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36 minutes ago, Packerraymond said:

Everyone's hobbies are a waste of money, it's what you do to find enjoyment in life, some people like to work on their trucks. Not hurting anyone and no one really cares that they think their truck is too big or looks dumb.

I've always wanted a bumper sticker for my truck that said "Sorry about your Prius, but congrats on your huge ****." 

We can't take the toys or money into the box with us...........although i'm sure a few have tried. You're right most things are an absolute waste we find joy in things that give no joy. But dam if it isn't about looking fine. 

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10 minutes ago, Packerraymond said:


Catholic man shares Catholic values at commencement speech at Catholic School.

It wouldn't allow me to give you more than one football! 

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4 minutes ago, Brat&Beer said:

His values. Many Catholics would take exception to much of what he said. 

Very difficult to prove that most would disagree you're speaking for far to many people.

And his speech may have been previewed by those at the school they often are. So that should advise something against what you said. I'm not saying it was but they often are. I speak from experience on this. It's not perfect but often the planners know what the speech will contain thusly not having to have the fallout. 

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If you disagree with what Butker said, I have good news for you, you live in America and you don't need to practice any of it! You may choose whatever morals and guidelines you please as long as they don't break the law. However millions of people live life this way and are perfectly happy doing so as well, so leave them alone, there's absolutely nothing offensive at all about what was said.   

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13 minutes ago, Packerraymond said:

If you disagree with what Butker said, I have good news for you, you live in America and you don't need to practice any of it! You may choose whatever morals and guidelines you please as long as they don't break the law. However millions of people live life this way and are perfectly happy doing so as well, so leave them alone, there's absolutely nothing offensive at all about what was said.   

just stop posting about it

be better.  BC nobody cares dude.

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12 minutes ago, Packerraymond said:

If you disagree with what Butker said, I have good news for you, you live in America and you don't need to practice any of it! You may choose whatever morals and guidelines you please as long as they don't break the law. However millions of people live life this way and are perfectly happy doing so as well, so leave them alone, there's absolutely nothing offensive at all about what was said.   

I don't know what you're talking about. Women are obviously so unintelligent that they're as gullible as children. They must be shielded from any kind of heresy lest they be lured into a life of wickedness. It's important that society as a whole, but especially the men in their lives prevent them from witnessing anything that might cause confusion or temptation. 

Consequently, we must string up Harrison Butker both as punishment for daring to say that women should look forward to being wives and mothers, and as a warning to others that might blaspheme on this topic. 

Also I'm a feminist, and women are the strongest and smartest. There are zero contradictions here at all.


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4 minutes ago, Uffdaswede said:

I’d just like to point out that when you guys don’t have football discussions I don’t have football discussions to derail with stupid comments. 

We're always waiting for a stupid football comment to derail us from the stupid non-football comments. 

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7 minutes ago, Uffdaswede said:

I’d just like to point out that when you guys don’t have football discussions I don’t have football discussions to derail with stupid comments. 

You really think that if we had a "Kick the Tires on Michael Thomas thread" we'd still be arguing about some **** a ******* Kicker said to a bunch of nerdy girls who aren't going to put out before marriage?

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10 minutes ago, AlexGreen#20 said:

You really think that if we had a "Kick the Tires on Michael Thomas thread" we'd still be arguing about some **** a ******* Kicker said to a bunch of nerdy girls who aren't going to put out before marriage?

We could hit 10 pages tomorrow if Justin Simmons visits GB. 

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2 hours ago, Brat&Beer said:

His values. Many Catholics would take exception to much of what he said. 

The irony is that Catholicism has far more in common with the Pharisees than it does with Jesus' teachings and the original church.  Which explains why the CC has a hierarchal system that focuses on legalism.  The Bible isn't taught with the same ferocity by it other wise it would collapse (and no, a handful of passages read completely out of context each week with no examination is not teaching).  "The truth shall set you free."

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9 minutes ago, HokieHigh said:

Marvin harrison jr not signing a nlfpa deal is interesting. What are the implications of this... for him and the league 

For him, he losses out on the opportunity to do promotion stuff with 5+ other NFL players. That includes Madden. And seeing his jersey on the shelves at certain stores. 

For the league, eh, not much.

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2 hours ago, Packerraymond said:

Everyone's hobbies are a waste of money, it's what you do to find enjoyment in life.

Agree entirely....and now for a superflous commentary...but the Packer/NFL news is wanting and I'm not engaging in the culture wars chit-chat...so here goes: 

Function. I'm a guy for whom function matters a great deal...and when it comes to my wheels, I'll add design. Function & design. How does my drive fit my life?

For years I drove SUVs. Nissan Pathfinders. Top of the line. Loaded with all the bells, whistles & creature comforts that made climbing inside a pleasure. Functionally, it was good for the wife & kids (and pets). Good for business and could accommodate just about anything I could conjure up to bring home from Home Depot or Lowes. 

Life evolved....the kids moved out. So it was me, the wife, pets, and the HD stuff - but the back seat was empty for long stretches. Eventually the GrandKids starting showing up...but by then I'd swapped the traditional SUV for a different variety: A Ford SportTrac. I'd look hard at the F150's and Tundras...but I just couldnt get past those 4'x8' beds. I couldnt pull the trigger on the purchase. I just didnt need those beds. I might have hauled an assortment of stuff over the years - but full plywood sheets wasnt never one of them. It's function didnt fit my life - whereas the ST had the Explorer cab with the outside cab (with all the same interior bells & whistles( - plus the back seat could hold a full array of GrandKids - or be folded down for inside carriage of all sorts of stuff. Good function...and I liked the slim/sleek look.

Now it's just me and my dog and the "big wheels" have evolved into a Honda Fit - which was probably a bit more drastic a change than I needed to make - but you know what? It fits me now. Honda makes a good machine - so I can rely on that - it's great gets great gas mileage - so all this chatter about the cost of gas is lost on me personally - plus it can handle my HD/Lowes stuff and what if cant, I have delivered. Done.

So - yeah - people get / drive what they want...or what makes them happy....or what fits the function of their lives.     

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