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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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So I was just browsing Wikipedia's disaster pages, as you do on a Friday night, and found this. 


In 2004 a freaking fighter pilot on a training mission fired 8 live 20mm cannon rounds into an elementary school by mistake. Luckily, no kids were at school because of parent teacher conferences. 

He pulled the trigger meaning to fire a new laser towards a target on the base, but had it set to fire the 20mm rounds instead and fired 22 of them before realizing it. 

How have I never heard about that?

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Put our house up for sale this weekend. We have had 4 showings so far, with 2 people that said they like the house. However, we haven’t had an offer and have had 2 people say that our neighbor situation is a dealbreaker.

They are nice people, but they are exactly why HOAs exist. Their yard and outside their house is a dump with skids everywhere, an extra water heater outside by the shed, a dumpy pool with an unsecured makeshift pallet fence, and about 5-6 cars in their driveway. The rest of the neighborhood looks great, but of course they have to live next to us and it’s a detractor right now.

 I’m 💯 serious right now in how I should handle this situation with our neighbors. Any advice? Like I said, they are nice people.

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4 hours ago, The LBC said:

Fun fact for all you 80's and early 90's kids out there ( @ET80 this is going to blow your mind): On the original Ninja Turtles cartoon show, the Shredder was voiced by none other than Uncle Phil from Fresh Prince.

Are you just now finding this out?

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36 minutes ago, MrDrew said:

Are you just now finding this out?

Apparently.  My kids are finally getting to the age where I can expose them to the cartoons that I grew up on as opposed to just Paw Patrol and Daniel Tiger and House of Mouse.

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5 hours ago, The LBC said:

Fun fact for all you 80's and early 90's kids out there ( @ET80 this is going to blow your mind): On the original Ninja Turtles cartoon show, the Shredder was voiced by none other than Uncle Phil from Fresh Prince.

Yeah, I knew that. James Avery was a talented guy...

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18 hours ago, MWil23 said:

Put our house up for sale this weekend. We have had 4 showings so far, with 2 people that said they like the house. However, we haven’t had an offer and have had 2 people say that our neighbor situation is a dealbreaker.

They are nice people, but they are exactly why HOAs exist. Their yard and outside their house is a dump with skids everywhere, an extra water heater outside by the shed, a dumpy pool with an unsecured makeshift pallet fence, and about 5-6 cars in their driveway. The rest of the neighborhood looks great, but of course they have to live next to us and it’s a detractor right now.

 I’m 💯 serious right now in how I should handle this situation with our neighbors. Any advice? Like I said, they are nice people.

Burn it all down.

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2 minutes ago, bucsfan333 said:

I don't just mean the junkyard next door. Burn the house too and collect the insurance payout. 

I'm talking neighborhood. Every street, with the beautiful cleanse of fire...all will be made pure.


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2 hours ago, ET80 said:

I'm talking neighborhood. Every street, with the beautiful cleanse of fire...all will be made pure.


ET been watching too many famous dictator speeches on YouTube 

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26 minutes ago, pwny said:

TFW Portland has better tacos than the must go places in Texas. 

Portland has a lot of stuff better than a lot of places. 

Hit up Victor23 brewing if you get a chance, it’s across the river in Vancouver, @Dome can give you directions.

I have it on good authority Lompac’s is also good as is Mac N Jacks African Amber.  

Enjoy the PNW my man.

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