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49 minutes ago, SimonGruber said:

I know you will probably disagree with me but if you read between the lines he said the debate was Derwin James and Miller we know there is two draft boards. It came out Gruden has final say 

We don't know where Vic got that tidbit, if there was debate, who it was between or who had the final say.

So you're making mutliple assumptions off a vague tweet and a false narrative.

The tweet -

The false narrative -

It is false that there are two different rooms, personnel staffs or draft boards. That is something that was created by media member looking to cause waves because they had been blackballed and had their press passes taken because Gruden recommended one guy for the front office.


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4 minutes ago, CaliforniaKid7 said:

Reports were trying to trade Roberts for a day 3 pick, im all for it. Get his contract off the books. Hope we spend one of our 6ths on a developmental WR too

please please please. get him out of here! just a guy I'm tired of seeing

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7 minutes ago, Rich7sena said:

Per Ian Rappaport, the Raiders were trying to move back into round 1 last night. Vic Tafur confirmed and also suggested he knew for which player. 

He didn’t name the player, and that means he’s still up for grabs. Will the Raiders forum collapse when they trade up to 35 and draft Orlando Brown? xD

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1 minute ago, roi34 said:

please please please. get him out of here! just a guy I'm tired of seeing

He is definitely expendable after Bryant, Whalen and Harris were brought in. I mean even if he were to stay he would be the 4th or 5th WR and be moved to gunner full time with or replacing  Holton. And frankly, Hatcher or Whitney can do that for alot less cap.

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11 minutes ago, NightTrainLane said:

We don't know where Vic got that tidbit, if there was debate, who it was between or who had the final say.

So you're making mutliple assumptions off a vague tweet and a false narrative.

The tweet -

The false narrative -

It is false that there are two different rooms, personnel staffs or draft boards. That is something that was created by media member looking to cause waves because they had been blackballed and had their press passes taken because Gruden recommended one guy for the front office.


Read his article from the athletic, that’s where it says the FO wanted Derwin and the coaches wanted Kolton.  


this tweet is where the 2 draft boards were mentioned: 


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What would you guys have preferred:

Option 1:

#15 - Kolton Miller 


Option 2:

trade #15 for Saints #27, #145 (5th round) and 2018 1st round. Which they gave up for GB's #14.

and use #27 to pick OT Isaiah Wynn (assuming the Pats would draft Miller at #23)

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10 minutes ago, Chwf3rd25 said:

Read his article from the athletic, that’s where it says the FO wanted Derwin and the coaches wanted Kolton.  


this tweet is where the 2 draft boards were mentioned: 


I don't subscribe to that site. But I bet it wasn't said that clearly and there are still assumptions being made and we don't know the convo details either. They could have had the debate and then came to an agreement like professionals but that doesn't sell papers or get clicks.

I think that it is pretty standard for the coaches to want guys and the scouts to want guys as well. What I was pushing back on is the notion that Gruden has his on personal guys that are working separately from Reggie and the scouting staff. I may have gone over board with the point in saying they don't have 2 boards(if Tafur is correct) but that was my meaning.

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1 hour ago, holyghost said:

In reflection, OT was overlooked as by far our biggest need entering the draft. By FAR. A 35 year old LT coming off a significant foot injury and a revolving door of nothing at RT. 

Not by far. Have you looked at our DTs and LBs? Our starting 3T at the moment is MEJ who has never played there in the pros. Our LBs are Whitehead, Lee, James, Morrow, Lamur and Wilber. Those 2 weaknesses haven't been adressed for years now. So let's get Hurst today and add a couple LBs to compete before this draft is over. But we'll probably end up with a RB and a P on day 2!

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4 minutes ago, oakdb36 said:

Not by far. Have you looked at our DTs and LBs? Our starting 3T at the moment is MEJ who has never played there in the pros. Our LBs are Whitehead, Lee, James, Morrow, Lamur and Wilber. Those 2 weaknesses haven't been adressed for years now. So let's get Hurst today and add a couple LBs to compete before this draft is over. But we'll probably end up with a RB and a P on day 2!

MEJ has played 3T and so has Vanderdoes. While it's an unremarkable unit, it's not one you couldn't win games with. The same thing is true at linebacker. 

If the Raiders entered week one before the draft, right tackle would be a major concern and the team would likely be limited offensively because of it; I believe it's one of the reasons the team through so many screens on third and long.

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1 minute ago, Rich7sena said:

MEJ has played 3T and so has Vanderdoes. While it's an unremarkable unit, it's not one you couldn't win games with. The same thing is true at linebacker. If the Raiders entered week one before the draft, right tackle would be a major concern and the team would likely be limited offensively because of it.

MEJ hasn't played DT in the base. We've talked about that before. Playing inside against run formations is different from playing inside in the nickel against 3 wide. I'm for trying him at 3T but we don't know what we have. I don't know if Vanderdoes will be ready to start the season.

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Just now, oakdb36 said:

MEJ hasn't played DT in the base. We've talked about that before. Playing inside against run formations is different from playing inside in the nickel against 3 wide. I'm for trying him at 3T but we don't know what we have. I don't know if Vanderdoes will be ready to start the season.

11 personnel is base for most teams. Even against 21 or 12 personnel, MEJ would still be split against a tackle and guard. It's not like he's bad against the run. In fact, run defense is his strength. The team has plenty information on exactly what type of player MEJ is inside.

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1 hour ago, Geezy said:

Guys saying Bryant will be paid too much to retain, then saying he wont be paid enough to get a comp. Pick lol well which is it?

If the dude balls out, which I think he is. Reggie's best attribute is contract structure, im sure well bring him back on a contract we can get out of it he acts up. Bryant was the best WR available, he is a legit baller. 

I like Bryant but he has averaged 3.5 RPG and 53 YPG.  Plenty of talent but not production.  If he plays well enough to earn a comp pick we can not afford him and if we can afford him he did not play well enough to justify a third round pick.  As I stated earlier if we had just traded the third for a second rounder next year the difference in value is a late second rounder even if we get a third round comp pick.  Get use to Gruden not valuing rookies and draft picks.  We will draft the high motor guys instead of the high potential guys. Gruden gets his star players thru FA and role players in the draft.  He is not good at evaluating talent or developing it.   I love Gruden on game day but he needs to be on vacation during FA agency and the draft.

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