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Cold Winter Nights Mafia CIVS WIN


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1 minute ago, Raves said:

He's seemed off but not to the level I had focused on Math because he was hiding something but with more devious actions than being the Cop.  I think we should mainly focus on who not to vote based on how Math voted now that we know he was the cop than anything else.

Agreed, going to be tough though considering he did jump around quite a bit.

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4 minutes ago, Raves said:

He's seemed off but not to the level I had focused on Math because he was hiding something but with more devious actions than being the Cop.  I think we should mainly focus on who not to vote based on how Math voted now that we know he was the cop than anything else.

He said he investigated ET N1 and as I said I think he investigated me N2. He was kind of suspicious of me for flipping onto Bucs on D2 and was never suspicious of me again. He never voted for me I don't think. 

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5 minutes ago, Whicker said:

Well I am Just a Kid. I do think my ability is powerful but we'd have to coordinate its use. 

And yes I picked up Rag's shotgun and shot Stallyns. I messed up. 

Not sure I believe this. But unless there's a counter, there's no way I can vote you.

So that leaves ted, touch, fj, raves, and pats.

Right now I think FJ is mafia. I don't feel like he's really scum hunted.

Plus, night one, he voted Pats into the tie with Bucs.

Night two he was 4th on the bucs train.

Nights three and four he was third to jump on the Rags, ET lynch.


But. I'm voting Pats right now. His voting and posting has been just as unhelpful. Plus this is pretty convenient thing to post after a night when there was three deaths plus the lynch...

23 hours ago, Pats#1 said:

gotcha, i'm still trying to catch up from not being able to sign in until after night started, still have some reading to do


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On 12/28/2017 at 6:58 PM, domepatrol91 said:


Raves - malf (53)

Mookie - Pats (54), ET (56), md4l (67), rag (72)

ET - Rags (54)

malf - pats (55), Ksj (57), pats (58), ksj (58), famous (59), raves (62), rags (66), ted (72), rags (72)

tk3 - md4l (57), mookie (67)

ksj - malf (58)

untouch - rags (62)

ted - Whicker (63), rag (68)

LTBF - Raves (64)

famous - rags (65)

rag- ted (71)

whicker - ted (72)



6 rags - ET, untouch, famous, ted, mookie, malf

2 ted - ragnarok, whicker

2 malf - raves, ksj

1 raves - LTBF

1 mookie - tk3

1 hour ago, domepatrol91 said:


ET will be the lynch


math - ted (73), LTBF (78), ET (78), touch (78), ET(80), touch (81), ltbf (83), ksj (87), ltbf (89), et (89)

raves - math (73), ET (93), touch (94), et (95)

ksj - math (74)

ted - untouch (74), malf (80)

et - ted (75), touch (76)

famous - untouch (75), ET (93)

pats - touch (76), ltbf (89), ET (94)

LTBF - malf - (76)

Whicker - LTBF (83), ET (93)

theuntouchable - ltbf (83), pats (86), ltbf (91), ET (95)

stallyns - touch (87)



6 et - math, whicker, famous, pats, raves, untouch

3 math -  ksj, ted, ltbf

2 untouch - ET, stallyns


I think he might've investigated KSJ last night.  Looking at how is voting went from D3 to D4, you see you voted several players a few times who I think he thought were mafia but hadn't gotten an investigation on yet.  Though if he readlly did investigate ET he would've known he was an alien so he might've bluffed it?  I'm not sure but he didn't really go after him like you would expect on D3 and instead went after Rags heavily.  The other option is that he actually investigated ET N3 and that's when he got the confirmation and used the visit as a way to try to not out himself as the cop.  Either way I think I would put our priorities on Ted, Touch, and Pats, with an eye also towards KSJ and Famous.

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4 minutes ago, kingseanjohn said:

But. I'm voting Pats right now. His voting and posting has been just as unhelpful. Plus this is pretty convenient thing to post after a night when there was three deaths plus the lynch...

Won't really get into me not being helpful, I've been very active almost every night, asking questions and trying to see if people have tripped up. 


You can go back to the last mafia I played in. I only play when I'm at work offshore, and when I'm at work, I'm on the night shift from 6pm - 6am central time.

Go back to when Dome first stated that Night two days ago would be 7pm eastern time, I immediately said something along the lines of "you're killing me", before anything actually happened.

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2 minutes ago, Raves said:

Looking at voting as well Ted was on Rags, but didn't jump onto ET, Pats apparently didn't vote D3 so either it was to avoid looking scummy or maybe just missed it, but he would be 4th on my list.

Night started before I get on watch. No internet in my room so I couldn't sign in before Night hit.

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1 minute ago, Pats#1 said:

Night started before I get on watch. No internet in my room so I couldn't sign in before Night hit.

Understandable and a legit explanation, but still have to put the qualifier in there, but I still have you 4th of the 7 possible people that I think could be part of the remaining bad guys.

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4 hours ago, Raves said:

Looking at voting as well Ted was on Rags, but didn't jump onto ET, Pats apparently didn't vote D3 so either it was to avoid looking scummy or maybe just missed it, but he would be 4th on my list.

I was asleep. It was 3am in France, I can't stay online forever.

I really want to lynch Whicker, but with him claiming and not being cced, it's not a good option right now.

Untouch. Can't get passed his Rags vote. I thought Whicker was the cop and cleared him so I switched to Malf, since it wasn't the case, I think he's our best bet.

Will re-read Malf posts during the day see if he left us any clue


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8 hours ago, kingseanjohn said:

Not sure I believe this. But unless there's a counter, there's no way I can vote you.

So that leaves ted, touch, fj, raves, and pats.

Right now I think FJ is mafia. I don't feel like he's really scum hunted.

Plus, night one, he voted Pats into the tie with Bucs.

Night two he was 4th on the bucs train.

Nights three and four he was third to jump on the Rags, ET lynch.


But. I'm voting Pats right now. His voting and posting has been just as unhelpful. Plus this is pretty convenient thing to post after a night when there was three deaths plus the lynch...


I’m guessing he investigated pats n3. He never voted for him again after that and when I brought up pats yesterday he avoided it. Then when I asked if he. Possibly saved two werewolves d1, his response makes me think he knew he didn’t but left it open to try and not show his hand. 

Raves has tunneled on malf nearly the whole game, I don’t think he’d do that as mafia. That and I don’t think malf has voted for him so it wouldn’t surprise me that he investigated him due to the tunneling. 

i felt confident that whicker was civ before and now believe it nearly entirely. We know a civ picked up the shotgun. 

I think you’re on to something with fj though

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1 hour ago, TedLavie said:

@Famous Jameis are you with Whicker claim?

If so we can go ahead and clear Whicker. Would it make sense for the Twins to claim at this point? If they can die separately, that would make 3 clear and limit our hunt to 4 people (well 3 for me)

The only way whicker is lying is if someone else shot stallions. Whicker didn’t have heat on him so it wouldn’t make sense to take that risk if he was mafia.

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