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Mortal Kombat

Both tribes will be rewarded for this reward challenge. Each animal a tribe was the first to correctly identify is now available for them to choose. From all the animals they captured (identified), the tribe can pick. There are 5 players, so only 10 animals will be used (5 per tribe). All the animals captured get thrown into a pit and they all battle to the death. The last animal alive wins immunity for their tribe and safety from Tribal Council. Let’s look at the animals available for tribes to pick from:

I did not test this one at all and I did not put much thought into balancing the animals. At all. It’s up to the tribes to see if I somehow screwed up. If so, that reward challenge benefit was bigger than I anticipated and a reason to always give 100%. 

Both tribes got six animals! Both tribes have to pick five animals to compete in the Immunity Challenge. This Immunity Challenge will take me a minute to get set up, so even if decisions are made tonight we will not do it tonight. I’ll say deadline to choose animals will be Thursday at 3PM. 

Teams do not get to select a strategy for their animals. They’re all thrown into a pit. Animals that attack attack random other animals. 

Whicker’s Bickers
Slow Loris
Namaqua Puff Adder

Nutter Butters
Hairy Frog
Bullet Ant
Pea Aphid
Boxer Crab
Pygmy Sperm Whale
Shortfin Mako Shark


Pygmy Sperm Whale
The Pygmy Sperm Whale, when threatened, creates a cloud of poop. After a successful hit against it, the Pygmy Sperm Whale is invisible the next round.
Health - 10
Attack - 2
Aim - 3
Dodge - 1 
Defense - 4 
Speed - 2

Bullet Ant
Has a bite so painful it incapacitates any animal it successfully attacks for two rounds, but its bite is not that deadly. Any successful attack results in only one health point loss. 
Health - 9
Attack - 0
Aim - 6
Dodge - 5
Defense - 1
Speed - 2

Slow Loris
When threatened, a Slow Loris mimics a cobra and excretes poison from its armpits. It will suck poison from its armpits and will bite any threat. Any attempt against a Slow Loris (hit or miss) takes a health point away from itself and its attacker.

Health - 20
Attack - 0
Aim - 0
Dodge - 4
Defense - 1
Speed - 0

Boxer Crab
When threatened, a Boxer Crab grabs another animal and uses it as a weapon, damaging that animal and its target. When targeted, the Boxer Crab has a 40% chance to grab a random opposing tribe animal and attack another opposing tribe animal. If his aim gets through, it’s an automatic health point off two animals.

Health - 8
Attack - 1
Aim - 4
Dodge - 5
Defense - 2
Speed - 3

Health - Health falls as the battle goes on. Once an animal’s health is zero that animal is dead.
Attack - This is the amount of damage that can be done on a successful hit.
Aim - The higher it is the greater chance of scoring a hit. Compared to another animal’s dodge.
Dodge - For each point higher than or equal to your opponent’s aim, there will be an additional 10% chance your opponent will miss. If aim is 3 and opponent’s dodge is 5, there’s an 80% chance your opponent hits. Aim of 3 and dodge of 3, 90% chance for a hit. Aim at 4 and dodge at 3, 100% chance opponent will hit.
Defense - Reduces the impact of being hit by the value you select. It cannot reduce something to less than one. 
Speed - Higher speed, earlier in the turn order they get to attack. The animal with the highest speed has a 70% chance to get an additional attack in at the end of each round.
Special - An animal’s special ability (if any).

Just a cool animal
Health - 20
Attack - 0
Aim - 0
Dodge - 0
Defense - 5
Speed - 1

Shortfin Mako Shark
Just a dangerous animal
Health - 7
Attack - 5
Aim - 5
Dodge - 3
Defense - 2
Speed - 3

Deathstalker Scorpion
Any successful attack has a 10% chance to instantly kill any animal if they’re allergic. Low health though.
Health - 4
Attack - 2
Aim - 6
Dodge - 6
Defense - 0
Speed - 4

Wolverines just want to be left alone. They do not attack anything that does not first attack them. This means they do not have a turn to try to attack anything, but if they are attacked, they instantly counter attack. They have a 50% chance regardless of dodge to do 2 attack regardless of defense.
Health - 10
Dodge - 6

Pea Aphid

If attacked, the pea aphid explodes and takes half of the attacker’s health and also dies.
Health - 1
Attack - 1
Aim - 1
Dodge - 5
Defense - 0
Speed - 10

The raven is smarter than the other animals in this list. At the start of every turn, it has a 8% chance to just fly out of the pit and come back when there’s only one other animal remaining. 
Health - 10
Attack - 3
Aim - 3
Dodge - 4
Defense - 2
Speed - 3

Hairy Frog

When threatened, the Hairy Frog breaks their finger bones and uses their bones as claws to attack. After a successful hit against it, it automatically takes a health point away from whichever animal attacked it.

Health - 11
Attack - 1
Aim - 1
Dodge - 6
Defense - 2
Speed - 4

Namaqua Dwarf Adder
Smallest venomous snake according to Google. If they bite any animal, it automatically takes one health point away from that animal at the start of each round. They also bite whichever animal kills it, which also takes one health point away from that animal at the start of each round.
Health - 1
Attack - 3
Aim - 4
Dodge - 4
Defense - 0
Speed - 7

1. @Daboyle
3. @Malfatron
4. @The Orca
5. @Pickle Rick
6. @theuntouchable
7. @adamq
9. @skywindO2
10. @TedLavie
11. @FinneasGage

12. @bcb1213

13. @ET80

14. @Scoundrel

Edited by MacReady
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21 minutes ago, MacReady said:

Shortfin Mako Shark

Nutter Butters have the shortfin mako shark @MacReady

40 minutes ago, MacReady said:

Spot on!

Shortfin Mako Shark
Just a dangerous animal
Health - 7
Attack - 5
Aim - 5
Dodge - 3
Defense - 2
Speed - 3


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27 minutes ago, MacReady said:

Mortal Kombat

Both tribes will be rewarded for this reward challenge. Each animal a tribe was the first to correctly identify is now available for them to choose. From all the animals they captured (identified), the tribe can pick. There are 5 players, so only 10 animals will be used (5 per tribe). All the animals captured get thrown into a pit and they all battle to the death. The last animal alive wins immunity for their tribe and safety from Tribal Council. Let’s look at the animals available for tribes to pick from:

I did not test this one at all and I did not put much thought into balancing the animals. At all. It’s up to the tribes to see if I somehow screwed up. If so, that reward challenge benefit was bigger than I anticipated and a reason to always give 100%. 

Both tribes got six animals! Both tribes have to pick five animals to compete in the Immunity Challenge. This Immunity Challenge will take me a minute to get set up, so even if decisions are made tonight we will not do it tonight. I’ll say deadline to choose animals will be Thursday at 3PM. 

Teams do not get to select a strategy for their animals. They’re all thrown into a pit. Animals that attack attack random other animals. 

Whicker’s Bickers
Slow Loris
Shortfin Mako Shark
Namaqua Puff Adder

Nutter Butters
Hairy Frog
Bullet Ant
Pea Aphid
Boxer Crab
Pygmy Sperm Whale


Pygmy Sperm Whale
The Pygmy Sperm Whale, when threatened, creates a cloud of poop. After a successful hit against it, the Pygmy Sperm Whale is invisible the next round.
Health - 10
Attack - 2
Aim - 3
Dodge - 1 
Defense - 4 
Speed - 2

Slow Loris
When threatened, a Slow Loris mimics a cobra and excretes poison from its armpits. It will suck poison from its armpits and will bite any threat. Any attempt against a Slow Loris (hit or miss) takes a health point away from itself and its attacker.

Health - 20
Attack - 0
Aim - 0
Dodge - 4
Defense - 1
Speed - 0

Boxer Crab
When threatened, a Boxer Crab grabs another animal and uses it as a weapon, damaging that animal and its target. When targeted, the Boxer Crab has a 40% chance to grab a random opposing tribe animal and attack another opposing tribe animal. If his aim gets through, it’s an automatic health point off two animals.

Health - 8
Attack - 1
Aim - 4
Dodge - 5
Defense - 2
Speed - 3

Health - Health falls as the battle goes on. Once an animal’s health is zero that animal is dead.
Attack - This is the amount of damage that can be done on a successful hit.
Aim - The higher it is the greater chance of scoring a hit. Compared to another animal’s dodge.
Dodge - For each point higher than or equal to your opponent’s aim, there will be an additional 10% chance your opponent will miss. If aim is 3 and opponent’s dodge is 5, there’s an 80% chance your opponent hits. Aim of 3 and dodge of 3, 90% chance for a hit. Aim at 4 and dodge at 3, 100% chance opponent will hit.
Defense - Reduces the impact of being hit by the value you select. It cannot reduce something to less than one. 
Speed - Higher speed, earlier in the turn order they get to attack. The animal with the highest speed has a 70% chance to get an additional attack in at the end of each round.
Special - An animal’s special ability (if any).

Just a cool animal
Health - 20
Attack - 0
Aim - 0
Dodge - 0
Defense - 5
Speed - 1

Shortfin Mako Shark
Just a dangerous animal
Health - 7
Attack - 5
Aim - 5
Dodge - 3
Defense - 2
Speed - 3

Deathstalker Scorpion
Any successful attack has a 10% chance to instantly kill any animal if they’re allergic. Low health though.
Health - 4
Attack - 2
Aim - 6
Dodge - 6
Defense - 0
Speed - 4

Wolverines just want to be left alone. They do not attack anything that does not first attack them. This means they do not have a turn to try to attack anything, but if they are attacked, they instantly counter attack. They have a 50% chance regardless of dodge to do 2 attack regardless of defense.
Health - 10
Dodge - 6

Pea Aphid

If attacked, the pea aphid explodes and takes half of the attacker’s health and also dies.
Health - 1
Attack - 1
Aim - 1
Dodge - 5
Defense - 0
Speed - 10

The raven is smarter than the other animals in this list. At the start of every turn, it has a 8% chance to just fly out of the pit and come back when there’s only one other animal remaining. 
Health - 10
Attack - 3
Aim - 3
Dodge - 4
Defense - 2
Speed - 3


Namaqua Dwarf Adder
Smallest venomous snake according to Google. If they bite any animal, it automatically takes one health point away from that animal at the start of each round. They also bite whichever animal kills it, which also takes one health point away from that animal at the start of each round.
Health - 1
Attack - 3
Aim - 4
Dodge - 4
Defense - 0
Speed - 7

1. @Daboyle
3. @Malfatron
4. @The Orca
5. @Pickle Rick
6. @theuntouchable
7. @adamq
9. @skywindO2
10. @TedLavie
11. @FinneasGage

12. @bcb1213

13. @ET80

14. @Scoundrel

@MacReady all the animals arent listed including the hairy frog and bullet ant

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That oopsie has been adjusted.

The Nutter Butters may select their five animals. If they do, the Whickers Bickers will have a chance to steal an unused animal.

Whickers Bickers keep that in mind if you think all 7 of theirs are better than one or two of yours you don’t like.

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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, MacReady said:

The Nutter Butters may select their five animals. If they do, the Whickers Bickers will have a chance to steal an unused animal.

We choose to force the bickers to use the 5 animals they won. We will dispose of the animals we dont use

Edited by Malfatron
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6 minutes ago, TedLavie said:

So we have no choice to make? Nice I suppose

If you think all of the Nutter Butters are better than one of your animals, you can select 4 or 3 you identified and rank the Nutter Butter identifications. 

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