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1. How do you think each one of us played?

ted - really good at comps. loyal to a fault. sticking to his guns with something he feels is the right thing to do (evicting mission before jury and not budging on that)


shady - i think surviving the fated tribe speaks volumes with how well you played. i cant speak to how you did it, but you did it well.  i liked working with you because we werent afraid to rock the boat


pickle- probably the best comp player in the game. you did very well considering the twins are a huge target

flux - you played very well. under the radar. playing both sides. i personally trusted you never to evict me, so i wanted to protect you. won some comps

orca - started off by taking in more information then you give, which doesnt help to build trust. however, by the end of the game, i was fighting hard to keep you over et80. you were a nice underdog story, and i hoped you would have moved on. its one of only a few things that didnt go my way this game. also, great at comps 


2. What do you think did us in, ultimately?

ted - after bcb left, you outwardly expressed your displeasure to me too much. also, trying to do too much with the eviction, like trying to sell a touch vote to the twins and the funky bunch alliance when some of us had ties to touch


shady - this one is hard to pinpoint. i didnt want you to leave because you were a good ally. at the time, there were several alliances going on, and i knew et80 was going to use the idol. so it was either pickle or you. that time, you got the short straw, and there wasnt much you could do because pickle played the idol too 


pickle - a key to a good social game is sharing information. if you shared with you  that my clue netted you an idol, i would have trusted you more, and enusured that you survived. i helped protect you in the previous 2 votes (even though you used the idol, you didnt need to). but after that, i felt like there were other people who trusted me more.

flux - i think you know, lol. orca throwing the comp so we couldnt get rid of et80.


orca - if you didnt throw the comp earlier, et80 would be gone, and touch would be more apt to keep you. i dont know if i could have convinced touch to save you in a better way, but maybe i could have

3. How would you vote if it was your current opponent vs one of us instead of you? 

ted - if you made it to the end, i would vote you to win over hockey. you scared me this game, and were good at comps as well. if you made it to f2, and i was in jury, it would mean you got one over on me

shady -  if you made it to the end, i might vote you depending on your testimony as to what happened in the other tribe. how you survived. i might give hockey the nod on this one because whicker gave you an idol that provided 2nd life. however, if your story wowed me, i might change my mind. however, you were like teflon don and kept surviving amongst all odds, so i may have no choice but to vote you to win

pickle- for your comp play, id pick you. 

flux - i might pick hockey on this one, but if you made it to the end by successfully integrating with the twins alliance, i would definitely choose you. i would pick the person who had the toughest road, and you were trending in that direction

orca- for sure, you. 

Edited by Malfatron
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@Malfatron @Hockey5djh

Be completely honest, do not try and suck up.

1. You are on a ship that has wrecked on an island in the middle of the Caribbean.  It is close to sunset and there is no chance for immediate rescue.  One of @Pickle Rick or @The Orca are there with you.  Which one do you want there?

2. Out of the jury members and whichever of PR/Orca you don't want on the island with you, who do you want searching for the Survivors of the shipwreck? 

3. What is your first task on the island before the sun completely sets?

4. You can't find any food on the island, do you resort to cannibalism?  

5. Do you want others to eat you if you go first? 

6. While out looking for food one day you find a buried treasure chest full of GOLD.  The chest appears to have been buried by pirates centuries ago.  Do you share this information with the other survivors?

7. All existing water and food sources are exhausted on the island.  You see 2 islands in the distance.  There is a large mountain on the middle of your island that you haven't gone over to explore.  What's your next move?

8. Your finally rescued, is PR or the Orca still alive by your side?

9.  Do you share the buried treasure with the other survivors? With PR/Orca?

10. What is the first thing you do when you get home?


11. Are there any moves or votes in this game that have caused you to lose sleep?

12. Who on the jury would you want to meet IRL? 

13. Which of the members of the jury do you wish would have not made the jury? 

14. Do you feel any of the moves you have made will result in you losing someone's vote? 

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And now I want to make some actual comments on this game.

1. @Hockey5djh, I appreciate the flattery. But what exactly about getting me out before Final 7 was a "big baller" move? Up to that point I was definitely buying my time until the individual aspect of the game (the team aspect bores me). I hadn't been a top contributor to my tribe's winning streak before this. I even volunteered to sit a couple of the challenges out. I didn't exactly talk to many people [I had PMs with Malf, Pickle Rick, Orca, Ted, Touch (I believe)], and my communication with them was sparse to say the best. I was pretty adamant about voting out Mission (the only other names I mentioned for eviction were PR and Orca. I mentioned to Malf that they needed to be split up). I had no solid alliance, no agency in any competition. At the point of my eviction - my resume may have been the worst (besides Mission) of anyone remaining at that point. Why do you feel my eviction was a "big baller" move? To me, it seemed like an "easyvote, not a strategic one.

2. The person I talked to the most in the game was probably @Malfatron. With that said - I never trusted him. He has hosted BB too many times to find out which strategies (mine) work and which one's don't (everyone elses). Despite not fully trusting him - I felt like he was the most open with me, which does highlight Malf's game as I am sure other's have a similar sentiment. As Malf mentioned earlier - Orca had some communication with me at the beginning of the game (as did PR, wanting to do a "Twins alliance" which I was for, btw - we could have rolled this game). My issue with PR and Orca was that they were the first people to PM me asking where my vote was, etc. But were the absolute last people to share anything with me. I often dissented from their "advice" on the fact that I never trusted them. With that said, I think Pickle Rick and TheOrca were the two best competition players in this game. I am sure others noticed as well - but both of them would routinely be in the Top 4 or so of each comp. If I noticed it - I am sure someone smarter than me did as well. Those two were probably the two players that I felt "threatened" by the most in this game.

3. I once again lasted longer in the game than @FinneasGage, and am therefore better than him. 

4. As with BB - 26 (or whatever number) people is far too many people to begin the game with. Please stop this trend.

5. Stop voting out @Nazgul early(ish) in games.

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Three votes are in, four votes left. 

I won't tag remaining players, but when I get down to two votes remaining I will send friendly reminder PMs. 

FYI to everybody who played, I am about to delete every single PM in my inbox.  I am extremely obsessive and out of all the things, saving all those conversations and not deleting them is probably my most impressive feat from hosting this game. 

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Just now, Outpost31 said:

Three votes are in, four votes left. 

I won't tag remaining players, but when I get down to two votes remaining I will send friendly reminder PMs. 

FYI to everybody who played, I am about to delete every single PM in my inbox.  I am extremely obsessive and out of all the things, saving all those conversations and not deleting them is probably my most impressive feat from hosting this game. 

What about the confessionals, though?

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Just now, Nazgul said:

4. As with BB - 26 (or whatever number) people is far too many people to begin the game with. Please stop this trend.

I actually agree with this.  It's fine if you have 20 players who actually want to play, but we had some players that didn't want to play and those players kinda took the enjoyment out of it at times for players who did.  If/when I host a game like this again, I will definitely keep it to a maximum of 20 players.  28 was way, way, way too many players. 

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Just now, Nazgul said:

What about the confessionals, though?

I saved all of those on my computer in chronological order.  I WILL play confessionals this year.  After all votes are in, I will replay confessionals WHILE reading votes. 

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7 hours ago, Malfatron said:

1. Did you vote me out?

no, on the day you got voted out, i voted to evict et80. i was trying hard to convince touch to vote out et80 as well. subtley though, by going through the pros and cons. at that point, you had spilled all your guts to me about your game, and i completely trusted that you would take me to the end. remember when i said i had an evil plan? i was trying to convince touch to give you a sympathy vote by placing a single vote on et80. he said he was going to, but i guess he had a change of heart. it would have been glorious.

2. Did you ever vote me?

yes, i voted to evict you instead of flux. flux ended up going though.

after the evict et80 plan fell through, i decided to go with you because i felt that you might be harboring a grudge because of pickle.

3. Were you serious that you wanted a final 3/4 with me and pickle?

yes, especially with you. the cards certainly could have fallen that way. i soured on that idea when i found out that pickle won the idol with my clue, and didnt tell me (i spend a lot of time looking for that)

4. Is hockey correct that I had no chance?

no, hockey is speaking solely from his point of reference in the touch/malf/hockey/et80 alliance, which turned out to be the final four, but it didnt start out that way.

Follow up, did me and pickle have no chance at the merge unless we kept winning?

you had a chance. i felt like i was giving you guys more information that i was getting back. if there was more quid pro quo, you definitely could have been there at the end. again, hockey has one point of reference with his comment.

5. You said I have a good social game, can you explain further cause I thought it was awful especially given who made the final tribe?

because even though i evicted your brother, you completely won me over that everything was under the bridge, and you wanted to move on with me. you then completely opened up to me. i went to bat for you hard because of this, and its because of your social game

6. Did Flux not winning the challenge change your mind about anything?

yes. i knew you and flux were getting in close. the plan was to evict et80 and then form an alliance with you, me, touch, and flux. when you threw it for et80, i was a little baffled because we talked about evicting et80 because he was the scariest. 


7. I maintain the best 4 players overall were Myself, Malf, Pickle, Touch (No order). Would you agree or disagree?

i think the best players were





(no order)

your comp game is on point, and you have a better social game than pickle imo


8. What did you know about my ousting and when?

i knew i needed touchs vote to evict et80 instead of you. i knew where the other votes were going right away

9. Did you ever lie to me?


If I made the final 3 with you given any number of people as the 3rd....would you have taken me to the final?

It depends on who made it there with me.

I would have taken touch as my number 2.

otherwise, it would have been a tough choice. i would have weighed the pros and cons.

i would like to think id take you in many cases

but....thats moot because there was no way youd be losing that endurance comp lol


There was no information to give you. I was the best or 2nd best comp player imo (to you), but did opposite of BB. I talked to a few people here and that is it. I would have loved to give you more info, but I just didn't have any. 

Hockey- other than a couple chatty posts never heard from him

ET- He tried to suck up a couple of times and got a gift to the final 5 but still voted me out :/

Shady- Talked to one time

Flux- Very little convo until the end but when I did ask him where to vote 4/5 times wasn't the truth (Which led to my fateful crapstorm)

Touch- Talked to a lot eventually but told you everything I believe

BcB- Talked to a lot but it was clear the group had other plans ( @bcb1213 loved your game and wanted to see you get further)


Malf- We talked more than I talked to everyone else combined probably in the whole game including all tribes (not including Pickle).

We were in step with plans and ideas. I agreed with everything you said (except Pickle). I was taking you to the finals and would have told everyone to vote you. You deserved it more than me. If I talked to others like I wanted, maybe I would have had the social game to make it. In the final 6 I felt like the outsider which led to some bad decisions that will continue to haunt me (So sorry @Adrenaline_Flux)


That said 

Did you ever consider evicting me?

Did you think about not confessing to ousting Pickle?

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That said 

Did you ever consider evicting me?

when it was between you and et80, no. i knew keeping you around was the best thing for my game, and you endeared yourself to me by throwing everything out there on the line for me and being really open and honest. I knew it would blow things up, but i wanted to see the look on et80s face when he was surprise lynched. i wanted to keep you from the start.

earlier in the game, maybe. but i considered evicting everyone and the pros and cons


Did you think about not confessing to ousting Pickle?

no, i confessed right away and i never thought twice. lying to you would have been so obvious, and it frankly would have destroyed our relationship in the game. i remembered back to when you were ltbf, and when i surprise evicted bcb, you told me if i wanted to make a game move, you were down. i was hoping you would look past it and forgive me, and we could move forward

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1 hour ago, Malfatron said:

ted - after bcb left, you outwardly expressed your displeasure to me too much. also, trying to do too much with the eviction, like trying to sell a touch vote to the twins and the funky bunch alliance when some of us had ties to touch

I agree that I didn't play that council well (my social game overall was not good enough). But I don't understand the I "wanted touch out" thing. You, Shady and hockey know that I wanted to include him in the alliance, as well as ET. Hockey didn't want to expand the alliance but I never wanted him out.

I did say that I thought the twins had 2 idols and ET one. Touch was a safe backup vote in case Pickle used an idol, since I didn't think he had one. I was right about all this. 

You used that to have touch vote against me. That's a good play from you. But I don't believe I was wrong to share a strategy opinion (which was good imho) to my allies. 

As for what I said to the twins. I didn't think the twins would go after me because I assumed they knew it was better for them to keep me in the game. I was wrong on that one. I probably tried to do too much as you said

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