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1 hour ago, Uffdaswede said:

There seems to be a strange duality for the 2023 season. At times you can be convinced that they believe we are young and have talent that will surprise. At other times they behave as if it is already a lost season and we are angling for picks in the 2024 draft.

The goal of the 2023 season should be to see what core pieces they have, namely Jordan Love.  To me, the W/L record doesn't really matter.  If the Packers go 17-0 and they win the Super Bowl, obviously I'll be pumped but if they win 7-9 games and Jordan Love looks like the next Kirk Cousins I'll be a bit disappointed.

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4 minutes ago, Pugger said:

Sometimes a veteran in position room can be beneficial to the younger players.  I wouldn't mind Gute signing a vet WR as long as the price is right.

Jesus Pugger....

First we need to bring him in and kick the tires.  Then it needs to be for vet minimum.  

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1 minute ago, CWood21 said:

The goal of the 2023 season should be to see what core pieces they have, namely Jordan Love.  To me, the W/L record doesn't really matter.  If the Packers go 17-0 and they win the Super Bowl, obviously I'll be pumped but if they win 7-9 games and Jordan Love looks like the next Kirk Cousins I'll be a bit disappointed.

It's 100% a legitimate team goal to win the North in 2023. To think otherwise is being unnecessarily pessimistic. 

Getting this young core playoff experience is critical for the development path we're on.

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1 minute ago, incognito_man said:

It's 100% a legitimate team goal to win the North in 2023. To think otherwise is being unnecessarily pessimistic. 

Getting this young core playoff experience is critical for the development path we're on.

So you're telling me if that the Packers go 7-9 (or whatever), but Love shows he's the next great QB that's a wasted season?

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1 hour ago, incognito_man said:

I see zero reason to add a vet WR.

Why? What's the point?

If you can add a Corey Davis (if he's cut) for something like 1Y/3-4M I'd consider it. Knows the system, is selfless and allows Love to have a trustworthy reciever from day 1.

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6 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

It's 100% a legitimate team goal to win the North in 2023. To think otherwise is being unnecessarily pessimistic. 

Getting this young core playoff experience is critical for the development path we're on.


4 minutes ago, CWood21 said:

So you're telling me if that the Packers go 7-9 (or whatever), but Love shows he's the next great QB that's a wasted season?

I don't see 'wasted season' in his post. I agree with Incog, we need to set a standard that this isn't a 'learning' season and mediocrity would be OK. 

If your scenario plays out, we have our QB, but then who underperformed that we were counting on? 

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2 minutes ago, VonKarman said:

If you can add a Corey Davis (if he's cut) for something like 1Y/3-4M I'd consider it. Knows the system, is selfless and allows Love to have a trustworthy reciever from day 1.

I'm all for adding a vet WR, not Corey Davis. I want a vet who can mentor the young guys. I don't see Corey Davis as that guy. 


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1 minute ago, VonKarman said:

If you can add a Corey Davis (if he's cut) for something like 1Y/3-4M I'd consider it. Knows the system, is selfless and allows Love to have a trustworthy reciever from day 1.

I don't hate Corey Davis. He's better than Sammy Watkins. His Y/T is actually decent the last couple years (and was excellent in 2020 in TEN). 

IF he is actually available, he's probably the one guy that makes sense.

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As a 5th round selection, Wicks is pretty much guaranteed a roster spot if healthy.  Packers have only cut a couple of guys drafted in or above the 5th round.

I have no desire to add a vet WR in order to play snaps and make catches.  1st, vets available at the price we can add won't add any wins.  2nd, We're going nowhere this year, so even if you could add a guy who'd add more wins, what difference would it make? 

*IF* you add one, it's gotta be driven by player-coach impact.  How much did Watkins and Cobb do for Amari and Toure, etc.?  I don't know, and am willing to let Gute and MLF make that evaluation.  I'd just as soon go all young, and let them all eagerly learn together. 

Watson is a really nice guy, and he's said to be really smart and classroom smart.  So maybe by both being the star, and being smart and generous, he's already qualified as a guy Wicks can go to if he's got a "what did coach really mean when he said....." question?  

"Captain-helping-freshman" thing can be real, in HS; but usually a captain is a good player.  If the vet is #6 receiver, will the kids really look to him for direction?  Possibly, but you'd need a somewhat special personality type. 

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14 minutes ago, Pugger said:

The vet minimum.  Isn't that kinda what I inferred?

No.  First you need to bring them in to kick the tires.  Then you gotta vet minimum.  It's how this works.

Sorry, I don't make the rules.  

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38 minutes ago, CWood21 said:

So you're telling me if that the Packers go 7-9 (or whatever), but Love shows he's the next great QB that's a wasted season?

TBH the team has enough talent that if Love shows he is the next great QB they should at least make a wild card in a relatively weak NFC north. 

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