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The Ben Wade Gang Mafia - It's Day 5


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The group stared up at the three cowboys suspended in air. 

“Welp.” One of the men thought out loud, “This guy here says he wrastles with rodents.... that’s enough reason for me to want to kill this weirdo. Who agrees?”

All the men nodded with an uncertain complacency, one of them made a lasso and caught gopher by his boots. The men muscled him out of the beams pull and tied a rope around his neck, they carried him to the top of the canyon and threw him off.

@gopherwrestler is dead. Gopher was a Pinkerton Agent. 

@MathMan and @Famous Jameis are released from the beam.

Ratio is 8:2

It is Night time. The Aliens have returned to their ship to convene. Votes made during night must be locked in to count.

Day 3 will start at 7am EST on Thursday. If I get all the moves in, Day 3 will begin early.

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6 minutes ago, Famous Jameis said:

Could always test it and have everyone only vote for one person for n3 and see what happens 

as long as our votes arent super spread out, we should be fine 

i dont think everyone would agree on 1 person though unless positive invest.

but watch for people doing one off voting to be able to pick their target

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32 minutes ago, MathMan said:

i have a theory that mafia could only put people in the beam who were voted the previous day.

so far, that theory holds true

Doesn't this bring back the possibility that 1 of the 3 noms could have been mafia...are you meaning final vote from D1 or just received at some time D1?

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16 minutes ago, LetTheBallFly said:

Doesn't this bring back the possibility that 1 of the 3 noms could have been mafia...are you meaning final vote from D1 or just received at some time D1?

im guessing final vote.

but i do think mafia put in all civs because they had ample choices 

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21 minutes ago, Tyty said:




I don't buy LTBF right now either, the banter with gopher doesn't make since if he is an alien it brings too much attention to himself

"bucs" or bcb is probably the better options out of those 2. i'm gonna go reread to see if anything else stands out 

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On 4/23/2018 at 2:17 PM, bucsfan333 said:



On 4/23/2018 at 2:17 PM, bucsfan333 said:

Final answer.


On 4/23/2018 at 5:33 PM, mission27 said:

Tyty as he will likely die anyway 

Bucs and mission voting the same way 

On 4/24/2018 at 11:11 AM, bucsfan333 said:

I still prefer a Tyty lynch.

Bucs kept pushing for a non mission lynch 

On 4/24/2018 at 11:22 AM, bucsfan333 said:

Hear me out.


After his final answer he tried to get a late bw going on me, it would have saved mission 

On 4/24/2018 at 11:28 AM, jfinley88 said:

i like how you do business


Jfin flips almost immediately 

On 4/24/2018 at 2:05 PM, Whicker said:

Bucs also tried to avoid a mission lynch


On 4/24/2018 at 2:56 PM, bucsfan333 said:

I'd bus mission 10/10 times.

Would you really, if your mafia and there is only 3 of you I'd imagine in a close vote like it was you would be trying a last second move to save one of your own 

19 hours ago, bucsfan333 said:


Very quickly placed your vote after night 

9 hours ago, bucsfan333 said:

No vote

Let them all die. It'll be 6:2 at worst. Otherwise we'll spend tomorrow figuring out who to lynch of the three, if we mislynch tonight.

Really scummy

4 hours ago, bucsfan333 said:


Hammer vote

4 hours ago, bucsfan333 said:

Let's just get this over with.


Maybe a little happy with yourslef? 

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10 minutes ago, Famous Jameis said:



Bucs and mission voting the same way 

Bucs kept pushing for a non mission lynch 

After his final answer he tried to get a late bw going on me, it would have saved mission 

Jfin flips almost immediately 


Would you really, if your mafia and there is only 3 of you I'd imagine in a close vote like it was you would be trying a last second move to save one of your own 

Very quickly placed your vote after night 

Really scummy

Hammer vote

Maybe a little happy with yourslef? 

So he was up for a Tyty lynch, then next day went malf, no vote, gopher. Seems like he is steering away from Tyty imo

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2 minutes ago, LetTheBallFly said:

So he was up for a Tyty lynch, then next day went malf, no vote, gopher. Seems like he is steering away from Tyty imo

Or he was just trying to get a solid bw going to avoid a mission lynch.  The Tyty connection is still unclear

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