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BDL Discussion Thread *OWNERS MEETING STARTS 1/31/18*


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1 hour ago, MD4L said:

Week 1

Gotham @ Seoul 

Charleston @ Portland

Compton @  Camden

Singapore @ Orlando

Oklahoma City @ Berlin 

Louisiana @ London

Wichita / Rome

Cuba Long Beach



Yea this is what I thought.

26 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:

Were you on the tab for this season? 

I don't know what this means.


edit: Oh I got it. My fault.

Edited by Jlash
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OK fixed the couple errors on the schedule 


2017 Schedule 

Week 1 
Gotham @ Seoul 
Compton @ Camden 
Orlando @Singapore 
Charleston @ Portland 
Oklahoma City @ Berlin 
Rome @ Wichita 
Cuba @ Long Beach 
Louisiana @ London 

Week 2 
Gotham @ Camden 
Charleston @ Orlando 
Portland @ Singapore 
London @ Cuba 
Berlin @ Rome 
Compton @ Seoul 
Louisiana @ Long Beach 
Oklahoma City @ Wichita 

Week 3 
Berlin @ Charleston 
Camden @ Cuba 
London @ Gotham 
Rome @ Orlando 
Singapore @ Wichita 
Seoul @ Louisiana 
Long Beach @ Compton 
Portland @ Oklahoma City 

Week 4 
Orlando @ Gotham 
Camden @ Charleston 
Wichita @ Louisiana 
Compton @ Portland 
Seoul @ Singapore 
Long Beach @ Oklahoma City 
Cuba @ Berlin 
Rome @ London 

Week 5 
Charleston @ Compton 
Seoul @ Camden 
Gotham @ Singapore 
Portland @ Orlando 
Louisiana @ Rome 
Oklahoma City @ Cuba 
Wichita @ Berlin 
Long Beach @ London 

Week 6 
Gotham @ Charleston 
Orlando @ Camden 
Singapore @ Compton 
London @ Berlin 
Rome @ Cuba 
Seoul @ Portland 
Louisiana @ Oklahoma City 
Wichita @ Long Beach 

Week 7 
Charleston @ Cuba 
Louisiana @ Singapore 
Orlando @ Berlin 
Long Beach @ Seoul 
Gotham @ Rome 
Oklahoma City @ Compton 
Wichita @ Portland 
London @ Camden 

Week 8 
Orlando @ Charleston 
Singapore @ Portland 
Seoul @ Compton 
Long Beach @ Louisiana 
Rome @ Berlin 
Camden @ Gotham 
Wichita @ Oklahoma City 
Cuba @ London 

Week 9 
Seoul @ Charleston 
Camden @ Singapore 
Portland @ Gotham 
Berlin @ Louisiana 
Long Beach @ Rome 
Orlando @ Compton 
London @ Oklahoma City 
Wichita @ Cuba 

Week 10 
Singapore @ Charleston 
Orlando @ Seoul 
Compton @ Gotham 
Rome @ Oklahoma City 
Cuba @ Louisiana 
Wichita @ London 
Camden @ Portland 
Berlin @ Long Beach 

Week 11 
Charleston @ Camden 
Singapore @ Seoul 
Gotham @ Orlando 
Oklahoma City @ Long Beach 
Portland @ Compton 
Louisiana @ Wichita 
Berlin @ Cuba 
Rome @ London 

Week 12 
Charleston @ London 
Singapore @ Long Beach 
Camden @ Rome 
Oklahoma City @ Seoul 
Gotham @ Berlin 
Cuba @ Orlando 
Louisiana @ Portland 
Compton @ Wichita 

Week 13 
Cuba @ Gotham 
Rome @ Charleston 
Singapore @ Oklahoma City 
Portland @ Long Beach 
Compton @ Louisiana 
Berlin @ Camden 
Seoul @ Wichita 
London @ Orlando 

Week 14 
Charleston @ Gotham 
Camden @ Orlando 
Compton @ Singapore 
Cuba @ Rome 
Portland @ Seoul 
Berlin @ London 
Wichita @ Long Beach 
Oklahoma City @ Louisiana

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23 minutes ago, Counselor said:

Y'all gonna go through that Doc and change Vegas to Long Beach...

We just got done inputting a whole new spreadsheet to try and mitigate previous issues.  Give us a minute.

We still love you though.  Get more people to join.

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Ok new spreadsheet is almost ready. Rosters are in and they're based on the old spreadsheet. Please check your roster and see if there's an anomaly.

I'll look at IR, PUP and suspension lists later and I will add tabs for the draft (order and picks) later also.

Let me know what y'all think: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hPgiLAmHCINzN6SEcHaWH9SN23CMids_Ekij48i46wE/edit#gid=217338194

Thanks to @bcb1213 @SirA1 and @Ragnarok for the help.

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