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6 hours ago, HorizontoZenith said:

The leader you previously selected will be guiding your tribe mates through an obstacle course.  Your tribe mates will be blindfolded and chained together.  We have no obstacle course, blindfolds or chains and we are online instead of on an island, but tough mammaries, use your imagination!  

How this challenge will work:  

Each tribe has already selected a leader or had their leader selected for them.  The Leader will sit in a perch high above the other castaways.  The other castaways will be tied together and blindfolded in pairs of two.  The leader has to guide these pairs back to his base.  How are we going to do this online?  Each Leader will be given a an ATHLETE, ACTOR and THING.  You cannot tell which pair has which.  The leader will have to provide ONE WORD clues to each of the pairs of castaways.  The fewest one word clues and guesses to get all pairs of castaways back to base wins immunity.  

You guys were all sleeping and worried about people cheating, that you didn't even notice that @HorizontoZenith hid an immunity idol right in the challenge description. Yeah, I'd like to go ahead and claim in front of everybody. Thanks!

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1 minute ago, Dwight_Schrute said:

mates will be blindfolded and chained together.  We have no obstacle course, blindfolds or chains and we are online instead of on an island, but tough mammaries, use your imagination!  

lol, i read this as mutiny

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13 minutes ago, Dwight_Schrute said:

You guys were all sleeping and worried about people cheating, that you didn't even notice that @HorizontoZenith hid an immunity idol right in the challenge description. Yeah, I'd like to go ahead and claim in front of everybody. Thanks!

As a first time player and zero time watcher of the series, I don’t know if you’ve won the game or what 

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