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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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42 minutes ago, cddolphin said:

Or unhealthy foods have become 1) more readily available and 2) cheaper (again, in terms of convenient options). 50 years ago people weren't buying their food in boxes stuffed with preservatives and whatnot, people cooked more often and presumably leaned on basic staples more. 


We also have to understand that these low nutritional value foods are specifically designed often down to a chemical level to get people to eat and crave them. McDonalds doesn’t make money if you eat small portions and don’t want to keep coming back every day.

Getting people to eat an unhealthy amount of their product an unhealthy number of times is literally the business model for every processed food manufacturer. Make the food addictive, make it cheaper to purchase, make it easier to consume, and make it light enough on nutrients that people eat as much of it as possible.

The consumer ultimately holds responsibility for what they purchase and what they know about the product they purchase. But the fact is that a lot of people just don’t have the resources, be it financial, local or intellectual, to make the correct decisions in the face of products created with the purpose of defeating them in this regard.

People didn’t become lazier. They didn’t become dumber. The widespread access to unhealthy things changed, but the positive resources around them didn’t.

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just going to pitch in here because as someone who's an athlete himself i'm a very conscious eater when it comes to nutrition

portion sizes have increased by 20-50% since the 1960s, and in that time the literal size of a plate has increased 20% too. unhealthiness in a diet is just as much psychological as it is physical - if you get yourself a smaller plate, for example, you are not as inclined to fill it up as much. similarly if you eat slowly you give the feedback loop to your brain for ghrelin and leptin (the hormones that control hunger and fullness) to activate and register what you're eating. problem here is there's a portafuel culture where people are eating say a burger in the car, and there's no chance that you're gonna maw that slowly, meaning you are more inclined to feel the need for the large fries or big ol soda to feel full 

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46 minutes ago, iPwn said:


We also have to understand that these low nutritional value foods are specifically designed often down to a chemical level to get people to eat and crave them. McDonalds doesn’t make money if you eat small portions and don’t want to keep coming back every day.

This isn’t groundbreaking stuff, everyone knows this.  You can choose NOT to eat there.  Ask me how I know.

46 minutes ago, iPwn said:

Getting people to eat an unhealthy amount of their product an unhealthy number of times is literally the business model for every processed food manufacturer. Make the food addictive, make it cheaper to purchase, make it easier to consume, and make it light enough on nutrients that people eat as much of it as possible.

Again, don’t eat it. Or make better choices when eating it.

46 minutes ago, iPwn said:

The consumer ultimately holds responsibility for what they purchase and what they know about the product they purchase. But the fact is that a lot of people just don’t have the resources, be it financial, local or intellectual, to make the correct decisions in the face of products created with the purpose of defeating them in this regard.


This is available at every McDonald’s I’ve ever been in.  It tells you the macros, nutrients, calories and that an average diet is 2k calories.  They can’t lead these horses any closer to the water.

What most fat people lack is the will or desire to make better choices. Plenty are just fine being fat.  They aren’t unaware of what they’re doing.

Oh, classic chicken sandwich, side salad and a water.  You’re GTG.  Any idiot knows chicken and veggies are good.

46 minutes ago, iPwn said:

People didn’t become lazier.

Lazy? Who knows.  Less active for certain.  The time spent binging on Netflix, watching DVD’s, playing video games, and having absurd discussions on the interwebz has increased exponentially while outdoor/physical activities has decreased.  This doesn’t even account for the automation that has replaced manual labor jobs.  How many people spent 8 hours a day on a computer in the 80’s?

46 minutes ago, iPwn said:

They didn’t become dumber. The widespread access to unhealthy things changed, but the positive resources around them didn’t.

Access to food? Yes.  Positive resources? Bruh.... if you can’t find dietary info and apply it today, you’re a lost cause.

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1 hour ago, iPwn said:

We also have to understand that these low nutritional value foods are specifically designed often down to a chemical level to get people to eat and crave them. McDonalds doesn’t make money if you eat small portions and don’t want to keep coming back every day.

Feels like an excuse tbh.  

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So, what did everyone have for lunch today?

Sidenote: I don't understand why we don't have a "What are you eating" thread. I need to brag about my chorizo Hot Pockets...

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Flight attendant just hooked me up with 2 free drinks cause I saw how he was sorting recycling/garbage and had it ready like that (my whole aisle’s trash, not just mine) when he got to my aisle

pays to be considerate, folks 


also, in flight WiFi is very nice. It’s pretty fast too.

Edited by domepatrol91
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7 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Ground lamb patty with an avacado.  Pretty tasty.

That sounds amazing 

When I lived in Bellingham i used to go to this place that did a lamb burger with tzatziki and arugula. It was to die for. Avocado would’ve made it even better.

Edited by domepatrol91
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2 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

That can’t be a thing ET.  

That looks incredible.

I feel so old....


It's a brilliant idea, if you think about it...

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