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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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Just now, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Which is fine, but at the same time, people set insane standards that are just completely logically inconsistent with one another when they talk about this show.

People want the stories to be compelling and to care about the main characters, but they want no plot armor of any kind. They want deaths that are significant and heart-wrenching, but also random because again, no plot armor. They want character arcs completed so that the interactions between characters are meaningful, but also they want it to be random and shocking and out-of-nowhere.

Basically, they are asking the show writers/GRRM to tell the greatest story every without using any of the tools for story telling, then pouting when that impossible standard isn't met.


Different people want different things out of the show.  If you want to say the standards set are too high, that's fine, and a valid argument.  Just don't do the whole "bUt dRaGoNs ArEn'T rEaLiStIc!!!!" thing.  That's a dumb argument.

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I think it was fantastic that Lyanna Mormont talked mad ish the whole time then when it came it actually putting money where your mouth is, she gets absolutely blasted by the first dude to come in her face lmao. Talk **** get hit fr

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1 minute ago, Ragnarok said:

The most surprising thing for me was that Brienne lived.  She was my odds-on favorite to die right after getting knighted.

Theon and Jorah were other obvious death choices. 

Sam had no business living.  Seriously.  

Grey worm for me. He had the whole "let's go chill on some beach forever" moment with Missandei, that's always a death sentence.

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1 minute ago, Daniel said:

Different people want different things out of the show.  If you want to say the standards set are too high, that's fine, and a valid argument.  Just don't do the whole "bUt dRaGoNs ArEn'T rEaLiStIc!!!!" thing.  That's a dumb argument.

Agree. I also think it's just not at all what the show was about in season 1-4 and they just completely threw all the groundwork that it set in the trash especially the last couple seasons. I personally havent been able to get used to that yet. It's not the same show anymore.

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18 minutes ago, malak1 said:

Yea, you’re right. It’s should be more believable/realistic, what with the zombies and dragons and all. 

Realistic would have been sticking to the original story. The Prince that was Promised was supposed to end the NK. It was made to be believed that it was Jon or it could have been Dany considering how the prophecy was worded. But it should have been one of them. Not Arya, not Bran, not even the great Hotpie.

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2 minutes ago, Ragnarok said:

The most surprising thing for me was that Brienne lived.  She was my odds-on favorite to die right after getting knighted.

Theon and Jorah were other obvious death choices. 

Sam had no business living.  Seriously.  


Just now, LeeEvans said:

Grey worm for me. He had the whole "let's go chill on some beach forever" moment with Missandei, that's always a death sentence.

Sam is safe, but he should have been in the crypts.

Other than Jorah and Beric, who were obvious, Grey Worm and Brienne were my favorites for death this episode.  My dead list for this one was not good.

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1 minute ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Which is fine, but at the same time, people set insane standards that are just completely logically inconsistent with one another when they talk about this show.

People want the stories to be compelling and to care about the main characters, but they want no plot armor of any kind. They want deaths that are significant and heart-wrenching, but also random because again, no plot armor. They want character arcs completed so that the interactions between characters are meaningful, but also they want it to be random and shocking and out-of-nowhere.

Basically, they are asking the show writers/GRRM to tell the greatest story every without using any of the tools for story telling, then pouting when that impossible standard isn't met.


Its not nearly as hard as your trying to make it out to be. The badguy guy built to an overwhelming force and only last second heroics could save the day.

It did not have to be filmed in such a way. It could have been built more balanced in which the distraction allowed NK to get to Bran. A lot of the heroics like 3 on 50 didnt need to happen. But was added for to bring doubt about known characters. When that doubt was already a factor with so many on the front lines.

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1 minute ago, 11sanchez11 said:

Wasn't the original plan to use Bran as bait/a trap?  It kinda worked out but there was no plan there lol

Plan was to get NK out in the open and then just wing it and hope for the best in proper Jon Snow style. NK saw he was smashing more dudes than Tyrion’s ex wife Tysha on a Saturday night and got overconfident and got Arya’ed

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1 minute ago, Calvert28 said:

Realistic would have been sticking to the original story. The Prince that was Promised was supposed to end the NK. It was made to be believed that it was Jon or it could have been Dany considering how the prophecy was worded. But it should have been one of them. Not Arya, not Bran, not even the great Hotpie.

I can agree with this. 

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Just now, LeeEvans said:

Grey worm for me. He had the whole "let's go chill on some beach forever" moment with Missandei, that's always a death sentence.

True.  Forgot about him.  I thought he was a goner.

I think that was my overall issue with this episode.  Just about every human died except for the main characters.  That's not how a battle works when you have that many people on the front lines.  Especially when they are that outnumbered for that long.  I think they could have offed Grey Worm and Brienne, it would have made sense in the story, and it would have made the death toll seem heavier.  

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1 minute ago, Tyty said:

Plan was to get NK out in the open and then just wing it and hope for the best in proper Jon Snow style. NK saw he was smashing more dudes than Tyrion’s ex wife Tysha on a Saturday night and got overconfident and got Arya’ed

He would've just ice speared Bran's head directly into the Warewood Tree. 

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