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Mayweather vs McGregor


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Just now, Matts4313 said:

Which is exactly what I said. why not have them run a marathon and slap eachother on the way.

One person was "slapping" the other. Floyd was "slapping" Connor. Connor wasn't slapping back and he hadn't slapped back for about a minute. 

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1 minute ago, 11sanchez11 said:

You can say it was unlikely the fight finished but I saw him finish a fight where I thought it was over and he actually won the next round. I do think the ref stopped it because boxing and not because Conor was irreparable tho. Has there not been worse fights let go than that?

Tho I liked the stoppage because it was probably going to be more Floyd teeing off but not really being able to finish him. But I see Conor's point too. 

Yes, it was impressive what he did against Diaz. But this was now two consecutive rounds of Conor taking a beating. There was still quite a bit of time left in the round and he was going to continue catching hard shots. Look at the last shot Floyd throws that Byrd gets in the way of. That could have put Conor down and if it wouldn't have then he would have teed off another five or so shots. 

Some fights do go on worse than this, but it was just that Conor hadn't thrown a punch for over 30 seconds and wasn't getting away from any shot. Ref had to step in.

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7 minutes ago, RollEagles said:

There was plenty of time left in that round. Floyd would have put him on the mat by the end of that round. That much should be clear to every person watching. Connor wasn't getting out of that round.

Aren't you allowed three knock downs in the round? Maybe let it get to one or nah?

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2 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Who was? Because I started that and was quoted and I said "one of the best light weights ever" - - or at least I thought I did. and yes, i meant his current weight class.

So WWs? There aren't 24 fighters better all time in that weight class, but he's also not top 10 in that class either. The only weight class he was a sure fire top 10 fighter is at junior LW. He was unreal there. WW he had to adjust his style and become much more defensive. 

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Just now, 11sanchez11 said:

Aren't you allowed three knock downs in the round? Maybe let it get to one or nah?

I could see that argument if Connor was even in the fight at that point. He wasn't doing anything in the ring. Hands were down. No counters. Nothing being thrown. 

He was damaged. At that point, you have to call it.

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4 minutes ago, mse326 said:

You could see his exterior injuries.

And if he was only tired why couldn't he at least keep his hands up to defend himself?

Are you being purposly dense? Ive already said multiple times I am talking about ~10 seconds after the fight was over and he turned and started yelling over the ropes. It was literally ~10 seconds after Mayweathers last punch. Go back 20 pages - i said something like:


"Its really odd how he went from fine, to having no control of his legs, to standing up fine screaming over the ropes that quickly". It was even before he went and spoke with Mayweather in the middle. It was like, hey, fights over - guess Im 100 again. not saying it was staged, so it had to be him just super tired.

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36 minutes ago, 11sanchez11 said:

through 8 it was more entertaining than any Floyd fight I ever watched

The first 8 were super competitive. 

Honest question.

Was this the first time you've watched boxing and/or Floyd?

Edit: Wait nvm you said "than any Floyd fight I ever watched".... that makes this opinion worse



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5 minutes ago, RollEagles said:

The purpose of the ref calling the fight is to make sure McGregor isn't an incoherent mess after the fight. He's there to protect McGregor from getting seriously hurt and damaged. 

I think everyone with the exception of one or two saw that McGregor was in very, very big trouble.

Who is this even geared to? Has anyone said they shouldnt have called it? This feels like a strawman argument. 

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I got flash KO'd in wrestling practice one time taking an accidental knee from a couple kids wrestling next to me.


Woke up right after, no clue what happened, but felt completely fine and was talking coherently (as far as I could tell).


After reading this I guess I never actually got knocked out, I was just really really tired, took a quick power nap, and woke up refreshed.

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1 minute ago, 11sanchez11 said:

Aren't you allowed three knock downs in the round? Maybe let it get to one or nah?

There was no three knockdown rule so technically he could have been dropped four times and could have continued. I mean I could see to let it go until he got dropped, but again he didn't defend himself AT ALL. That is a big problem. Byrd saw Conor taking a big time beating two consecutive rounds and saw a guy wobble all across the ring and really had no choice but to stop it.

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1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:

Are you being purposly dense? Ive already said multiple times I am talking about ~10 seconds after the fight was over and he turned and started yelling over the ropes. It was literally ~10 seconds after Mayweathers last punch. Go back 20 pages - i said something like:


"Its really odd how he went from fine, to having no control of his legs, to standing up fine screaming over the ropes that quickly". It was even before he went and spoke with Mayweather in the middle. It was like, hey, fights over - guess Im 100 again. not saying it was staged, so it had to be him just super tired.

How does being tired prevent you from keeping your hands up?

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8 minutes ago, Pats#1 said:

It's a crying shame that this fight will have been watched by probably twice as many people as the 100x better match up we are gonna see if a few weeks.

People are beating each other in a ring/cage (cause I could say the same thing about an MMA fight coming up), it's not that important.

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