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You'll hear things like "you don't understand how much love you have to give until you have a kid" from a lot of parents, and I think that is true. But what isn't said explicitly that rings even more true is how much parents think their kid is the most impressive, advanced kid around. And it's impossible to not think! I've been around kids my entire life, but I see my almost 2 year old throw and catch and I'm like "this kid is going to be a professional baseball player. No other kid is doing this!". And there are almost definitely a bunch of kids doing what he is doing at the same age, but I can't help thinking and talking about how impressive he is anyway.

You can very easily see why our parents created participation trophies and the like. Everyone thinks their kid is impressive! And I think that's probably good and normal?

But yeah, my son is going to be an all-star MLB pitcher when he's older. 100+ mph fastballs, and he paints the corners.

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2 minutes ago, minutemancl said:

But yeah, my son is going to be an all-star MLB pitcher when he's older. 100+ mph fastballs, and he paints the corners.

Gonna get the Hokies to offer him a scholarship now and get....... ahead of the curve. 

Csi Miami GIFs | Tenor

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Show lots of love. Be patient. Set boundaries, and stick to them. You don't need to hit your kid, but you do need to discipline. Hold them while they're young because it goes by fast. Get lost in their imagination with them (pretend play) because one day they're going to be way more independent. Refrain from assuming a 3- or 4-year-old has the mental capacity of a 12-year-old. Have the patience to allow them to figure things out on their own. You may want to put their shirt on quickly when they're 3, but it's good to sit back and say 'you can do this yourself. I'll help if you need help'. It's also funny watching them struggle with mundane tasks. Tell them not to keep secrets from you at a young age. Don't force your interests on them if they're not interested in it. Oh, and once again, show them lots of love. 

Oh, and realize we're all humans who make mistakes. Being a parent is a tough task, so be kind to yourself if you don't handle everything perfectly. Lord knows I make my mistakes. Try to do things for your own mental health as well. And if you have good parents who want to be involved- let them! This is likely their last chance at being present during those special years of a kid's life when they're adorably innocent and loving, so send the little one off for sleepovers if your parents want them. It means the world to them and may help with separation anxiety for your little one. Oh, and it allows you to have night to yourself or with your partner

I have a 4-year-old starting Kindergarten, so I still have a lot to learn!

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My little girl starts kindergarten tomorrow. I don’t think I’ve ever been so nervous in my entire life. We went to kindergarten orientation last week and she had no clue what was going on at all. I’m glad she has her big sister, who’s going into 3rd grade, to ride with her on the bus and guide her through the first few days. 

Hoping she knocks kindergarten out of the park and makes a million friends. She is so freaking funny and just a big goofball. I hope she doesn’t get labeled as “the autistic kid” while she struggles in some areas, most notably her social skills, she has made so much progress over the past 2 years and has shocked the hell out of me. I mean we’re talking about a kid who was non-verbal at 2 1/2. To think where we were then, with all the meltdowns and late nights to where we are now? I know Things will be ok. 

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15 hours ago, holt_bruce81 said:

she has made so much progress over the past 2 years and has shocked the hell out of me. I mean we’re talking about a kid who was non-verbal at 2 1/2. To think where we were then, with all the meltdowns and late nights to where we are now? I know Things will be ok. 

it's good to be the daddy.


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9 minutes ago, RaidersAreOne said:

Less than a month to the due date!! I'm getting so excited but nervous as heck too.

Congrats man! Home stretch! Even though you're so close, this is still arguably the most stressful and hardest part of the pregnancy. Your partner is no doubt tired and heavy and hormonal and you're both stressed as hell. It's easier said than done, but enjoy this last month. Your life is gonna change for the better, but it's still gonna change. Find some time to go on dates (especially to the movies, if you like doing that), go on walks together (will help out mom and can even help move labor along in a few weeks), and just enjoy time you have with just you two. 

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On 8/14/2024 at 7:33 AM, minutemancl said:

You'll hear things like "you don't understand how much love you have to give until you have a kid" from a lot of parents, and I think that is true. But what isn't said explicitly that rings even more true is how much parents think their kid is the most impressive, advanced kid around. And it's impossible to not think! I've been around kids my entire life, but I see my almost 2 year old throw and catch and I'm like "this kid is going to be a professional baseball player. No other kid is doing this!". And there are almost definitely a bunch of kids doing what he is doing at the same age, but I can't help thinking and talking about how impressive he is anyway.

You can very easily see why our parents created participation trophies and the like. Everyone thinks their kid is impressive! And I think that's probably good and normal?

But yeah, my son is going to be an all-star MLB pitcher when he's older. 100+ mph fastballs, and he paints the corners.

Your kid is funny, your kid is sweet, your kid is cool

And he can do other stuff too, but you love him because of who he is, not what he does

Anyway thats my feeling

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Forever have a roll of paper towels and change of clothes in your trunk. We went to the movies and on the way home (hour+ drive) my son puked, mostly into a bag.. the rest on himself and my backseat. Would have been a miserable drive home without that stuff

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/23/2024 at 9:19 AM, RaidersAreOne said:

Less than a month to the due date!! I'm getting so excited but nervous as heck too.

Congrats man!  We didn't want kids, but then drank too much on our anniversary once and here we are.  And it's great.  Just like everyone says.  Terrifying for a few months, but I think most people feel like they know what they're doing by the time the kid is four or five months.

My advice: splurge on a carseat that lasts throughout.  It's cheaper in the long run, and they're usually the higher end ones, so they're gonna be safer and just nicer overall.

And don't buy shoes.  Your baby doesn't need them.

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On 9/14/2024 at 12:16 PM, RaidersAreOne said:

Things are starting to happen...

I think I'll be meeting my baby within the next day or two.

Hope everything goes smoothly.  Birth can be scary, and will be terrifying the second anything doesn't go according to plan.  Best of luck.

Bring snacks, a phone charger, blankets, and clothes.  Pack a go bag ahead of time if it hasn't happened yet.

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How the hell are you supposed to afford a 2nd kid if you and your spouse both work full-time? We certainly can't afford 2 kids in daycare at the same time, and I don't know how any normal person could, so we thought 'we'll just wait until the first one goes to school'. But then what are we supposed to do in the Summer? Summer camps are even more expensive than daycare (even though they are only for 11 weeks). It obviously gets a lot easier when the kid is more self-sufficient, but what the hell are you supposed to do until then?

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32 minutes ago, minutemancl said:

How the hell are you supposed to afford a 2nd kid if you and your spouse both work full-time? We certainly can't afford 2 kids in daycare at the same time, and I don't know how any normal person could, so we thought 'we'll just wait until the first one goes to school'. But then what are we supposed to do in the Summer? Summer camps are even more expensive than daycare (even though they are only for 11 weeks). It obviously gets a lot easier when the kid is more self-sufficient, but what the hell are you supposed to do until then?

There isn't a good answer if you don't have a lot of relative help.  My wife works from home while also watching the baby, and I take her to my parents twice a week, and work from home on occasion.  But it's tough.

We were going to hire a nanny, because it's not that much more expensive than daycare, and then you at least have someone cleaning your house and whatnot.  But we had a bad experience with the first one we hired and it scared us away.

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