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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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4 minutes ago, AlexGreen#20 said:

Another brilliant military call to park the dragon in crossbow range

That was incredibly stupid. All we've heard this season is not to trust Cersei...and then they trusted her.

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Just now, Calvert28 said:

I'm not that smart. But Dany in the earlier seasons has shown real wit when it comes to battle plans and she knew when to listen to her advisors. All of a sudden she is rushing into battles and ignoring everyone? They are taking characters that have shown cunning and doing a 180 on their smarts with no reasoning behind it. Dany pre-mereen would never have done this. Hell Dany prior season 8 would never have done this.

Maybe the incest is finally kicking in.

Isn't her storyline becoming the mad queen?

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14 minutes ago, Nazgul said:

This was my largest complaint.
Ghost effin' whimpers towards Jon and the s.o.b. ignores him.

I was rooting for Jon before tonight. Cersei can win now for all I care. Jon doesn't deserve anything!

My wife and I agree that this isn't the last time they see each other. That can't be how they separate. 

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1 minute ago, seminoles1 said:

Yeah, not in front of everyone. Was Varys even there?

Tyrion has been making objections and getting shot down repeatedly. He also got dressed down by Dany less than a week ago for his decision making. He knows questioning her, especially in that moment, would have been incredibly stupid.

Also you mentioned that they have no siege weapons or ladders and all that other stuff...how do you know that?

So confront her about being a moron in private.

As far as the seige weapons. Because no one has mentioned the conveniently placed stack of seige towers sitting just outside of Winterfell????

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2 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

I'm not that smart. But Dany in the earlier seasons has shown real wit when it comes to battle plans and she knew when to listen to her advisors. All of a sudden she is rushing into battles and ignoring everyone? They are taking characters that have shown cunning and doing a 180 on their smarts with no reasoning behind it. Dany pre-mereen would never have done this. Hell Dany prior season 8 would never have done this.

She's deteriorating mentally after losing multiple battles, lost half her armies, found out she doesn't have the best claim to the throne and has been banging her nephew...and you're surprised she hasn't kept her composure?

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1 minute ago, 11sanchez11 said:

Maybe the incest is finally kicking in.

Isn't her storyline becoming the mad queen?

That's Cersei, and I was thinking how poetic it would be if she heard the story from Jaime about what the Mad King tried to do and instead of accepting defeat she does or tries to burn King's Landing to the ground.

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1 minute ago, seminoles1 said:

She's deteriorating mentally after losing multiple battles, lost half her armies, found out she doesn't have the best claim to the throne and has been banging her nephew...and you're surprised she hasn't kept her composure?

Don't send your Dorthraki army into a blind charge with no real weapons capable of defeating their opponents then?

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Just now, seminoles1 said:

She's deteriorating mentally after losing multiple battles, lost half her armies, found out she doesn't have the best claim to the throne and has been banging her nephew...and you're surprised she hasn't kept her composure?

She and Jon just won the greatest battle in the history of Westeros, decimated the Lannister army coming from Highgarden. B!tch slapped all the slaver cities of the world, and she is probably having the baby of the man who has the best claim to the throne. Why would she be down? Keep in mind incest is not taboo for the Targaryan's. Even Jon wasn't like "I can't believe I just screwed my Aunt." He was all "BTW I have a better claim then you, I'm your brother's son. Anyways lets go win this battle, Mmkay?"

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2 minutes ago, AlexGreen#20 said:

So confront her about being a moron in private.

As far as the seige weapons. Because no one has mentioned the conveniently placed stack of seige towers sitting just outside of Winterfell????

Have fun changing her mind. Not everything can be put on screen. We know Dany and we know how that conversation would go.

I don't get why you feel the need for everything to be laid out for you. Like did they need to show every weapon, supply, etc. talked about a d shown while the armies were packing up?

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3 minutes ago, 11sanchez11 said:

Maybe the incest is finally kicking in.

Isn't her storyline becoming the mad queen?

She's a tragic hero, not a Mad Queen.



The tragic hero is a longstanding literary concept, a character with a Fatal Flaw (like Pride, for example) who is doomed to fail in search of their Tragic Dream despite their best efforts or good intentions. This trope is rare on television, perhaps because watching someone fail once teaches a lesson, while watching them fail every Tuesday gets boring -- though that didn't stop shows like Arrested Development or the so-inappropriately-titled Good Times, no matter how hard they Yank the Dog's Chain. It is more common in Miniseries and Anime dramas, where the program's entire run can be dedicated to one or more Story Arcs that lead to the Tragic Hero's ultimate failure. You'll most likely find this in the Theatre, where the trope was born and codified.

Dany's fatal flaw is her adherence to justice in a fundamentally unjust world. She's totally unwilling to compromise and it's cost her most of her advisers, 2 of her dragons, her husband, her best friend, and is straining her relationship with Jon.

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