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2 minutes ago, MKnight82 said:

If Hernandez falls to us im going to be so happy.

How happy will you be if we pass right on by him? Cause I think the odds of that happening with our morons in charge are greater than him being there to begin with.

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2 minutes ago, RSkinGM said:

O K guys. It was fun ! Sleep tight . Dreams of another good player at #44. Seems to be a good crop still out there . Hernandez, Landry, Guice,  Rojo . 

I'll be drinking at The Pearl- Hope they have it on down there. 

Maybe 44 is John riggins? :)

fun watching draft and depressing watching Caps crap the bed

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5 minutes ago, lavar703 said:

Even if Hernandez is there, I think they take Guice. Cooley is pretty well in the know with the team. They took the guy first he said they would. 

He said they would trade down and take Payne, and then trade back into the first for Guice though.

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Happy for former Redskins Todd Bowles!

casserly just said 17-3 GMs liked darnold more than Mayfield

giants- scary team next year

cowboys-Surprising pick

what's up with Seattle- they don’t want number 1 picks always trading out or way down 

mayock is king of the draft

kiper may have fallen ? asleep, he’s lost energy. He might benefit from vitavegiment- young bros won’t ever figure this out lol ? 


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