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The Acolyte - June 4th


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On 7/4/2024 at 10:05 PM, naptownskinsfan said:

Qimir literally called himself a Sith.  Whether he’s one of the two, or a pretender, remains to be seen.  He also said he got the wound on his back from his master.  Could it be Vernastra striking him down?  Or potentially his Sith Master casting him out?  

I don’t think he’s the original Ren, but with the helmet and style, it is possible.  I don’t believe he’s the original founder or part of the Jensaarai, because in Legends, they came right near the end of the Clone Wars.  It is possible, because their founder, Nichos Tyris, was misled by Sith teachings that he found.  

One thing is for sure though, Qimir is not Plagueis.  Canon is still very clear that he’s a Muun, just like he was in Legends.  Though I think it’s likely Qumir was cast out, and Plagueis shows up at the end to cut off that loose end. 

I have been thinking of out of blue twist on Qimir but yeah he is neither Bith nor Muun. Hence, he is no Darth (both official and unofficial).

I understand Plagueis had experimented on Venamis' life.  I am not sure about timeline as it occurred after, before or during Qimir's era but could it possible for Plaguies to use Venamis' midi-chlorian in human being (Qimir) to test it out then ending this experiment like you suggested?  


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1 hour ago, JetsandI said:

I have been thinking of out of blue twist on Qimir but yeah he is neither Bith nor Muun. Hence, he is no Darth (both official and unofficial).

I understand Plagueis had experimented on Venamis' life.  I am not sure about timeline as it occurred after, before or during Qimir's era but could it possible for Plaguies to use Venamis' midi-chlorian in human being (Qimir) to test it out then ending this experiment like you suggested?  


It was after.  We’re not even at the timeline where The Senate has been born yet.  Our pal Frank was alive for some of the torture of Venamis.  

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In The Phantom Menace (32BBY), Yoda and council still thought Sith hadn't been existing.   Since when? 


400 or 82 BBY? that doesn't matter as either or both Darths couldn't show up and clean up the mess because Yoda would find out during investigating the missing high council jedis. That could explain why Qimir instructed Mae to kill Jedi knight without weapon (darksaber). However, Qimir used darksaber to kill a bunch of Jedi knights.  Using darksaber isn't automatically a Sith method but it would require further investigation and deal with it. 

New theory is we won't see either or both Darths and either Master Vernestra or Master Sol would finally end Qimir with Mae's help and take Mae to Jedi school.  Osha passed on Jedi training.  Somewhere in galaxy, far far far far away, we finally see both Darths to set up for major Star Wars movie in future.


Feel free to dedunk this theory, lol.



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So Sol is just a dumb *** was my biggest takeaway

Also, Trinity Indara took out not just the witch who possessed the Wookiee Jedi, but also the rest of them chanting…….and we’re supposed to believe that an acolyte, blinded by revenge but granted, still powerful in Force Potential, was able to best her in combat?  

The writing here sometimes doesn’t add up.  

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Korbin's guilty is explained.  Sol's inconsistency as master in charge of Osha is also explained. I can't wait to find out what is going on with Qimir and Vernestra.


The way this show is going I don't think next week episode will be the final piece to close this show out.  Too many holes to wrap the show up.

Edited by JetsandI
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3 hours ago, JetsandI said:

Ah... It is really cool to see Wookie using lightsaber.

The initial secrecy around who the big bad is, plus the reveal, soured me at first on the show. But the most recent episode/getting past that has turned me around.. It was unnecessary (and how were we supposed to believe this weak weirdo traversed a dangerous jungle on another planet by himself, on a whim, to help out this girl who.. doesn't like him but is always around?) 

Sol is pretty dumb, but aren't all jedi? I dig his character, it took too long for us to see an Asian jedi.

again I am a sucker for all of this live action Star Wars stuff, though. 😂

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Lots in that finale, gotta wonder if Lucasfilm will push through on a season 2.


I figured Plagueis would show up, but nice to see him. 

The kyber crystal bleed effect was cool to see like that. Osha going to the dark side is certainly a more interesting way to go.

Really enjoyed the flawed Jedi that Sol was. And the performance.

Figures the Yoda tease was how they ended it.

Pretty strong pitch for a season 2, lots of canon it’s brushing into now.


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So everyone and their brother might as well have been aware of all the jedi dying, Yoda somehow didn't sense it(even though he could sense things like Anakin killing Tusken Raiders), and is now going to have Vernestra lie straight to his face(I assume) and not know it.

This show should have never seen the light of day.

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7 hours ago, Fresh Prince said:

Doesn’t the crystal make the color of the saber. Was it suppose to be a damaged  crystal changed colors?

Red sabers are made by “bleeding” a Kyber crystal with the force

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6 hours ago, TitanLegend said:

So everyone and their brother might as well have been aware of all the jedi dying, Yoda somehow didn't sense it(even though he could sense things like Anakin killing Tusken Raiders), and is now going to have Vernestra lie straight to his face(I assume) and not know it.

This show should have never seen the light of day.

Jedi actually being idiots who miss stuff constantly is about as canonically accurate as it could get though 

Each Jedi we’ve ever met has been an idiot at one point or another.

I see the seams of the show, but that one isn’t really a bridge too far.

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