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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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8 hours ago, Forge said:

Tyrion also said in a previous episode that they still had enough ships to ferry them back. 

Gotcha, that was something surprised me but I couldn't remember where they were in terms of where they ended up.

I'm on board with those who hated the Theon scene. The actor who portrays him is great, but that scene was super corny and pointless. I would have been fine with just his discussion with Jon.

Man, I already miss this show lol. I may by the audible books to listen during my commutes to work.

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2 hours ago, texans_uk said:

You have to be a Targaryen to ride a dragon right? Does that go for the dead too? 

They would have to do a hell of a lot of explaining if the NK is a Targ.

We already know that the first WW was a First Man (and therefore can't be Valyrian) and its widely assumed that the first is now the NK.  If the first one isn't the NK, I don't see how or why a live Targ would have gone to the Lands of Always Winter to be turned into a WW either.

I think its more likely that this theory is a result of people overthinking things

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1 hour ago, 1ForTheThumb said:

Man, I already miss this show lol. I may by the audible books to listen during my commutes to work.

I love the audiobooks, hoping to listen to them a third time before next season, and probably before TWOW if it ever comes out. I think they've been narrated by multiple people now but Roy Dotrice is the version I have. He plays the pyromancer in the show. His quality declined quite a bit in with ADWD, he'll probably be old to do the next book. 

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11 hours ago, skywlker32 said:

I was thinking the same. I enjoy his character, but it would have been a great surprise, giving Cersei her more reason to lose all control (not that she has much now) of her actions.

Still plenty of ways to cause her to lose even more control.

  • Problems with the Pregnancy (if there is a pregnancy that is)
  • Euron betraying her and taking the Golden Company for himself.
  • Euron being killed by Theon and Theon taking the Golden Company North to fight the WW and AotD.
  • The Iron Bank switching sides after the Night King has been killed and not bankrolling Cersei anymore.

Plenty of ways to drive her even further down the "Mad Queen" route than she already is, let's not forget she friggin blew up the Sept just 7 episodes ago and wiped out several high born families. Whatsmore pretty much the entirety of Westeros (likely including Jamie) is going to be against her if they can defeat the Night King.

What Tywin said to her in S3 rings true: "I don't distrust you because you're a woman. I distrust you because you're not as smart as you think you are."

9 hours ago, sunnygsm said:

Emilia Clarke was much better this season compared to the last few. Might have just been better material. 

Yeah she was much better. Lena Headey still steals most of her scenes, she's fantastic.

3 hours ago, texans_uk said:

You have to be a Targaryen to ride a dragon right? Does that go for the dead too? 

Probably doesn't count when it's dead, plus technically it's just a Dragon Wight now raised by the NK right? So he should be able to control it like all the other Wights.

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11 hours ago, seminoles1 said:

Let's assume 2 things for my following question:

1. The living win the war and kill all the White Walkers.
2. Jon survives and is a ruler.

Does Jon disband the Night's Watch?  Rebuild the wall and assume the threat is never over?  I ask simply because if he disbands the Night's Watch and relieves those men of their oaths, then Sam could be Lord of the Reach!

You bring the whole wall down. You disband the night's watch, make Samwell Tarly the lord of the reach. Brienne of Tarth lord of the Stormlands. Theon/YAra for the Iron Islands, the North run by Sansa, The Vale run by Robin Arryn, The riverlands by Edmure Tully, The westerlands run by Tyrion Lannister/also hand to the king/queen, and Dragonstone run by Missandei.

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7 minutes ago, scar988 said:

You bring the whole wall down. You disband the night's watch, make Samwell Tarly the lord of the reach. Brienne of Tarth lord of the Stormlands. Theon/YAra for the Iron Islands, the North run by Sansa, The Vale run by Robin Arryn, The riverlands by Edmure Tully, The westerlands run by Tyrion Lannister/also hand to the king/queen, and Dragonstone run by Missandei.

And all the castles will be made of gingerbread and the horses will crap meat pies

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