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Cold Winter Nights Mafia CIVS WIN


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ET will be the lynch


math - ted (73), LTBF (78), ET (78), touch (78), ET(80), touch (81), ltbf (83), ksj (87), ltbf (89), et (89)

raves - math (73), ET (93), touch (94), et (95)

ksj - math (74)

ted - untouch (74), malf (80)

et - ted (75), touch (76)

famous - untouch (75), ET (93)

pats - touch (76), ltbf (89), ET (94)

LTBF - malf - (76)

Whicker - LTBF (83), ET (93)

theuntouchable - ltbf (83), pats (86), ltbf (91), ET (95)

stallyns - touch (87)



6 et - math, whicker, famous, pats, raves, untouch

3 math -  ksj, ted, ltbf

2 untouch - ET, stallyns


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The group propped @jfinley88's body up against a log in a clearing, and they all took their places behind the trees. It didn’t take long for ET to come swooping in with his UFO, very interested in probing the Dispatcher once again. When he landed the group pounced on him.

“Wait, I come in peace!" ET pleaded.

“YOU KILLED OUR MOOKIE!” one of the boys shouted.

“That was my bad. I admit that. But really, I don’t mean you guys any harm.”

“Doubt it.”

“No, I’m serious. In fact, if ya’ll would just line up we could knock all these probings out in one night and I could scoot on outta here. Who’s first?”

Will Smith stepped out from behind a tree and punched ET in the face. “Welcome to Earth.” He said, and it was super cool.

After that, the group tore him to shreds. @EliteTexan80 is dead. He was The Grey.


@MathMan was out snooping around, as he does, and found the body of @LetTheBallFly He hadn't been mutilated, or turned to a pile of ash. No bite marks on his neck either. This was no Werewolf or Vampire or Alien. This was probably serious. He decided he needed to call this one in. He headed up the hill to see if he could get some reception.

Standing at the top of the hill, Malf didn’t realize he had made himself a target. He was silhouetted perfectly against the moonlite. He never saw the beast coming, and it ripped him to pieces before he made the call.

@LetTheBallFly is dead. He was a Teenager. @MathMan is dead. He was the Cop.


A kid stepped out of the woods with a shotgun.

“Sup.” He pulled the trigger and blasted @stallyns into pieces. Stallyns is dead. He was the Hot Blonde.


You may talk. 

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5 minutes ago, domepatrol91 said:

A kid stepped out of the woods with a shotgun.

“Sup.” He pulled the trigger and blasted @stallyns into pieces. Stallyns is dead. He was the Hot Blonde.

So the kid that picked up the rifle is the new hunter i'm guessing. Picked the wrong target.

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