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I think eventually they should think about putting an NXT entrant in position to win. There would be no better way to start a career, but it obviously has to be someone you want to strap a rocket to...............






















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3 minutes ago, Troy Brown said:

I think eventually they should think about putting an NXT entrant in position to win. There would be no better way to start a career, but it obviously has to be someone you want to strap a rocket to...............

I'm not familiar with NXT so I'll leave suggestive names to yourself and others. But I do think them doing something similar with someone else like they did with Kevin Owens/John Cena would do alot for not only them personally, but would also be a good change of pace in general. Something unexpected can go along way......

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The NXT spin would do wonders. Just adds a story that hasn’t been used in a long time. Works too cause the top talent for the NXT is putting out better performances then the main roster. 

Would love to see an Undisputed Era Takeover of an event like that.

i thought this was one boring Rumble. Like I was legit pissed that I stayed up to watch that. Again I think the NXT takeover was better 

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6 hours ago, Troy Brown said:

Eh, I disagree. They have a bonafide star in Rollins who has always generally had momentum. Let him take down Lesnar. Let him be the face. The SD champion always seems to be treading water. 

Its funny how the WWE title always seem to be in a dead spot during PPVS.....

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51 minutes ago, MikeT14 said:

Once again, I held out a slight hope that, holy crap maybe Ziggler will win (because I didn't think Stroman would in that situation). I completely forgot Seth was still in and could see the inevitable at that point.

with the rumors that Ziggler isn't resigning, I was surprised that not only did he make an appearance but he was one of the final four.

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McMahons came out saying "Change". Providing the most predictable Rumble in history.

Watched a video of the 92 rumble for the title. Everyone thought Hogan would run through it. And he was getting pops for his work. He went out leaving Sid and Flair as the final 2 and the place erupted, giving the fans something they didnt really expect to happen.

Seth is built, he doesnt need a title hunt and Mania ME to be relevant during a time they so badly need to invest in others.


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1 hour ago, NcFinest9erFan said:

with the rumors that Ziggler isn't resigning, I was surprised that not only did he make an appearance but he was one of the final four.

Right. There was that thought too. And then I was like "well that would also squash all that."

If that was it for him though (or tonight), so be it. Maybe he'll go to AEW.

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53 minutes ago, PARROTHEAD said:

McMahons came out saying "Change". Providing the most predictable Rumble in history.

Watched a video of the 92 rumble for the title. Everyone thought Hogan would run through it. And he was getting pops for his work. He went out leaving Sid and Flair as the final 2 and the place erupted, giving the fans something they didnt really expect to happen.

Seth is built, he doesnt need a title hunt and Mania ME to be relevant during a time they so badly need to invest in others.


"We are taking back Monday Night Raw!" The words they said on that night...as if they aren't already in charge.

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13 hours ago, Troy Brown said:

I think eventually they should think about putting an NXT entrant in position to win. There would be no better way to start a career, but it obviously has to be someone you want to strap a rocket to...............






















I agree, in premise.  This would mean holding Velveteen down in NXT for another year or two though so that he's legit ready to step into the Main Event scene (and if they're being smart about it, they do it after the switch to FOX has happened with Smackdown and you let said winner challenge the RAW champion).

Thing is, while NXT is the best product they've got, it's not getting mainstream viewership yet (if they cut the deal with Viacom/USA to put NXT on USA once Smackdown moves, then they're getting the eyes on the product which makes it much more viable to rocketlaunch that guy into a main card main event scene.  The real question becomes where, if all that happens, you do it with a guy who has been dominant (not necessarily dripping in gold, but dominant in terms of winning and card-placement) or someone who has always been "just below that surface" and gets his breakthrough in cascading fashion.

If it happens, I think it's more likely to occur after Velveteen has already gone up and is a likely path for either Riddle or Punishment Martinez.  If they were going to have done it last night with anyone, the clearer choice would have been Pete Dunne, but there's major money to be made and drawn off him vs Walter (who would be another one that could be a candidate for this debut-to-Rumble-winner treatment if they can convince him to exit Europe on a mostly year-round basis, which he's been averse to last I heard).

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5 hours ago, PARROTHEAD said:

McMahons came out saying "Change". Providing the most predictable Rumble in history.

Watched a video of the 92 rumble for the title. Everyone thought Hogan would run through it. And he was getting pops for his work. He went out leaving Sid and Flair as the final 2 and the place erupted, giving the fans something they didnt really expect to happen.

Seth is built, he doesnt need a title hunt and Mania ME to be relevant during a time they so badly need to invest in others.


There's so much of that backstory you're leaving out though.  This was prime, PRIME backstage politicking Hogan.  Flair was promised the title when they signed him away from Crockett and when the signing happened the intent was a Flair vs Hogan Mania main event that would have been the biggest draw since Hogan/Andre.  But that also would have required Hulk to put Flair over and "that doesn't work for me, Brother."  So instead they turned Sid and booked him against Hogan and Flair against Savage for the title.  And even when Flair won that Rumble, go back to the period just before Flair's epic promo - Hogan is just as responsible for eliminating Sid as the winner was and then the cameras are all focused on him and Sid and the pull-apart, not the guy who just won the World Title.  Moreover, Hogan was acting like the freaking heel from the minute he entered that Rumble match - I haven't watched that Rumble in probably a year or more, but one thing that's always stood out to me is that Hogan uses so many thumb-to-the-eyes it's laughable he's supposed to be the top babyface.

Also, "the place erupted" is overselling it.  The reports coming out of that Rumble were that it was way, WAY better received by the home audiences than by the live crowd, who by and large called the event underwhelming.

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19 minutes ago, hornbybrown said:

I get the two winners of the rumble.... but in particular for the Men’s I just want them to shock us one day with a mid card totally unexpected winner

He wasn't exactly "mid-card" in that he'd been a main eventer and a top-card champion in the past, got stale, missed time for injury, then came back and was inserted immediately into a Rumble win and people complained to no end when Sheamus was the winner.  Same with Alberto winning the 40-man Rumble.

Will casual fans still tune in to Mania because "it's Mania?" Yes.  But you don't tempt fate by having Zack Ryder or Shelton Benjamin win and then be one of your premier matches booked for Mania.  There were still "midcard-ish" guys who have been elevated in past Rumbles and in that vein guys who were elevated last night (Mustapha Ali for one, Andrade looked to me like another - which makes two years running for him).  With MITB coming a matter of months after Mania, there's really no reason to risk the Mania card (which is Vince's baby) on elevating a mid-carder when you're likely going to do such with MITB.

The bigger issue is that they don't build stars as readily as they did in the past (part of that is the 50/50 booking and wins mattering less in WWE than in the past or in other promotions), anin md they keep falling back on booking around the stars of the past because that's who the casual fans know - and the Big 4 cards are booked with the casual/mainstream fan in mind.  I genuinely hope we don't get a Taker match at Mania (sadly, I think we are, but hopefully it will be the last), because it will hopefully signal a ripping off of the BandAid and less reliance on the stars of old to be the main draw.

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2 hours ago, The LBC said:

He wasn't exactly "mid-card" in that he'd been a main eventer and a top-card champion in the past, got stale, missed time for injury, then came back and was inserted immediately into a Rumble win and people complained to no end when Sheamus was the winner.  Same with Alberto winning the 40-man Rumble.

Will casual fans still tune in to Mania because "it's Mania?" Yes.  But you don't tempt fate by having Zack Ryder or Shelton Benjamin win and then be one of your premier matches booked for Mania.  There were still "midcard-ish" guys who have been elevated in past Rumbles and in that vein guys who were elevated last night (Mustapha Ali for one, Andrade looked to me like another - which makes two years running for him).  With MITB coming a matter of months after Mania, there's really no reason to risk the Mania card (which is Vince's baby) on elevating a mid-carder when you're likely going to do such with MITB.

The bigger issue is that they don't build stars as readily as they did in the past (part of that is the 50/50 booking and wins mattering less in WWE than in the past or in other promotions), anin md they keep falling back on booking around the stars of the past because that's who the casual fans know - and the Big 4 cards are booked with the casual/mainstream fan in mind.  I genuinely hope we don't get a Taker match at Mania (sadly, I think we are, but hopefully it will be the last), because it will hopefully signal a ripping off of the BandAid and less reliance on the stars of old to be the main draw.

Yeah I get what you are saying, if they built stars better they would have more options to actually win the rumble. I just hate knowing before hand who is wining 

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