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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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11 hours ago, DontTazeMeBro said:

All you have to do is look at the sky and watch the way the sun and moon moves. It’s so obvious that the world isn’t flat. Flat earth has nothing to do with the existence of dinosaurs. And it feels like a cult when people don’t even want you to ask questions 

Looking at the sky move has nothing to do with proving the earth is round. If it was flat the moon and sun could still travel from one end to the other. 


You can ask questions, just most people will roll there eyes if there dumb questions. Like if i started asking questions about how clouds arent real but made by the government, theres no reason to entertain it because its dumb. 

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All I'm gonna say about fossils is that I don't believe they're remotely accurate on the time.  There's literally nothing that we can compare it to for a frame of reference.  We didn't have a time capsule from 65 million years ago.  Flaws in carbon dating are numerous.  Living creatures can be dated to 1,600 years old.  Carbon dating likes to point to its accuracy when measuring the rings in the stumps of trees, but the oldest living tree is like 5,000 years old.  A toothbrush has been dated at hundreds of thousands of years old.  A fossil from a lizard that died like a year before it was tested was dated at thousands of years old.  When there are mistakes of things that are so young, how can we possibly trust radio carbon dating to accurately go back millions and millions of years?  For all we know, something happened 10,000 years ago that has screwed the process dating anything past that.  The arrogance behind carbon dating is really obnoxious. 

I believe in dinosaurs though.  I effing love dinosaurs.  There are probably still undiscovered living dinosaurs in parts of the world today.  More realistic than Bigfoot. 

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Flat earth people are weird. What the hell would the point of the government continuing to lie about it? It isn't like we haven't been to space now, you can clearly see Sats in the sky now. Every single country agree on it that it is a sphere. With all the hate around the world I am sure Russia or someone else would have came out and said NASA is a bunch of liars.

Dinosaurs, while they can be wrong about their age, it is not like they are expecting to be perfect, they are just giving an estimate. Also, what would the advantage to be that they are lying and saying look a dinosaur bone!? To give little kids nightmares from thousands or millions of years ago. It makes no sense.

I know mammoths were real, I have found multiple tusks back home, and we even found one in Minnesota at a gravel pit. I would have to imagine Dinosaurs are real too.

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There is no point wasting time with the type of people that believe in a flat earth or any of that conspiracy nonsense. They don't think the same way normal people do. There is no logic or basis in reality. You will never understand them, and they will never learn. You are better off trying to teach tax law to a lampshade.

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41 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

There is no point wasting time with the type of people that believe in a flat earth or any of that conspiracy nonsense. They don't think the same way normal people do. There is no logic or basis in reality. You will never understand them, and they will never learn. You are better off trying to teach tax law to a lampshade.

You probably won't change their mind, but I don't think you can say there's no point. These people vote based on nonsense. Imagine if 51% of Americans believed in a flat earth - would we still have NASA?

That said, I agree that you can't present a basis of facts to someone who believes in a massive conspiracy that has no basis in fact. Apparently the most efficacious way to convince anti-vax people they are wrong is to show them pictures of people suffering from diseases with vaccines. That's infuriating, but if they had a brain that could read and interpret data correctly, they wouldn't be anti-vaxers.

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1 hour ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

You probably won't change their mind, but I don't think you can say there's no point. These people vote based on nonsense. Imagine if 51% of Americans believed in a flat earth - would we still have NASA?

That said, I agree that you can't present a basis of facts to someone who believes in a massive conspiracy that has no basis in fact. Apparently the most efficacious way to convince anti-vax people they are wrong is to show them pictures of people suffering from diseases with vaccines. That's infuriating, but if they had a brain that could read and interpret data correctly, they wouldn't be anti-vaxers.

It’s a waste of time and there’s no point imo.

These people have all been presented the facts and willingly ignore them.

I’m not going to waste my time arguing with knuckle dragging idiots.

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41 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

It’s a waste of time and there’s no point imo.

These people have all been presented the facts and willingly ignore them.

I’m not going to waste my time arguing with knuckle dragging idiots.

There's a difference between "it probably won't work" and "it's a waste of time and has no point". I agree with the former. But you still have to try, because unfortunately in this country even people who don't value data (and, frankly, reality) have voices that do count.

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2 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

There's a difference between "it probably won't work" and "it's a waste of time and has no point". I agree with the former. But you still have to try, because unfortunately in this country even people who don't value data (and, frankly, reality) have voices that do count.

If they don’t value data, why will they value it because YOU say it?

As far as them voting, I can’t fix that either.

Neither you nor I can fix stupid regardless of how hard we try and I’ve got other things I’d rather do with my time.

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