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Khalil Mack traded to the Bears (Page 19)


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On 9/4/2018 at 1:06 PM, BayRaider said:

Uhh Von Miller won basically every Denver playoff game in 2015. 

And I never said cut Carr. You're twisting words for your narrative. You're emotionally attached to Carr, just like most were emotionally attached to Mack here. You don't know if Carr is a Franchise QB and you don't know if Mack would of helped our team in the long run. For all you know we have four 7-8 win seasons in a row with terrible depth on the roster paying two guys 50M. 

Miller was a key part, sure, but they also had an elite secondary, great overall front 7 and one of the best defensive coordinators of all time 

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16 hours ago, Nodisrespect said:

Guaranteed contracts are the wave of the future, the Nfl can fight if they want but its going to happen. And of all the guys to commit to Mack is the guy, squeaky clean and injury free, I guess the Raiders never plan on keeping GREAT players again?


There was a interesting Article showing how John Randle And Bruce Smith were paid upwards of 12% of their teams salary cap back in 2001, and at 23.5m and a projected cap of 190m next year Mack would have made 12.3% and Mack is a better player all-round player than Randle was. This situation makes no sense Mack asked for Market rate under the current conditions for Elite HOF level talent. 

This was just a flat out stupid move that was completely illogical. The salary cap is not going down for every company that wants out of the NFL business they're a 100 waiting to take the spot. Gruden needs to modernize his way of thinking this is 2018-2019 and the money is bigger.

A part of me feels he is sabotaging the team to lower expectations and establish dominance which be fine if that was actually part of a plan but we all know it's not.

Sure Randle and Smith where paid 12% of their teams cap. But it certainly didn’t win their teams any Super Bowls. 

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2 hours ago, dante9876 said:

Not the same. Mack wouldnt had miss games. Steelers been screwing over bell for like 3 years. While having a huge usage. 

You don't know that. They hadn't talked since Feb that's far from a certainty. He was already sacrificing 3-4m in fines to that point.

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6 hours ago, dante9876 said:

Not the same. Mack wouldnt had miss games. Steelers been screwing over bell for like 3 years. While having a huge usage. 

To be fair, they have offered him a Gurley sized deal multiple times before Gurley even got his deal. I think Bell honestly just doesn't wanna be a Steeler at this point. Unless he's shooting for some astronomical number like 20 mil a year

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WARNING unpopular take


First let me preface this with I was extremely upset by the Mack trade.  He was easily my favorite Raider of the modern era.

However, putting rose colored glasses on, I think long term there's a possibility that our defense could be better NEXT year without him...  Please hear me out.


Getting a second first next year (and the following) is obviously a big deal.  However, the cap savings when thought of as  other player acquisitions could net a more talented pool of starters.  The only caveat is that Reggie has to nail both free agency and the draft (which lately has been far from a sure thing).


First for the draft:

I think Bears give us a mid round pick as they're pretty stacked, though still behind in their division. Meaning they miss out on the playoffs.  The Raiders I unfortunately expect a very early pick. 

Lots can change this season both collegiately and professionally but...

I think Raiders miss out on Oliver and Bosa, though I think Davis and Ferrell are possibilities.  I'll be optimistic and say Ferrell is there.

For the Bears, Greedy Williams could be available.  Williams, Conley and Melvin (assuming he's kept) make a nice trio of CBs.

As far as the cap room, I know this isn't Madden, but safety market is severely depressed.  Plus our safeties suck.  Big splashes in the safety market as next year looks as if a bunch of impact safeties  would be available.  Both Earl Thomas (has expressed interest in the Raiders) and your choice of SS, say Honey Badger for now.


All of a sudden, we have a pass rush and one of the best DB group in the league.  With 2 young CBs and 2 draft picks at DE, we have a young and inexpensive core at some of the most expensive positions in the league. 

Use the rest of free agency money and draft to fill other needs and we maybe don't look so bad...


-Just trying to find the silver lining in a bad situation


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11 minutes ago, 101Raider said:

For the Bears, Greedy Williams could be available.  Williams, Conley and Melvin (assuming he's kept) make a nice trio of CBs.

Unless he bombs this year, NO WAY Greedy is gonna get out of the top 10. 6'2", ultra athletic shadow corner with ball skills who can play boundary or slot. He's the top CB prospect for 2019 right now

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Once again the issue with our front office is not what they do but how and when.  I do not mind taking a chance here and there but to trade for a high level WR that has not proven to anyone that he is a man of his word or has any self control is stupid.  Trade a 6th or 7th have fun but a third should be close to a sure thing.  Bryant without the suspension is worth a third because of his lack of production.  Trading for draft picks at the beginning of the season is stupid unless you get a stupid offer.  The equivalent of 2 firsts round picks is very good especially for a defensive player, best haul ever, but his value was pretty low because of the timing.  We looked desperate.  Let him sit.  He is only hurting his own value and most likely he would have come back before week 1.  We blinked and looked desperate.  I love RM but he blinks a lot and therefore I believe does not have what it take s to be a GM.  Someone else in our FO needs to be in control of trades and early round picks and yes I think Gruden should automatically be crossed off of that list also.

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No matter how long I think about it and try to be positive, I don't see anything good about this trade. When you draft someone, you WANT them to be KHALIL MACK... and then we finally have him, a future hall of famer, and we trade him because we can't afford him? BS....should have paid the man, he deserved it more than anyone on our team. 

Guess we'll have to see what these 1st round picks end up being. I think without Mack we don't really have a shot at the playoffs this year but I hope I'm wrong.

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