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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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5 minutes ago, EliteTexan80 said:

Scum move is Scum.


If I were mafia why would I tell you a thing that makes me look like mafia!?! You're trying to mislead people, which can only mean you are mafia.  It's literally the only possible explanation.


 So what's the deal? Who's turn is it to host?  I have two weeks before classes start back up.

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Found my old laptop at my parents today. 

Hasn't been on since about 2012, judging by the last saved file. 

It's so slow, noisy and hot. Even though I basically defragged it's crawling with 4GB memory. 

Was hoping I didn't need a new laptop and could use this one, I was wrong. 

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People need to stop saying, "I mean..." before every statement they make.  It's worse than TBH or smug because it's not a joke, and people use it way too much.  We know what you mean.  It's why you're about to say what you mean to say.  I've seen people use it three times in two sentences.  It's this generation's "like" as in people who used to say "like" multiple times in a sentence.  It's worse because people didn't say "like" the way they did in writing and it was typically just a verbal precursor to what you were about to say, but "I mean..." is used predominantly in written text, and written text is something that you can control. 

I get that people are totally going to retaliate for me posting this and use, "I mean..." as a joke just because I'm an easy target, but that's good because I want that.  If people do it to make fun of me, it will bring awareness to it and eventually it will fizzle out and people will maybe think twice on this site before they use it.  It makes people sound like teenage girls trying to be cute on Tinder when they use it.

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