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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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48 minutes ago, RavensTillIDie said:

I'm a little confused. Are we to assume absolutely no gold was left in the caravans that were there with Jamie?

The gold was escorted after taking Highgarden. These supplies are what took time to go around to farmers to gather. After the gold had already left for KL. So the gold was a good week or more ahead of any supplies.

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17 hours ago, The LBC said:

Wait... people actually expected Bran to absorb the consciousness of a 1000's-year-old omnipotent being and come out like the same Bran from before?  Really?

He's legit not doing anything different from what Luke did after completing his Jedi training.

I feel like Bran is a lot like Dr. Manhattan in The Watchmen; his understanding of the universe is just another level, and he just grows apart from humanity.  He doesn't really understand human emotions anymore.  He's definitely autistic.

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30 minutes ago, jonu62882 said:

I feel like Bran is a lot like Dr. Manhattan in The Watchmen; his understanding of the universe is just another level, and he just grows apart from humanity.  He doesn't really understand human emotions anymore.  He's definitely autistic.

It's actually kind of sad - I don't think that Meera was wrong when she said that Bran died in that cave. Whatever he is now, he's not Bran. Sure, the consciousness exists in there, and he's physically still him, but everything that made him Brandon Stark has basically been destroyed. 

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4 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

Nah, shes about to give the iron bank a buttload of money. And she still has the greatest armada. She is likely to hire an all-mer army. But her position was severely weakened with the loss of the Tarly/Lanister army.

I don't think it should be assumed that the Iron Bank will still side with Cersei and give her the money to hire the Golden Company.  Tyco has made it abundantly clear that IBB will bet on who they think will win, not just give money blindly to whoever they have already given  money to, and after Drogon's showing, I'd be willing to bet that the IBB bets on him/Dany

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39 minutes ago, drd23 said:

I don't think it should be assumed that the Iron Bank will still side with Cersei and give her the money to hire the Golden Company.  Tyco has made it abundantly clear that IBB will bet on who they think will win, not just give money blindly to whoever they have already given  money to, and after Drogon's showing, I'd be willing to bet that the IBB bets on him/Dany

There is no version of GoT where the Iron Bank doesn't come out ahead. Even in a medieval magic world with zombies, dragons, and elf children things, bankers still run the world. 

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3 hours ago, drd23 said:

I don't think it should be assumed that the Iron Bank will still side with Cersei and give her the money to hire the Golden Company.  Tyco has made it abundantly clear that IBB will bet on who they think will win, not just give money blindly to whoever they have already given  money to, and after Drogon's showing, I'd be willing to bet that the IBB bets on him/Dany

They have literally spent time the last 2 episodes explaining how the bank wants to loan them more money once they repay because they hate Dany and her dragons...

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57 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

They have literally spent time the last 2 episodes explaining how the bank wants to loan them more money once they repay because they hate Dany and her dragons...

Not the impression I have gotten from Tycho at all.  The reason that they are willing to loan more money to Cersei once she pays them back is because Cersei convinced them that they were winning the war as they had already captured Ellaria (and therefore removed Dorne from the equation) and destroyed Yara's fleet.

And before you say that the Iron Bank hates Dany because she liberated the slaves, I don't believe Tycho's non-answer to Cersei's assertion that the IBB was involved in the slave trade was an admission of them being involved - it was him being polite/diplomatic to someone he know's to be crazy/vicious and vengeful

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1 hour ago, Matts4313 said:

They have literally spent time the last 2 episodes explaining how the bank wants to loan them more money once they repay because they hate Dany and her dragons...

Not sure how you come to that conclusion. I don't think anything of the sort was said or implied.

Tychos  likely wants to collect the debts from Cersei because the Iron Bank doesn't think she's going to win and doesn't believe Dany will honor the debts once she rules the kingdoms. 

Edited by skywindO2
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They clearly have a conversation about how Dany is a wild card and there is no guarantees that she is willing to work with the bank. They talk about how she is bad for business and discuss proposals on the best way to deal with her dragons. And the banker is overly eager to loan additional money to Cersie. Its pretty clear which side of the table the IBB is on.

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15 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:



They clearly have a conversation about how Dany is a wild card and there is no guarantees that she is willing to work with the bank. They talk about how she is bad for business and discuss proposals on the best way to deal with her dragons. And the banker is overly eager to loan additional money to Cersie. Its pretty clear which side of the table the IBB is on.

But as for a twist.The Iron Bank was created by slaves. All the slave countries are either broke or were overrun without the IB doing anything about it. The most prosperous cities, are the free cities for a reason you could say. The Bank is getting their loan paid in full, along with a pile of Cersies plans for the war.

They allow her to take out another huge loan. They saw what she did to the temple and her own city. She has over a thousand ships, wildfire that they know shes not afraid to use, with Bravvos being a seaside town. How can they trust her with a big loan?

Dude seems to me he just wants the money and to get outta Dodge.

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