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BDL Discussion Thread *OWNERS MEETING STARTS 1/31/18*


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Hoo, hoo..... hoo-hoot.

I think that’s the sound an Owl makes right?

Sent in my resume in to my hometown team, The Portland Horned Owls. I’ve dreamed of playing for them since I was a kid.

That what this is for right? Like tryouts?

Either way...  if they don’t sign me I’d be willing to travel for work. I have a great resumę.

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Glad to have you aboard @domepatrol91

Always a pleasure to add new blood. For any others interested, instead of having a waiting list to join the league, we use Co-Owners to help new members learn the ropes and in all likelihood  eventually take an open spot when they occur because of RL reasons etc. 

This is our 7th year of Bizzaro craziness and as others have said the active forum here helps out a ton to keep the league going.

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2 minutes ago, OleXmad said:

The Portland Horned Owls would officially like to welcome DomePatrol as a co-owner.

We never talked about salary, but I’m sure we can work something out. Thanks for having me.

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