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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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13 minutes ago, rob_shadows said:

Sansa just sent Brienne to be her representative cause there was no way in hell she was going to Kings Landing again while a Lannister is in charge (certainly understandable if you ask me) and Brienne is the person she trusts the most to represent her. 

I know The Hound was using dragonglass after he dropped the hammer...Jon and Beric didn't need it because they had valyrian steel and a flaming sword...not sure if Tormund ever made the switch to dragonglass or not...didn't notice it if he did. 

Hadn't Sansa just decided Brienne would help her handle Arya since she was sworn to protect both of them?  Why did she send her away then?


my only thought is Sansa needs brienne to leave so she can lock up Arya and prevent her from blowing up her spot with the northern lords

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2 minutes ago, seminoles1 said:

The only things I enjoyed about this episode was the conversations between all the men on their trek and Jon's staredown with the Night King.

-Their plan was dumb.
- super speed at which people travel now is jarring.  Yeah, I saw the reddit post, but that doesn't mean it isn't jarring to see how much faster everyone is moving compared to all other seasons.
-Sansa and Arya plot is dumb so far.
-Fighting was okay I guess, but I never once thought anyone of importance was going to die. (Don't try to tell me Thoros is important.)
-Jon not getting on Drogon and going hero onto the ice was unnecessary.
-Jon surviving under the water until almost all of the dead had cleared...right.
-"Coldhands" Benjen saying he couldn't get on the horse because there was "no time"...right.

Just meh.  I hope next week is better.

Speak for yourself! I was almost in tears the first time I watched it because they had me convinced Tormund was going to die! I would have been PISSED if the Hound hand't saved him.

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1 minute ago, grubs10 said:

Hadn't Sansa just decided Brienne would help her handle Arya since she was sworn to protect both of them?  Why did she send her away then?


my only thought is Sansa needs brienne to leave so she can lock up Arya and prevent her from blowing up her spot with the northern lords

Like your second statement addressed that whole thing goes both ways...Brienne could help make sure Arya doesn't try to hurt Sansa...but she'd also be obligated to make sure Sansa doesn't try anything against Arya...the whole thing with Arya and Sansa right now is a mess and I really hope it ends quickly...like...next episode quickly...I don't even care how...just end it.

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12 minutes ago, sunnygsm said:

Well this could be interesting.


Edit: No spoilers beyond today's episode. Mere speculation. 

I don't think it really means much..it's a common fashion among the north and the Night King was once one of the FIrst Men who most of the north are descended from...and the North doesn't strike me as the kind of place where fashion changes much in 8000 years:D

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Not that's it's stopped being enjoyable, but all the complaints about this season losing the harshness and unpredictability of game of thrones are true. The story has just been plot convenience all season. They are clearly just focused on getting somewhere with the story. In earlier seasons, the idea of them chilling on the rock while waiting for Dany to ride in and save them would have seemed ridiculous, but not after how they've softened the realism this season (realism in a world with ridiculous magic/fantasy is the game of thrones magic). From the point Jon told Gendry to send a message to Dany, it was telegraphed what would happen, and everything including the particular dragon being killed and made a zombie was easy to see coming. They couldn't even have killed a different dragon? Had to be the obvious one, who got the most unfortunate name. 

The Sansa and Arya plot has been stupid, but I feel like they'll kill it off and turn around on Littlefinger next episode. These characters are too far for this sibling squabbling to have serious repercussions. Sending Brienne off may have been a fakeout, but I'm not sure since more Jaime and Brienne seems like something they would try for. But Bran is still there and could tell his sisters they're being played if they don't already know.

Again, despite that it's still really good. These last 2 episodes have been lower points on a great season, though, and the whole season definitely has a more rushed less game of thrones-y feel.

Edited by wackywabbit
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1 hour ago, iPwn said:

To me, it seemed quite clear that the “I can’t have children” line was Dany positing an equal partnership, and no longer asking that he bend the knee.

Hadn't considered that. I don't know that I could see "equal partnership", but would she make him her heir, knowing that she can't have children, has no living relatives (that she's aware of)? That's an interesting thought. 

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1 minute ago, Acgott said:

So I guess we can put the three dragon rider/Tyrion Targaryan theory to rest 

I'm glad. I was never fully behind the Tyrion is a Targ theory. Not that I didn't think it was possible, I just didn't like the concept. 

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1 minute ago, Forge said:

Hadn't considered that. I don't know that I could see "equal partnership", but would she make him her heir, knowing that she can't have children, has no living relatives (that she's aware of)? That's an interesting thought. 

I think him becoming the king to her queen is becoming more and more a possibility assuming they both survive. The “I can’t have children” being the discussion of their heirs. Then their hand holding and etc. lends itself to a relationship budding.

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Regarding why more (significant) people didn't die beyond the wall in this episode, I think it would have just drawn more attention to how obviously stupid the whole going beyond the wall and kidnapping a zombie plan was. I think they knew it would have been too frustrating for viewers, who never had any reason to believe there was ever a worthwhile outcome from that venture. 

Or maybe we're all wrong and Cersei will join team Dany once she sees that zombies are real :D

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