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The Ohio State Buckeyes Thread v.12 — 8 in a row


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3 minutes ago, candyman93 said:

Ryan Day just doesn’t “get it”


Needs to be evaluated this offseason

Only thing he doesn’t get it maybe the impact of the run game but when you are landing the QBs and WRs he is, it’s kinda hard to be that run first team. 


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9 minutes ago, candyman93 said:

They don’t understand the standard at OSU.


Urban demanded guys understood what it meant to play at OSU.

but what do you expect tho? Early on urban got to deal with a sinking ship at Michigan. Urban forced Michigan to catch up. Kinda like when he was at Florida, kinda forced the other teams like Bama to catch up. 

All year Knowles has been covering up the DBs and they got absolutely exposed today. Once that happen, it threw the defense apart. You just wish the stud DEs could have stepped up and made a big play. They got too much momentum in the first half

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Just undisciplined with ridiculous penalties and bad in-game coaching today. The initial script went well and from their things were bad. They could have played their game and then up by a lot more going into the second half and then yikes. You really have to evaluate how the secondary is being coached, they were terrible today, and have been a weakness all season. They may or may not still make the playoffs, but in my mind, they have nobody to look at but themselves if they don’t, this was a playoff game essentially.

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Yeah they’ll make it if USC loses but it’s whatever. We failed to beat UM and this team just has limited capacity with the way they’re coached and schemed when the talent is close. DB play sucks and breakdowns all over the place in general. Poor discipline, mismanagement in game. It’s unfortunate because this was a better offensive window than next year will be, with a returning starting QB. But this team ain’t it. 

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I'm ready for our DBs to get figured out as well bc I feel like the rest of the defense was pretty damn good. The back end doesn't really have an excuse to perform the way they did. 

Day's play calling, at times, is ******* infuriating also. Those swing passes need thrown in the trash. Running on 1st and 35 needs thrown further in the trash. We need to take more shots but again, not sure if that's Day or Stroud there. 

We simply didn't play disciplined today and got manhandled in the second half. I really thought we'd win after being up at the half.... whoops. Would love to limp into the playoffs to get another shot but we don't deserve it

Edited by BobbyPhil1781
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4 minutes ago, BobbyPhil1781 said:

Had a little bit of time to think about this and can we kinda call Stroud overrated? The guy can make some great throws but he seems scared to take shots at times and also doesn't seem to process things very well. Would have to go back and look at it also but when this guy seems to really have all the eyes on him, he doesn't perform to what I personally expect. Sure, he lights up inferior competition but under the lights or the microscope don't seem to be when he's at his best. Maybe I'm misremembering but I feel like his only really good primetime game would be the Rose Bowl last year. 

If I'm an NFL team, I'm not taking him until late in the first, at best. 

I'm ready for our DBs to get figured out as well bc I feel like the rest of the defense was pretty damn good. The back end doesn't really have an excuse to perform the way they did. 

Day's play calling, at times, is ******* infuriating also. Those swing passes need thrown in the trash. Running on 1st and 35 needs thrown further in the trash. We need to take more shots but again, not sure if that's Day or Stroud there. 

We simply didn't play disciplined today and got manhandled in the second half. I really thought we'd win after being up at the half.... whoops. Would love to limp into the playoffs to get another shot but we don't deserve it

I’ve said all these things for weeks. I feel like some people haven’t seen it because we’ve gotten away with it against teams we massively out-talent. 
Stroud has no legs, no adaptability, and can’t go off script. When it’s not his planned read, don’t count on an accurate toss. When he’s pressured, same thing. 
Day’s playcalling is dog poo. His initial scripting was great today but his in-game coaching has been rough. 
Stunning to see the lack of discipline. A backup TE headbutts a dude knowing it’s an obvious 15 yarder. 
TBH this disorganization and lack of discipline has shown up at times though. Lots of penalties, we’ve even had delay of games to start drives or on every 2-pt conversion we’ve wanted to try this year. But again, we’ve massively out talented everyone. 
As a personnel group, pass coverage is a huge mess. I’d really say the rest of our issues seem to be coaching issues. Find some corners though guys.

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