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3 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

@Shady Slim tells Jeff what's what

it's probs a smart move to not leave the confessional convos otherwise you're just gonna wind up having like a million decentralised confessional convos with everyone and that'll be such a pain to manage, and also for people to send their confessionals, like just a heads up
seems we have a strong stable i trust with me, mission, and swoosh - and et as well? maybe? this is very good. i also very much trust dwight and want him to go deep with me too but i'm unsure if the rest of the dream team does... mookie is a good guy but as a past winner you got to be concerned about him, and i don't really know wood

Then apologizes

sorry if that sounded blunt or condescending btw didn't mean it to
you're doing a good job today was a fustercluck lmfao

Jeff laments on the lack of effort in finding Idols

At this point in the game, I’m amazed at how few attempts I’ve had at finding the Hidden Immunity Idols.  There were some half-butted attempts from a few people, but only Touch really tried, and he didn’t even try that hard, he just got lucky.  The Hidden Immunity Idol for each of the first four tribes was hidden at the base of the Flag I presented from each tribe.  This was one of the easier Hidden Immunity Idols to find. 



Was I the only one to find the first ones?

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Just now, theuntouchable said:

There’s always next time. 

I feel like people have been telling me "next time!" every game only to be the first people to try and evict me.

One of these times I am going to get 2nd place again. And it will be glorious!

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@MookieMonstah thought he was entitled to a free hidden Immunity Idol clue

1. As last seasons winner I believe I should get an immunity idol hint. Thanks

ET reflects on the first Tribal Council
Totally should have been me, as I'm playing half cocked right now - but even a half cocked ET provides more than a fully loaded on a Red Bull/Mountain Dew/Mountain of cocaine cocktail version of CWood.
And, I mean... even @CWood21 would admit that. 
Time for the next game - expect me to kinda sorta pay attention, find a way to "get a loophole" and... well, not win... but not lose.

While waiting for Utley to Sober up, Dome offered more thoughts
Settling In - "On the Outskirts of INDYana"
I've built a secret shelter to do my research in privacy. I think the twins trust me, but I have reason to believe they might eventually boot me for SovereignNazgul if need be. I'm not very worried about it right now. For my studies to continue I'll need to prove more useful than anyone else in my tribe. I'll do anything to advance the twins but I'm not sure they'll do the same for me.
First Word Challenge: I got a little carried away with trying to get other teams penalized. I feel like Jfin was joking from the beginning with the eviction stuff, but was pushing for SOME penalty just like I was. I wasn't in communication w/ twins during this and they were fairly quiet in thread. They both got their answers right, which was expected. These two are strong competitors. I wonder who will be eliminated first between the two of them. I hope and believe they'll be in the final 3 with me, at least from our group.
I may have made myself look bad right out of the gates, but both of the twins took displeasure with the editing not resulting in a penalty so I'm glad I said something. I'm glad they kept quiet, I'm OK with taking some heat early but I hope people don't just shun my tribe for it. I came in too hot, we'll see what the fallout is.
#2 P.S.
Just got back into our Chatty after the 24 Hour Idol touching game. Stallyns messed up again because he didn't read the rules nor my instructions carefully enough. I specifically reminded the tribe to read everything carefully after the first word blunder. Apparently my advice was not heeded.
I'm quite angry. Trying not to let it distract my research. The twins are quite angry as well and I look to support whichever way they take it.
#2 PPS 
I’m in crazy town. Rules don’t matter if you can just guess what the host meant. It doesn’t change anything, but how does nobody care and how did nobody else notice what the post actually SAID? 
I’m not mad about the typo but I’m very surprised about how it played out. And I’m very glad it ended up not mattering. 
I can’t get distracted from my studies. But I do enjoy making everyone mad when I make such a fuss. Maybe it’ll be a hobby and change of pace rather than a distraction.

ET Provides some thoughts after What Time Is It?
So, time to reflect on how great I am. That coded message was pure brilliance, I don't know how anyone other than me would come up with this.
One major con of being as great as me? Every single time - without fail - people look to me as the leader. No matter what, I end up as the Alpha dog, and the little puppies are busy fumbling over their own paws to get anything done. That gets me on watch lists, I've then got to pull this team across the finish line. 
Merger, take me away...
I'm basically Babe Ruth calling my shot nowadays.

Dome thinks ET is mad at him.
Threats - ET might be mad at me
I think ET is mad at me. He said something about hanging me by my entrails. Seemed a little extreme. All I did was call him a cheater and try to get his team penalized in Comp #1
I’ve never been hated like this, I mean of course I have but not so outwardly. I want to see how the rage manifests itself, so I may continues to poke the bear so to speak as it relates to ET. I’ll look at this as a side project.

Shady speculates on the votes from his Tribal Council
so i am almost certain the other vote for ET was made by mookie, and he is likely next to go if we have to vote again given not only is he outside the DT but he is a past champ and wasn't on board with the wood vote
dwight's outside of the DT too but i rly do trust dwight and don't want him gone, especially given that i trusted him in bb and the house decided to flip him then 

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1 minute ago, Nazgul said:

I feel like people have been telling me "next time!" every game only to be the first people to try and evict me.

One of these times I am going to get 2nd place again. And it will be glorious!

Well had you spoken to me, I could have saved you. When you didn’t talk much at all after that I took it as a sign of mistrust and let the chips fall where they did. 

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2 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Well had you spoken to me, I could have saved you. When you didn’t talk much at all after that I took it as a sign of mistrust and let the chips fall where they did. 

I thought people liked me enough to keep me. 

I should have known you all feared me more than you loved me. That's on me too.

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@Whicker sees the writing on the wall

It's over for me. I'm getting voted out. I knew I wouldn't win this game after my Big Brother win, but I just didn't expect to lose so soon. Fortunately, I'll get to unfollow the thread and focus on work, which I desperately need to do. 

Jeff got frustrated here

I think everybody who ever plays in a game like Big Brother or Survivor is going to have to provide a list of potential challenges because every challenge gets a complaint.  Some people complain about too much luck, some people complain about the rules and potential loopholes.  It's very difficult to come up with challenges for this type of game.  Every single challenge has a fault.  With an online setting, cheating is ALWAYS a possibility.  Poor sportsmanship is always a possibility.  These games were designed to be played as if in person, but we're online, on a forum.  Editing posts comes into play.  In person, it does not.  You cannot edit what you say in person.  You cannot capitalize INDY in Indiana when you're speaking.  The best you could hope for in person is inflection of a voice, and that wouldn't be nearly as telling in person as typing INDYana.  Every single challenge is going to involve too much luck or too many potential advantages, fair or otherwise, interpretations of the rules, etc.  Jeff thought about having an entire thread based on discussing potential challenges, but he's not going to because he created every challenge weeks before Survivor started, but the next time he hosts, he's having this conversation BEFORE the game starts. 


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Jeff sees a trend

Second Survivor, Second BB winner quitting?
Is there a Big Brother curse for Survivor?  Whicker is talking about quitting.  TK3 quit midway through Survivor: Antarctica.  I am trying to console Whicker, but it seems he can’t take the heat of other tribes.  ET’s game is getting to him. He has since calmed down, but I was scared for a while there.

@Wyld Stallyns with his lone confessional

• Confessional• you didnt help build the shelter, you would show up out of the blue when it was time to eat but didn’t help catch fish, cook rice or collect fruits and nuts. Oh and BTW your lame story about your uncle was gross. GET HELP •/Confessional• 

@FinneasGage says some things.  A lot of things.

i guess i'll just recap all the **** that's brought us to this point.. i drafted the sensual centaurs. coming into this game i just knew i wanted to play with malf... we've talked about teaming up in a BB-style game before and this was the chance. utley is one of the main homies on this site. man i dont even think he's like super good at challenges or whatever but i dont really give af. that's really kinda where my allegiances end on this tribe. im loyal to those guys no matter what. flux is a likable fellow and loyal i think... just don't really talk with him as much, but to me him and malf are the most important people on this tribe. i cant see myself ever hurting flux emotionally. he got crazy undervalued in the draft. i like touch.. dont trust him as much as the others for whatever reason. sanchez is good dude. i post with him regularly on almost every subforum and i still kinda feel like i have no idea who he is though. i think he's loyal. hockey i have no gauge on. he just kinda ended up on the tribe. i made the list hella quick. 
we have a main [spam] which is really active with all us. sanchez and hockey not really as active. didn't think sanchez would be active in that regard. i also made another [spam] with myself, malf, utley and flux. i trust those guys more than anyone and feel they're super strong players. we'll always control the vote. if we were to lose it'd be between sanchez and hockey. they're all pushing for sanchez, but if we do end up losing im gonna try to get hockey out. i have no relationship with him and he's not as active as the others. 
i came in with no strategy. usually just mess around and see what happens. for a while i was like trying to do a heel thing where i would keep tagging jeff and making note of "rule infractions", but i dunno i forgot there's some odd ppl on this site that react to **** seriously, so i stopped lol. at this point im pretty much just chillin in [spam]. i drafted a solid group of guys, so i've just relocated my bull****ting to there. we're coasting thru challenges. i think we got 1st in all three immunity challenges so far. maybe 2nd once i dunno. nothing surprising with the votes so far. 
**** has kinda calmed down. i feel a little bit of stagnation, so im thinking about doing something. i dont know what yet. i can't go back to the heel ****, cause i already broke that character. 
alright so this **** was hella long and probably boring. not proud of the content of this post. from this point my confessionals will be more reactionary, but wanted to just kinda put my thoughts together there


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#4 PS (Intoxication level: Moderarte to HIGH)
Things have quieted down with ET. I won him over with my charm, I'm sure of it.
I hope to keep tyty around with the twins and I as long as possible. He's taking this game real seriously and told me he was our MVP like 4 times. I hope he understands when I try to remove him if it comes to that, but the twins gotta stay together for this to work. I'll need to out perform him now that we're out of the movie comps for the Twins to keep me around. 
I love you @Tyty Thank you for watching so many movies. 


At this point, I'm certainly convinced I'm surrounded by idiots. @swoosh might be the the only team member I have that isn't missing a chromosome, and even that's up to debate.
Next time, I need to submit a got damn big board. A team of @EliteTexan80, @Utley and @theuntouchable would have won the whole game by now. 

So, a little bit of a confession - one of my side projects in the game is to get an all out twin war going. Have both twins either attack each other, or fight their own twin.
Twins are nothing more than double the amusement for me. Let's see if I can get this going.

@TedLavie with his first confessional

Here's my first confessional. Hopefully it's not the last.
Collectively, this is a very poor start. Between bad strategy, poor involvement and tough luck, we can't seem to catch a break. We've already eliminated SirA for a questionable decision on a challenge and ipwn for poor participation, and just lost yet another reward challenge. We badly need a win in this Immunity Challenge (or actually, to avoid a loss).
Individually though, it's going as well as it could be. I have alliances sealed with bcb and Whicker (both don't know about the other one of course), and Gopher offered me another one, which I politely declined because I didn't want too many alliances. Rags is the next one to go anyway since he's working all the time, so I'm in a good position among my tribe.
We'll see how many of us can survive before the merge. I'm guessing the merge happens when a tribe is down to 3 people so it might come rather quickly. When the time comes, we will have to strike a tribe alliance with another tribe. If we're in inferiority, we may use our weakness in number as an advantage. Plus, we have Whicker idol (which he told me about as part of our alliance) that we need to use smartly as well.
But before getting into that, we need to survive some challenges, otherwise we will be done soon enough.


See, here’s the thing Jeff. It takes a lot to be centaur. Sure, we may make it look easy but it takes a lot of work. I’ll admit that it comes natural to most of us here in the tribe but I don’t think Sanchez understands. 
This is us:

This is Sanchez:

The worst part? We know Sanchez has it in him. We’ve tried for days now to bring it out on him but it doesn’t appear to have worked. We need that boy to pick up and really go for it. We want him here next to us putting in work. 

See that guy right there? That dude is the epitome of puttin in work. That dude has a no quit mentality and makes a killin off of puttin it in. We want Sanchez to be there with us. 
Thats why it’s time for him to put up or shut up. 

Julie.  I mean mathman.  I mean malf.

There is no way i am going to win survivor because i am too good at comps.
I am, however, guaranteed to make it to the merge.
i have two chatties. one with the whole group. one with jfin, flux, utley, and me.
since there are 7 people, the purpose of having a core of 4 is to control the votes if we lose. 
however, i also have an agreement with theuntouchable, so it may come to the point where i will have to backstab utley.
touch came to me and told me he found an idol. so if touch is in danger of being voted out, i will tell touch to use it, and we will get rid of utley instead.
right now, the centaurs havent lost a comp, and we are getting to the point where we are sitting out multiple people. so we came up with the plan to have sanchez do the comp alone. plus, it was a good ratings move. jfinley and i are all about the ratings.

Touch (I think, missing a name for this one for some reason)

While messing around in chatty, myself and malf came up with the idea of "disowning" sanchez as a gag. I forget everything that was said at this point, but malf suggested we have sanchez do the challenge solo to prove himself. How it came about from malf made me laugh ridiculously hard. So we had to do it. As you know by now... sanchez very quickly gave up lol. 
I wanna keep sanchez around so we can continue to berate him. So I've been trying to convince the core four to vote hockey. So far I've only talked to utley & it hasn't gone swimmingly. basically he's being loyal to hockey. i kept asking him very aggressively "are you with us?" "or against us?". and then he's like "don't do this". this went on for about 40 minutes lol. he might be upset with me, i was very aggressive. so anyways... i submitted my hockey vote. could not convince ute to vote hockey. i told sanchez to vote hockey. trying to get everyone else on board. almost positive malf will be on board w/ the hockey vote. just gotta convince flux or touch. i feel strong flux will go w/ what the core 4 believes... which is voting hockey.. even tho ute is not doing it. he also thinks im gonna act at him now because of our sarcastic chattty argument. so that's something maybe. Meanwhile me and malf have embraced playing for ratings.  Getting to the end with malf is what I want. Sanchez just finally responded to my PM. He's such a likable guy. Which is why this is so amusing to me and malf. 
I'm probably forgetting something. That's what I can recall. Daddy doesn't play sober. 

@Nazgul threatens Jeff because his mind game isn't strong enough to figure out riddles.

If you don’t let me find a clue,
a cavity search is what I’ll do,
from top to bottom and inside out,
I’ll find the clue without a doubt,
by searching your innards all the way,
just give me a damn clue and I’ll pay. 

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Whicker comes back reborn.  For a little bit.

I've spent a lot more time away from the forums the past few days and focused on work. It's been really helpful and I feel much more motivated for this game. The slower pace has helped a lot as well. I apologize to Jeff and production for my hissy fit and I'm now back to recording confessionals. 
I'm interested to see how this goes as my experience in this game has been wildly different from my Big Brother experience. Whereas my diary room sessions in Big Brother came from a position of power and a lot of certainty, I write these confessionals from a place of timidness and unknown. 
The tribe shakeup was an unfortunate circumstance for me. After having to fight very hard to stay alive after my first Tribal Council, I finally worked myself into the majority alliance with Ted and Bcb. We had Rags in our sights and it looked like the three of us were headed to merger together. Now, I do not know how this tribe will shake out. 
Ted and I have a final two deal and he is my Rags for this game. I'm going to lean on him hard. I think he's in that sweet spot where he's an extremely smart person who will be dangerous in comps while also being under-the-radar enough to sneak by. He's also got someone (me) who is going to work hard for him. Alongside Bcb, Famous, LTBF, and Shady, I would be thrilled if Ted won this game. 
Shady and I worked together in Big Brother and he seems very willing to work with me again. Since Mission isn't in our tribe, I believe I'm his current closest ally and I trust him. 
Ted and I have tried to bring in Hockey along with Shady for a BDL voting block. He has thus far seemed on board but wary. I hope we have him as then we can at worst force a 4-4 vote. 
The other four people in our tribe I have concerns about. Utley is a Big Brother winner and is likely very dangerous if motivated. He hasn't seemed awfully active so he could be a checked out non factor. I still want him gone soon. Bucsfan is the newest member of this game and I haven't played with him in this kind of setting. I don't know at all where his head is at. Tyty doesn't seem serious enough to actually win this game. I feel like he'll be the easy target if we have to go to Council. 
Malf is the man I trust the least. I tried to reach out to him, but he was very guarded. He assured me that I wasn't his target, but that's not what I was looking for. I was hoping he'd be the fifth vote for us, but I'm now thinking if I had it my way, Malf would be the first one of this tribe to go.

Jeff was happy with Malf actually playing the game

It didn’t take long for Mathman to find the Hidden Immunity Idol, and FINALLY somebody actually hid a fake Hidden Immunity Idol in its place.  Jeff is really hoping somebody - anybody - finds the fake Immunity Idol and tries to play it.  Castaways… I don’t know how many times I had to hint that this was a possibility.  Every time somebody found a hidden idol, I wanted to say, “…You… You could hide a fake one…” But I didn’t because I am impartial.  (Nobody found the fake idol)

@Adrenaline_Flux with his first

Confessional before Tribal:
I'm in an okay spot right now. I am tight with Pickles right now and am tight with jfin and touch. Working both sides a bit right now. Going to try to gauge where Dwight and naz are, but neither can be trusted much; especially naz.

Jeff with more commentary

While Jeff was sleeping, Touch found his second idol.  He’s in a very commanding position in this game if he knows how to properly use his idols.  I really thought more people would be better at figuring out those riddles. 


My new tribe is weird I really only trust bcb. Let the ball fly and swoosh we’re feeding eachother coconuts. Dome is now sunburnt to **** because he thought tanning would be a good idea to try and impress ET..... no clue why he thinks she’s cute, ET is literally a heifer 


so, i won an idol. i am going to try to save it for as long as i can.
after the tribes merged to three, i still have an alliance with utley and hockey. i know they are tighter with each other, but i trust them. we can control the voting block. 
i have also been talking with Whicker. We are both competitive, so it can be a mutally beneficial relationship. we have agree to target the person who is a liability in comps.
otherwise, i dont feel the need to reach out to anyone 
i firmly believe the centaurs will come together if the tribes merge again.
we will just keep winning


Confessional #3: June 26 2:31am
I now head the Misanthropic Minotaur tribe. this tribe is far less exciting. with me, are two former Centaurs: touch and flux. They remain my main allies. In doing the whole pair up thing I went w/ Mission. I've been posting w/ mission pretty religiously since I was 15 years old, which is wild. That bond can't be broken, it extends past any other alliance, forever. Malf, myself, and Mission is the main crew. I should include ute too, cause he's my guy, but doesn't understand how deep the Malf/Mission roots extend. 
So what's happened? I'm not sure. I came in hot, establishing my presence as head master in [spam]. They were submissive and weak for the most part. Then... I went inactive for like 3 days and ignored all PM's coming my way. 
We lost a challenge i guess. Plan was to vote Rags out because of the BDL allegiance. He played an idol as we all know now. So now Dwight talked his way into a revote w/ Mission. Mission makes it hard. He's both my best friend on this site, but also holds me back more than anyone. It used to be the opposite though.. so I can't ever turn my back on him. 
Untouch just gave me a hidden immunity idol. Not sure I trust it. Probably will end up gifting it to another centaur, so if it is fake it's not my grave. If it's real, I get the praise teeheehee. 
Needless to say I'm trying to get Dwight voted out. I've threatened Naz and FJ. Naz mocked my threats. I blocked him. I enjoy arguing w/ him though, so will probably unblock him soon. Keeping him around makes this way funner. He is one of the few guys in this that's decent at going back and forth entertainingly. 
Dwight should be gone... That's what i anticipate. Next is FJ... Cause we'll probably lose again cause this tribe kinda sucks. I miss you malf. 
I forgot to mention... I made a final 8 pact w/ Rags. I don't think either of us believe it's sincere. 
Again.. I probably forgot some ****. I gotta start doing these more often so I remember what the **** is going on and don't type so much. Honestly I do this to summarize **** to give myself a better understanding of everything going on. 


sooooooo jfin first asked me who I thought I could be right with outside of him and flux. I said rags because I feel like him and I line up pretty well personality wise. 
Then we lost our first comp and dude wants to vote him out immediately. 
so I’ve already got one idol and I found one more. 

Time to stir up some controversy America. I’m gonna give this beautiful purple beast to rags and vote for him. This will essentially confirm my role with jfin and give me a good “in” with rags as well. Ultimately I would actually trust rags more than jfin but neither need to know that. 
also, I’m sure you all watched me create that fake *** idol. Time to plot what juicy controversy I’ll cook up next. 
ive built a few more fake idols. I think I’m gonna give one to jfin and one to naz. Naz is asking me if I would vote mission in a revote. 
I think I’ll just give him one of the fake idols. Have him give it to his brother and see if fin wants to give mission his or hold on to it. Then after that I’m gonna ask who “found” the idol and placed a fake one there. Watch the whole group unravel as they try to figure it out.
i may not last very long because of this but by golly it’ll be fun. 

Jeff promises at some point he started saving gifs

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6 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

While messing around in chatty, myself and malf came up with the idea of "disowning" sanchez as a gag. I forget everything that was said at this point, but malf suggested we have sanchez do the challenge solo to prove himself. How it came about from malf made me laugh ridiculously hard. So we had to do it. As you know by now... sanchez very quickly gave up lol. 
I wanna keep sanchez around so we can continue to berate him. So I've been trying to convince the core four to vote hockey. So far I've only talked to utley & it hasn't gone swimmingly. basically he's being loyal to hockey. i kept asking him very aggressively "are you with us?" "or against us?". and then he's like "don't do this". this went on for about 40 minutes lol. he might be upset with me, i was very aggressive. so anyways... i submitted my hockey vote. could not convince ute to vote hockey. i told sanchez to vote hockey. trying to get everyone else on board. almost positive malf will be on board w/ the hockey vote. just gotta convince flux or touch. i feel strong flux will go w/ what the core 4 believes... which is voting hockey.. even tho ute is not doing it. he also thinks im gonna act at him now because of our sarcastic chattty argument. so that's something maybe. Meanwhile me and malf have embraced playing for ratings.  Getting to the end with malf is what I want. Sanchez just finally responded to my PM. He's such a likable guy. Which is why this is so amusing to me and malf. 
I'm probably forgetting something. That's what I can recall. Daddy doesn't play sober. 

this was @FinneasGagei believe

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