the Cali transplants) and wannabe business elites that will sell their seats for high profit to opposing fans when Dallas is having a down year. Add to that the spectacle that Jerruh built, it's more of a casual, shopping experience you'd get at the Mall of America with some Football sprinkled in (I don't like that stadium).  

Dallas fans on the road, however, show up in droves rain or shine.  Does Dallas have a loyal fanbase at home? Not so much over the past decade and a half. But on the road, yes.   How many fans that were born and raised in Cali that root for the Eagles?  Now ask that about the Cowboys.  There's a reason that the Cowboys have been irrelevant for 20+ years and, yet, are still the most hated team.  Because their plague of a fanbase has tentacles everywhere. It pisses off the locals abroad. 


My sincere vote (this time) goes to the Browns. How can it not? Seriously? No contest.

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What defines best?

The money made  by the team off the amount of fans?  The ability of idiots to go watch a losing team..paying 100s for the experience? Lol

It's actually  a joke on fans.  Calling someone a good/better fan because  they sit through losing thinking it's a badge of honor.wasting 100s of dollars.   in the hope they can say they were true to a team when they start  winning. Ohhhh you weren't  a fan when they were losing?  You'e an evil BANDWAGON jumper-er-er-er .

 Actually bandwagon jumpers are the smartest fans. Sports  is free time entertainment. If you aren't winning, I'm not wasting a decade hoping it happens.

I'll find a winner so I have fun. If You win 4 of the next 5,I'll get back to you,see how you're doing. 

The LA fans are the smartest  fans in sports. They don't waste money on losers for loyalties sake.they are the best fans.

I come from Pasadena California.  I was of course a lakers fan..but after a while it actually got boring watching them win all the time.15 finals in a 30 year period.

When the Celtics got the big 3..Garnette etc lop I rooted for them lol..even though they are like anther team that never loses through the years .



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Gotta be the Browns. The fact that their team gets Harvey Weinsteined every week and people have not given up on this team is unreal. There are literally endless reasons to become apathetic towards the Browns, but our fans still pour their heart and soul into this team.


I really doubt any other fan base would remain this loyal had their organization been this god awful for this long.

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43 minutes ago, biletnikoff said:

What defines best?

The money made  by the team off the amount of fans?  The ability of idiots to go watch a losing team..paying 100s for the experience? Lol

It's actually  a joke on fans.  Calling someone a good/better fan because  they sit through losing thinking it's a badge of honor.wasting 100s of dollars.   in the hope they can say they were true to a team when they start  winning. Ohhhh you weren't  a fan when they were losing?  You'e an evil BANDWAGON jumper-er-er-er .

 Actually bandwagon jumpers are the smartest fans. Sports  is free time entertainment. If you aren't winning, I'm not wasting a decade hoping it happens.

I'll find a winner so I have fun. If You win 4 of the next 5,I'll get back to you,see how you're doing. 

The LA fans are the smartest  fans in sports. They don't waste money on losers for loyalties sake.they are the best fans.

I come from Pasadena California.  I was of course a lakers fan..but after a while it actually got boring watching them win all the time.15 finals in a 30 year period.

When the Celtics got the big 3..Garnette etc lop I rooted for them lol..even though they are like anther team that never loses through the years .



You seem like a punchable dude. :D

I hate bandwagoners. If you want to bandwagon, fine. But you automatically DQ yourself from smack talking other fan bases.

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28 minutes ago, BleedTheClock said:

You seem like a punchable dude. :D

I hate bandwagoners. If you want to bandwagon, fine. But you automatically DQ yourself from smack talking other fan bases.

Yeah it's like a playa and a husband. Who cares more about the person laying next to them? Yeah you don't have to deal with the frustration and stress of those bad days you can just move on but at the end of the day you simply don't care as much for the person/team you are with otherwise you wouldn't leave at the first sign of angst.

There are times we all envy you and your flakiness but you aren't in the discussion as "best".

As far as bandwagon fans the Browns have zero, it has been 20+ years since they had anything to offer those fans. The Browns used to have one of the biggest following overall, I'm guessing that is no longer the case.

Judging fanbases as a whole is probably wrong. Doesn't mean we can't do it but to judge a whole group and giving each fan that title is probably unfair, good or bad. That said, individually I have no problem judging fans and I'd probably say I am the best, my license plate says so. Kidding about the license plate, that #1 fan garbage seems silly to me. Sometimes there will be a #1 Steeler fan in front and behind me in traffic. I really just want them to fight to the death to determine who is actually the #1 fan. Keep doing that until there is only one license plate left. That would make me happy.

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42 minutes ago, BleedTheClock said:

You seem like a punchable dude. :D

I hate bandwagoners. If you want to bandwagon, fine. But you automatically DQ yourself from smack talking other fan bases.

So you'd  hit people because of who they root for?  How can I be disqualified  from something that has no rules that i don't care about? Bandwagoners are the reason the league makes billions. Loyal fans are a hindrance to major profit. 


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25 minutes ago, RaisinBran said:

I'd have to pick Green Bay. They own their own football team. Doesn't get much better than that.

Lol if you believe that crap. That's a bunch of bull. Those  people have no clue what their money is being used for. The rich and powerful can get money from anywhere  and do what ever they want with it. Any fan is a fool if they think their donation is going straight  to the Packers. The organization doesn't give a damn about the working class Joe who sent his money. If you are giving your money to them..they own you.You don' own them

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11 minutes ago, biletnikoff said:

Lol if you believe that crap. That's a bunch of bull. Those  people have no clue what their money is being used for. The rich and powerful can get money from anywhere  and do what ever they want with it. Any fan is a fool if they think their donation is going straight  to the Packers. The organization doesn't give a damn about the working class Joe who sent his money. If you are giving your money to them..they own you.You don' own them

It's not a matter of belief...it's a fact

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