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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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1 minute ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

She's a tragic hero, not a Mad Queen.


Dany's fatal flaw is her adherence to justice in a fundamentally unjust world. She's totally unwilling to compromise and it's cost her most of her advisers, 2 of her dragons, her husband, her best friend, and is straining her relationship with Jon.

This I can buy. Good point.

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1 minute ago, PARROTHEAD said:

Kinda wishing the battle was ep2 and this was 3.  I could use a nostalgic "Adventures of Hound and Arya" episode as they make way for KL.

It's winter... There aren't enough chickens left to satisfy an episode like that

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1 minute ago, AlexGreen#20 said:

Don't send your Dorthraki army into a blind charge with no real weapons capable of defeating their opponents then?

It's a consequence of that decision. You want no consequences or changes to characters after dealing with ****ty situations and realizing they made a mistake?

Also, the Dothraki were considered the greatest open field army in the world. They sent them into an open field to meet an army. Obviously not a good idea, but you can see the logic in why they think it might have worked.

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2 minutes ago, seminoles1 said:

Have fun changing her mind. Not everything can be put on screen. We know Dany and we know how that conversation would go.

I don't get why you feel the need for everything to be laid out for you. Like did they need to show every weapon, supply, etc. talked about a d shown while the armies were packing up?

Seige Weapons can not be built in a day, (despite what apparently happened at Kings Landing with Ceresi dotting the walls with laser guided, sidewinder, surface to air misses, I mean giant crossbows).

It is a problem when important plot elements are created with a wave of a hand out of thin air. I don't know how this is a controversial statement.

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Just now, candyman93 said:

Also, I’m just shocked Dany even has an army left. I thought the night king damn near mowed everyone down.

Yeah I was kinda surprised when they said they only lost about half of their forces... Where the hell were they in the last episode? Cause by the end it looked like damn near everyone was dead

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17 minutes ago, NYRaider said:

why would she let Dany live/retreat to plan a war against her?

Uh cause there’s still 2 episodes left? Did you eat a lot of paint chips as a kid?

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3 minutes ago, seminoles1 said:

It's a consequence of that decision. You want no consequences or changes to characters after dealing with ****ty situations and realizing they made a mistake?

Also, the Dothraki were considered the greatest open field army in the world. They sent them into an open field to meet an army. Obviously not a good idea, but you can see the logic in why they think it might have worked.

There was no logic to that. Before their swords got set on fire (something they didn't know what was going to happen) the Dorthraki had no weapons capable of killing a white Walker. They were always going to get killed and changed and end up changing back. 

It was moronic. It was moronic to the point it was illogical unless we accept that the people making the decision have a cognitive disability.

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4 minutes ago, AlexGreen#20 said:

Seige Weapons can not be built in a day, (despite what apparently happened at Kings Landing with Ceresi dotting the walls with laser guided, sidewinder, surface to air misses, I mean giant crossbows).

It is a problem when important plot elements are created with a wave of a hand out of thin air. I don't know how this is a controversial statement.

Timelines have been sped up drastically over the last 2 seasons. It's par for the course at this point.

You said they had none of those things when you don't know that. We've seen a fleet of ships built in 1 episode, but you are worried about ladders being built? Come on.

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7 minutes ago, Nazgul said:

This I can buy. Good point.

Missandei's last word set up Dany's demise too. We all expected her to say Valar Morghulis, but instead she says Dracarys, basically telling Dany to burn them all. She's going to think burning the population of King's Landing is justice for Missandei's death.

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It hasn't been a day anyway... We have no idea how long it's been...GoT has always been terrible on giving indications on how much time has passed, all we know for sure is Dany got there before Jon... And the trip from Winterfell to Kings Landing takes weeks if I remember correctly... So that's a pretty big window.

And we also don't actually know how much time passed from the battle of winterfell to when Jon even left... Could have been a day, could have been a month... The show doesn't tell us dates or anything... And if they have half their army left that means they still have like 50,000+ soldiers.. Wouldn't take long for a force that large to get some siege weapons built

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